Lanny Davis was special counsel to the President from 1996 to 1998. He’s a typical Clintonite:
Clinton flack Lanny Davis just explained on Fox News that Barack Obama is like Ned Lamont (who, whatever you think of him, won that Democratic Senate primary), and Hillary Clinton is like Joe Lieberman (who, whatever you think of him, refused to abide by the primary result, ran and won as an independent with massive GOP support, and has subsequently endorsed John McCain). Lest anyone miss his meaning, Davis noted that he had been a devout Lieberman booster.
Will Clinton run as a Republican-friendly independent if she fails to get the nomination? Of course not. But that’s the scenario Davis has gone out of his way to sketch metaphorically. That’s the way to help Clinton get the Democratic nomination.
Here’s a little from his wiki:
As an undergraduate at Yale, he was a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. According to an item in U.S. News & World Report, as part of his initiation into the fraternity, Davis underwent hazing by, among others, the future U.S. president George W. Bush. [1] He also served as chairman of the campus newspaper, the Yale Daily News. [2] Davis went on to graduate from Yale Law School in 1970. It was there that he first met and befriended Hillary Rodham Clinton…
…In 1976, Davis ran for Congress as a Democrat in Maryland’s 8th congressional district. After winning the Democratic nomination, he was in a close contest with Republican Newton Steers before losing after a minor scandal broke out over Davis mischaracterizing his record at Yale Law School.
Davis served three terms (1980-1992) on the Democratic National Committee representing the State of Maryland. In 2005, President Bush appointed Davis to serve as the only Democrat on the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board…
After leaving the White House, Davis returned to Patton Boggs. As part of his work there, he worked as a lobbyist for the nation of Pakistan prior to the attacks of September 11, 2001.
He’s basically the worst kind of person to use as a surrogate in a Democratic primary.
Anybody listening to MSNBC?
According to Keith Olberman–who broke into Tweety’s show w/ breaking news–is talking about a NYT piece linking McCain and w/ a lobbyist, Vicki Iseman.
The gist is that their relationship was getting close–as in romantically–and his staff blocked her access to him b/c of those worries.
There’s more. Will update as soon as i digest it all.
The bluedressHatman has the dirt
apparently with the quote McCain asked NYT to spike the article.dateline Feb. 21.
I read him so you don’t have to link there.
Anybody listening to MSNBC?
According to Keith Olberman–who broke into Tweety’s show w/ breaking news–is talking about a NYT piece linking McCain and w/ a lobbyist, Vicki Iseman.
The gist is that their relationship was getting close–as in romantically–and his staff blocked her access to him b/c of those worries.
There’s more. Will update as soon as i digest it all.
Maybe Huckabuck is right to believe in miracles…or maybe like good pastors, he knew the planks were under the water all along.
Actually, the staff had been convinced of a romantic relationship, so they blocked her access. The two denied a relationship.
I need to get a bead on who her clients were. I think I heard they were telecomm, but I’m not sure.
What’s the bigger story, really – the alleged romantic relationship, or the special access this lobbyist seemed to have to McCain. His staff “moved to protect him from himself?”
Romney’s “suspended campaign” looks interesting…
this was 8 years ago according to the nyt article
frankly, l don’t care, but it’s curious that this is coming up now.
st. john would appear to have some very diligent and determined enemies, perhaps an inside the RATpub apparatchik…or in positions of power in the msm wurlitzer.
very interesting timing….hasn’t yet locked up the nomination…
Totally interesting timing.
ruh roh
check this AP:
this looks like an inside job, eh.
l’ll bring the beer, who’s got the popcorn?
I’m popping it now. And it’s “old fashioned” style, with real butter, not the microwave popcorn with the butter flavor that can burn your lungs.
you can all thank me later 😀 😀 😀
Speaking of the company you keep, Olbermann broke in to Hardball to report on McCain and a female lobbyist he helped out and perhaps had an affair with some time back, as is being reported by the NYT. I smell an oppo research dump by the “real conservatives” in the Republican party.
Maybe it will be Huckabee after all.
Yep, apparently they’ve been sitting on it for years….so why now? Can anyone say front-runner Huckabee?
Keating business will have to come up again. As will his wife’s business associations and those of her deceased father. None of it pretty.
Damn, let’s hope so!!!
my mother lost money to Charles Keating, and I will hold a grudge forever.
If she does, she’ll be forever hated by most Democrats. She will never ever be nominated by Dems. And she may end up with Nader numbers. If she snatches defeat from victory for the Dems, she will expose that her lust for the Presidency is more important than getting a Democratic President.
No, she would never do that.
Hillary is like Lieberman, yeah, that rallies the Democratic base… NOT.
the great irony is in the various blog “wars” between supporters, I – as an Obama supporter – would have taken someone making that analogy to the woodshed for being over the top unfair and irrational Clinton hate….
and then her own campaign says it….
through the looking glass
The message they’re sending isn’t that Clinton is particularly like Lieberman, it’s that she’s “inevitable” no matter what us lousy voters think. This is a warning shot, a threat.
It’s also an empty bluff, but they’re getting desperate enough to try anything.
I think you nailed it, eodell.
LMAO…ANOTHER ReTHUGlican sex-story…….
and with a LOBBYIST!
Who woulda thunk it possible?
is this the huckabee miracle?
Looks as though nrxt step will be to dig up a quid pro quo and if one surfaces the GOP may just be left with the candidat they wished for
I think it just might be Huck’s miracle.
Oh please oh please oh please . . . let it be Obama vs. Huckabee. We’d win 48 states. 49, if the Mormons in Utah were to wake up and realize what Huckabee and his fellow Christianists had in mind for them if he got elected.
Oh Ok I found where you were talking about McCain’s latest…funny I was looking up MCCain scandals a few hours ago, when this story popped up, whoot, what a good surprise to find, I ran into some other stories about his ditching first wife for Cindy, looks like that whole story plus this and plus the Keating affair might be just enough to keep him out of Presidency, if everything else wasn’t already enough.
Another group of latte-drinkers?
Obama won the powerful Teamsters union endorsement.
last night in Youngstown, Ohio, introducing Hillary Clinton to the crowd, Mr Buffenberger, said:
“Give me a break! I’ve got news for all the latte-drinking, Prius- driving, Birkenstock-wearing, trust fund babies crowding in to hear him speak! This guy won’t last a round against the Republican attack machine. He’s a poet, not a fighter.”
I’m not sure I could keep a straight face if McCain had to suspend his campaign and endorse Huckabee onstage.
I’d sell tickets and popcorn. That would be a show worth seeing.
when I was at Cal and despite one of my best friends pledging there, the Deeks were full of wealthy, private school rich kids – not that there’s anything wrong with that – except that most of them were assholes.
But I think this was a hint that Clinton is willing to run as an independent if she doesn’t get the nod.
Still a nice article from Rolling Stones.
Everything you need to know about Lanny Davis!
“Three letters explain how former Clinton attack dog Lanny Davis scored an Air Force One ride to Washington after President Bush’s recent Yale University commencement speech: DKE (Delta Kappa Epsilon), the fraternity Davis and Bush joined as Yale undergrads. The duo chatted for a long time on the ride home, mostly about the old days, like the time Bush hazed DKE recruit Davis. The lawyer tells us that he faced the normal five-hour hazing, ending with him standing beside a DKE brand shoved in a vat of hot coals. At this point, Bush and the others blindfolded Davis and asked him to lift his shirt. He did. Then Davis felt it: the hot sizzle of skin. But it was only a cigarette. “They really psyched me out,” he says.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."