I posted last week about “Single-Payer Health Insurance.” One of the leading groups supporting “single-payer” is the PNHP, which is a group of doctors and health advocates. The website message is:

Physicians for a National Health Program is a non-profit research and education organization of 15,000 physicians, medical students and health professionals who support single-payer national health insurance.

Another important group is called the California Nurses Association. This dedicated group of nurses is circulating a petition they call “Cheney Care.” The motto is “If he were anyone else, he’d probably be dead by now.”

The petition they are circulating reads simply:

Full Petition Text:

I want genuine healthcare reform that guarantees everyone has healthcare coverage, without prohibitive costs , and an end to insurance company denials of needed medical care.

I support HR 676, an expanded and improved Medicare for All. I want the same access to healthcare that Vice President Cheney and all members of Congress now receive.

Thank you,
Signed by:
[Your name]
[Your address]

“Single-payer” health coverage is important to me, because, I like Vice President Cheney, would be dead now were it not for that fact that I am fortunate enough to have great medical coverage. I have a UFCW-union health insurance policy and am eternally grateful for the coverage. In May of 2003, I had a heart attack. And I not only survived, but I have thrived since that time. Today, I live a normal, healthy life because of my great coverage.

I want others to have the kind of coverage I have, but I know there are millions of Americans with low-coverage or no-coverage. This situation is intolerable. Far too many have inadequate coverage. We need to get involved, whether on the national level with these two fine groups or on the local level supporting the right local candidates. The time for “single-payer” is now. Reading on Walden Bookstore.