The two biggest problems I have with the reactions to Michelle Obama’s heartfelt comment about her finally having something to be really proud of this country about is this. We eviscerate candidates and campaigns for their scripted syncopated messages saying we want honesty and real emotions. Then we crucify those who would give it to us. America once again proves that “You can’t handle the truth.” I would expect the Republicans, pundits, talking heads, and the America; love it or leave it crowd to resort to knee-jerk reactions, but I find it very telling that Democrats and so-called Progressives are joining their ranks in condemning her remarks. The second problem is that it shows how we have allowed the Republican “fear factor” to color our perspective about who we are and what we have become. The same fraudulent media that can swift-boat a decorated war hero into a lying coward while at the same time turning a lying draft-dodging Reservist into a hero strikes fear in the hearts of many.
Any American over the age of 40 whether they be black or white should if they are honest be able to attest to the truthfulness of Michelle Obama’s statement. Forty years ago there were images being played out on television screens across America of peaceful black demonstrators being attacked by police dogs, high pressure water hoses and brutal police just for wanting to exercise their basic rights. Who in their right mind back then would have envisioned that today one of the major Parties is on the verge of nominating a black man for President? How many among us today thought that a black man could draw the cross-section of support that Barack Obama has been able to put together prior to this election? I mean come on people, the guy won Idaho. Forty years ago America’s urban centers and rural counties were ablaze with rage following the slaying of one of America’s greatest heroes, who by the way was long on rhetoric but yet was able to move a nation to confront it’s racist past.
Forty years ago college campuses were exploding with the calls for change to end a divisive war that was killing and maiming a generation; once again for the cause of spreading democracy at the end of a gun. Forty years ago a young man promising change and a new vision of America was gunned down and a fractious Democratic Party was left to sort out the pieces in Chicago amid chaos and smoke filled rooms. To those too young to remember these things or may not have lived through them they may seem ancient, but to those who were there for us to deny the validity of Michelle Obama’s statement is to deny ourselves. We look back over the last 40 years and I would ask anyone to tell me a prouder moment in America than the one we stand at today, with all of its historic significance. Not only have we been presented with the choice for the first time ever of a viable black candidate, but also of a woman.
We as a nation can not allow the right-wing nuts to minimize this moment or to marginalize it. The time has come to put an end to the false patriotism of either you are with us or against us, as if this were some western movie and the choices were as simple as the guys in white hats or black ones. I can love someone or love a nation and still be able to point out their flaws. The real act of love is not to ignore their flaws or to pretend they don’t have any, but to love them all the more in spite of them. It is precisely this myth of infallibility that keeps us repeating the same mistakes over and over again as well as keeps us tied to the ones we have already made. This fear of acknowledging our failings must be overcome if we are to become a greater nation. For one to acknowledge their mistakes is not a sign of weakness, but in fact is a sign of strength and a first step of growth and change.
I suspect we haven’t seen the last of this episode if Barack Obama goes on to win the nomination. The wife of Senator McCain has already weighed in saying, “that she has and always will be proud of her country.” Well given the fact that she was raised an only child to affluent parents and enjoyed the best that this country had to offer I can understand why she is so proud of America, but for those of us not quite as fortunate as Cindy McCain we have seen our share of moments when America was not looking or acting so worthy of pride. To those of us who grew up poor, black, or brown we can understand Michelle Obama’s feelings of pride and elation. Because while Cindy McCain was getting diversion for her addiction and drug stealing, many of us have had fathers, brothers, and sisters who were and are serving felony prison sentences for a lot less. I guess pride is like everything else in this world, it just depends on your perspective.
As a middle-aged black man, I can say that I have never been more proud of this country than I am now. The fact is that the number of whites who are willing to vote for Barack Obama is far more than I would have guessed in my wildest dreams fills me with pride and if this is wrong to say then who really is being dishonest? Michelle Obama and me or those living in a drug induced state of, “I can’t say I have made any mistakes.”
The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate, contrived and dishonest — but the myth — persistent, persuasive and unrealistic – John F. Kennedy
for a very thoughtful and down to earth diary. I am so sick and tired of the phoney crap that Hillary keeps trying in order to get us to like her. That whole bit with the crocidile tears made me want to vomit and ashamed of the women that bought it. That woman is running for President for Cripes sake.
Michelle is a warm, intelligent, thought provoking, real woman and we will be bleessed to have a woman like that in THe White House to council her brilliant husband.
Ron Fournier, AP was brutal in this article:
ON DEADLINE: Race is Obama’s to lose
Others are debating whether or not Obama made a pledge to abide by spending caps.
Mark Schmitt has the details. my link from another post
Gaffe? No as your link confirms, the whackos took the quote out of context. Truncated.
I expect there’ll be more….as the shorter conservative whacks do so well at truncating. But Cindy McCain’s turn will be soon. Count on it.
Cindy McCain, drug-addled stepford wife of the 90s…
Her money isn’t clean, either. There was a long diary on dKos about this on Feb 17, but a relative of mine has knowledge of the situation due to his work. It ain’t pretty.
To me the only reason that McCain is on the rep ticket this year is the payback for letting george the 3rd win the ticket way back in 2000…no more to the story but that is the final breakdown from my perspective. NOt that mccain has any new thing to add to the rhetoric he is the same old ho hum that the always has been and nothing more. In other words it is that bushes said if you back away now [in 1999] and not give me a hassle then I will give it to you in 2007/08. It is just that simple. He knows it and he will not throw it away now for anything. What is mccain all about…why it is nothing but the same as we have had for the past 8 years of bush. He is a lazy and angry old man. He has nothing to offer the republicans and they know it. That’s why he is making head way from ron paul or even huckaberry. Bush made a promise to him and he now has to give in to mccain or else. The big heads of the party know this and will surely keep this a secret for sometime to come.
mrs. mccain is nothing but a white aristocrat. nothing else can she offer to the public but the same old shit that nancy or barbara or even laura has offered..what has she to offer..not one damn thing. she stands for not one thing..nothing…so there you have it. Her middle name is $$$$ and we should not forget it..for with $$$ comes privilege…so there we have it…nothing more nothing less..
Geez, I’m sick of sacred cows like these. I’m not proud of my country, especially since we became open aggressors and torturers, and that’s after years of doing so clandestinely, as well as falling behind the rest of the civilized world in education, health care, civil liberties, etc. What decent person would be proud of that?
But frankly, the whole notion of national pride disgusts me. It’s just the same stupid tribalism we revile in places like Iraq and war-torn African nations writ large. That doesn’t mean I’m not grateful for the sacrifices others have made so that I can enjoy the life I have now, nor — unlike most Republican “patriots” — do I deny that my every achievement is built, to one degree or another, on the efforts of others. But I don’t base my self-image on my group affiliation, nor could I with Fortress Amerika. In the end, I stand on my own merits or lack thereof.
That’s what the kneejerk crowd goes ballistic about. They have no self-esteem. They are small, worthless people and they know it, so they tie themselves to the shibboleth of American Pride(tm) and have a hissy fit any time someone points out the least thing that’s wrong with their idol or their idolatry.
And for the record, I think we can excuse blacks, women, and other minorities for having mixed feelings about America. It’s not exactly a fucking secret that America hasn’t often been such a hot deal for anyone who’s not white, male, Christian, and wealthy. Sheesh.
It’s always interesting to see the "love or leave it" crowd convulse to attention over issues of patriotism. And I’m always reminded of the original source of the "my country right or wrong" quote.
"-Hans L. Trefousse, Carl Schurz: A Biography, chapter 11, p. 180 (1982)."
"-Schurz expanded on this theme in a speech delivered at the Anti-Imperialistic Conference, Chicago, Illinois, October 17, 1899: "I confidently trust that the American people will prove themselves … too wise not to detect the false pride or the dangerous ambitions or the selfish schemes which so often hide themselves under that deceptive cry of mock patriotism: `Our country, right or wrong!’ They will not fail to recognize that our dignity, our free institutions and the peace and welfare of this and coming generations of Americans will be secure only as we cling to the watchword of true patriotism: `Our country–when right to be kept right; when wrong to be put right.’"–Schurz, "The Policy of Imperialism," Speeches, Correspondence and Political Papers of Carl Schurz, vol. 6, pp. 119-20 (1913)."
NOT a good idea. It will turn off more people than it will please.
It’s not a judgment on her. It’s just the way it goes, and it won’t change in the next few months.
Well, I’m white, over 50 and reasonably well off, so my perspective is quite a bit different than hers; but, just guessing here, I suspect I can feel a bit of empathy for a younger black woman who thinks that things haven’t exactly been a banquet of flowers and song, a medley of extemperanea.
Obama was talking about involvement in government and aspirations. She was talking about empowering small children of every race, demographic group, ability and intelligence to dream their dreams. Taken in the context in which it was made, the quote was perfectly correct and appropriate.
What she needs to do is to speak out loud and clear: “I won’t be taken out of context. I won’t be used by people who refuse to talk about real issues.”
What she needs to do is to speak out loud and clear: “I won’t be taken out of context. I won’t be used by people who refuse to talk about real issues.”
Amy Holmes on CNN talked of how “unfortunate” the remark was. I agree. Pretty sad that so much has happened to undermine our pride in being American that many have never lived through a time when they felt proud of our democratic society.
Just who is it who can be proud of a country that:
beat and killed people for wanting equality,
publicly embraces torture,
starts an immoral, unjustified war, and
finds the Geneva Conventions quaint?
Only someone without morals and a conscience.
In Michelle Obama’s adult life, we’ve had 8 years of Ronny, 4 years of Poppy, 8 years of Bill and 8 years of Dubya. At best, the record of Bill’s years in office were mixed. Beyond that, his run for office was backed by the DLC — a group he helped organize to get beyond the “identity politics” of the 80’s (for many, code words for Jesse Jackson and concern about poverty). Obama’s success thusfar does indicate that the American people have made some major shifts since Jesse Jackson’s candidacy (not to mention since Pat Schroeder’s tears were held against her).
Forgiven I have to tell you. I’m a middle-aged white man and I am feeling the same sense of pride. Obama is being recognized as a gifted individual and that so right. Something wonderful is happening and we are alive to see and experience it. Michelle is cool and she is real. Far more refreshing then some Nancy Reagan clone parroting patriotic statements. Thank you very much.
i think you hit the nail on the head. It’s a generational thing .. or a Republican thing. If your under 40 or a Republican you’re not likely to “get it.”
I got it right after it became news and i couldn’t understand what the fuss was.