I used to hate to look that far out and know there would be tight schedules.
I think Olivia has had her fill of snow for this year. We’re in the 30’s now, but it’s supposed to get up to nearly 70 this afternoon. Storms again starting tomorrow night. I’m hoping at least some clear sky for the eclipse tonight.
Back in 1997, we were in the Utah near Lake Powell and went out into the backcountry to watch in a full lunar eclipse in total darkness. Hale Bopp visible in the opposite sky making it an eclipse that will never be topped.
Oops, I hit post without writing anything, I just took this pic through my window in a light drizzel and wanted to share with you all.
Have a great day everyone.
Good morning!
A few more weeks to go, I guess.
We were also ‘threatened’ by the weatherman yesterday, but it seems we escaped. Even got to see the lunar eclipse last night.
A hit and run. We’ve got heavy rain here and I woke up late. FMom and I have appointments this morning so I’ve got to get both of us going. I could really use some coffee right now.
We had really messy winter weather. Jim’s got a snow day. Fortunately it looks like it’s going to warm up by Sunday when I have to drive to St. Louis (yay, dinner with Mary).
Lucky Jim and you on Sunday. I just looked at the weather radar and I luckily slept through the storm. I know FMom was up all night because of the storm, but my brother and sil are here, so she kept them up all night instead of me. 🙂
A friend of mine is flying down to Mobile this morning to attend a family wedding in Fairhope. They consulted the Farmer’s Almanac a year ago and it said it was supposed to rain on that date (tomorrow) so they aren’t having it outside. 🙂
Back in the 70’s I lived in Mobile for awhile and once the azaleas are in bloom, the Azalea Trial they have is very pretty. Plus Bellingraft Gardens outside of Mobile are supposed to be very nice. Although I never made it to them.
Morning, Andi!
It might be the same here (not that I plan to go out anytime soon) – 6 inches, or so yesterday, first snow, later sleet and rain, but now we’re also back in the freeze.
It’s really kind of meanly funny to watch the dogs walk on it. They can’t quite figure out what’s going on and so they are very precise, almost dainty, in putting their feet down.
Yep, meanly funny is the very bestest funny. Giddy is doubly frustrated because she thinks snow is a great treat and she can’t figure out how to get a bit of this stuff.
…meaning I have to squeeze in a coffee run before everybody goes to tennis at 11, and I have to pick up CBtY at his friend’s house on the way. And it wasn’t even supposed to be my weekend for parenting.
I think we probably have hard crunchy snow too. And some bozo took a swing at my mailbox and left it standing (leaning?) crooked. They totalled my neighbors. What a drag.
This is why we had our “mailbox” made at a machine shop. The solid metal post is welded to the very thick sheet metal housing for the real mailbox. Anybody that hits it is going to do a whole hell of lot more damage to themselves than the mailbox.
It looks to me like some dumbass with a Suburban and a cell phone cut it too close. They also put the flag up…maybe they left me a note after they did it to say they’d fix it?
It seems I put up a good morning earlier and then fell back to sleep, or I was still asleep when I put that up there, because I don’t remember it. 🙂
Anyway in which state of mind I’m in now – Good Morning!
Here’s a new thread, I’m going back to bed. 🙂
Good morning CG!
Or should that be sleep tight.
to me.
Good morning from me.
I did like CG and dozed back off.
Did you have a productive back to work day yesterday?
Busy. After some slow times, I’ve got some tight schedules through March.
It’s snowing here. Gee I wonder if Olivia is jealous. 😉
I used to hate to look that far out and know there would be tight schedules.
I think Olivia has had her fill of snow for this year. We’re in the 30’s now, but it’s supposed to get up to nearly 70 this afternoon. Storms again starting tomorrow night. I’m hoping at least some clear sky for the eclipse tonight.
We probably won’t be able to see it but maybe the clouds will clear out.
Watching the weather, I’m beginning to believe we won’t be able to see it either. There’s an hour window, so I’ll give it a few shots.
Back in 1997, we were in the Utah near Lake Powell and went out into the backcountry to watch in a full lunar eclipse in total darkness. Hale Bopp visible in the opposite sky making it an eclipse that will never be topped.
That does sound like it couldn’t be topped. I remember taking FMom out on a number of occasions to see Hale Bopp.
What was really neat was watching it from the airplane … being 35K feet closer with no light pollution gave us a great view.
Wow I thought ya’ll were just sitting on some rocks out in the desert. The airplane and no light pollution sounds very cool.
Oops I confused you. The eclipse was just sitting on rocks. But we got to see Hale Bopp from the plane flying out to Utah.
Andi you didn’t confuse me. That’s my natural state.
Good morning (grump)!
Stayed up way to late to get some HI returns.
Good morning Ask.
Get some coffee and prepare for a nap. That’ll get rid of the grump. 😉
I’m glad I’m an independent so I can just ignore (as much as possible) the whole thing.
Yeah, Hawaii was a real squeaker – didn’t it turn out to be like a 50 pt. victory?
(and whoever else may have strolled in).
One kid out and on the bus (even though he had to run behind it to the neighbors house to catch it!), one to go…
I’m very sleepy this morning.
Jim is definitely “on the stroll” — he’s got a 2 hour delay. We’ve got about 2″ of snow.
I like 2-hour delays. Short day, still counts as a full one towards the magic number of 180. 🙂
Yep, Jim’s pretty fond of them too. But he’s only had one snow day so he’s got one more to spare and won’t object to having one more.
Morning CG.
Did you get back to bed and get any sleep? I’m pretty sleepy this morning myself.
I did fall back to sleep, but then I slept about 15 minutes too long (I was up a little late last night).
I just wanted to make sure everyone had a nice new cafe this morning.
You’ve had a busy night and you did an excellent job on getting the new cafe up.
Agreed! Good late morning all!
Good morning! Another work day…but only 2 more to go this week.
I’ve got to go and get FMom up and moving. She has an early appointment this morning, and I’ve got to get her and myself ready.
Everyone have a good day.
Well, as usual I slept through the early morning repartee and it’s just me and the crickets.
Chirp! Gotta run, see you all later!
I’m back! Are you still here?
Oops, I hit post without writing anything, I just took this pic through my window in a light drizzel and wanted to share with you all.
Have a great day everyone.
No flowers here.
Good morning!
A few more weeks to go, I guess.
We were also ‘threatened’ by the weatherman yesterday, but it seems we escaped. Even got to see the lunar eclipse last night.
We got to see the eclipse too — through the trees, of course. The red moon was really neat.
It was, and young asklet was her with me for his first total lunar eclipse. Well, I better get him to school – see you later.
Good morning Andi and Ask.
A hit and run. We’ve got heavy rain here and I woke up late. FMom and I have appointments this morning so I’ve got to get both of us going. I could really use some coffee right now.
Everyone have a good day.
Have a good day, FM. Good luck at the doctor.
Thanks Boran, everything went fine.
Good morning!
New snow accumulating – must be about 3 inches by now.
Morning Ask. We got about 2″ of sleet. It’s like walking on ball bearings — I’d much rather have snow.
Good morning Andi and Ask.
We had some heavy storms come through last night, but no damage. Just waiting on coffee right now.
We had really messy winter weather. Jim’s got a snow day. Fortunately it looks like it’s going to warm up by Sunday when I have to drive to St. Louis (yay, dinner with Mary).
Lucky Jim and you on Sunday. I just looked at the weather radar and I luckily slept through the storm. I know FMom was up all night because of the storm, but my brother and sil are here, so she kept them up all night instead of me. 🙂
Just lucky me is going to St. Louis. Lucky Jim gets to sleep in his own bed.
Nope I meant lucky Jim on the snow day today and lucky you and having lunch with Mary.
Hey why don’t you take a snow day today? Oops I forgot. 🙂
Have one of those mini ham sandwiches for me.
Morning SN.
Have you already gotten the bad weather or are you expecting it?
We had a few minutes of sleet early this morning but now it’s just rain. Surprisingly, school was not canceled.
Hopefully that’s all it is. It’s still a little overcast here, but the weather will be OK for the next 2 or 3 days.
A friend of mine is flying down to Mobile this morning to attend a family wedding in Fairhope. They consulted the Farmer’s Almanac a year ago and it said it was supposed to rain on that date (tomorrow) so they aren’t having it outside. 🙂
I haven’t been to Fairhope in years. It’s pretty down there. I don’t think it’s going to rain tomorrow down there, but I might be wrong. 🙂
I’m sure with all the drinking no one would notice a little rain. I checked out Fairhope and it is really pretty.
Back in the 70’s I lived in Mobile for awhile and once the azaleas are in bloom, the Azalea Trial they have is very pretty. Plus Bellingraft Gardens outside of Mobile are supposed to be very nice. Although I never made it to them.
Gotta get going this morning. Wish the coffee had kicked in some.
Hope everyone has a good day.
I’m in desperate need of coffee. Will be back when I’ve had a cup.
Good morning, FM!
Better now?
The sleet has frozen so that you can walk on it without sinking in — which feels very weird.
Morning, Andi!
It might be the same here (not that I plan to go out anytime soon) – 6 inches, or so yesterday, first snow, later sleet and rain, but now we’re also back in the freeze.
It’s really kind of meanly funny to watch the dogs walk on it. They can’t quite figure out what’s going on and so they are very precise, almost dainty, in putting their feet down.
That’s funny.
Ah, meanly funny – my favorite kind of funny. Morning everyone..sorry about the bad weather. We just have clouds but it’s heading up into the sixties.
Yep, meanly funny is the very bestest funny. Giddy is doubly frustrated because she thinks snow is a great treat and she can’t figure out how to get a bit of this stuff.
Hopey hates to get her feet wet – so I guess the drought has been good for her.
How will driving to SL be tomorrow?
It should be okay. It’s going to be around 40 here and warmer than that in St. Louis. No precip in either place or inbetween.
I can’t believe I’m jealous of your trip to SL. But I am. 😉
You only need to be jealous of one dinner in St. Louis. You can feel sorry for me for the rest of it. 🙂
Giddy says she wants to practice walking on top of the sleet. See ya later.
We’re totally out of coffee this morning…
…meaning I have to squeeze in a coffee run before everybody goes to tennis at 11, and I have to pick up CBtY at his friend’s house on the way. And it wasn’t even supposed to be my weekend for parenting.
I think we probably have hard crunchy snow too. And some bozo took a swing at my mailbox and left it standing (leaning?) crooked. They totalled my neighbors. What a drag.
This is why we had our “mailbox” made at a machine shop. The solid metal post is welded to the very thick sheet metal housing for the real mailbox. Anybody that hits it is going to do a whole hell of lot more damage to themselves than the mailbox.
It looks to me like some dumbass with a Suburban and a cell phone cut it too close. They also put the flag up…maybe they left me a note after they did it to say they’d fix it?
Ha. Like that would happen.
Good morning all! If I was a meanie, I’d put the cats out to see what they would do on the frozen sleet. IIRC, cats on ice are pretty humorous.
Good morning everyone again.
It seems I put up a good morning earlier and then fell back to sleep, or I was still asleep when I put that up there, because I don’t remember it. 🙂
Anyway in which state of mind I’m in now – Good Morning!
Good morning, FM! Gotta go out and dig 8 inches of snow off the car. See y’all later.
Good Morning Boran.
Enjoy your shoveling. 🙂