Working title: Terra! Terra! Terra!
Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Republican politicians, who just want you to know the truthiness about those evil, Bush hating Democrats in Congress who want our enemies to win the War on Terror, slap burqas on all the womenfolk and behead you at halftime of the Super Bowl unless you do what they say to save the Protect America Act!
Please do what you can to insure that President 19% can save the Telecom industry from the vicious attacks of multi-billion dollar terrorist lawsuits. Or else. You’ll die. Horribly. Without your mommy there to hold your hand as you expire. Without even Jack Bauer to torture someone and save the day in the final episode. Think about it.
that might have worked four years ago. But if we follow the premise of that commercial..The The telecoms have done something so horrible, that it is worth the risk of putting Americans at risk for a few dollars.
Things Telecom could’ve done wrong:
1)tapping everyday Americans phone lines because of the 1% doctrine.
2)Allowed their Internet backbone be used to transmit torture/waterboarding from abroad.
3)scanned our e-mails…
4)pinged our cell-phones to locate Americans under 1% doctrine.
5)Route domestic phone calls to Canada, so they could be tapped and then re-routed back into the U.S.
But, but — they were patriotic violations of the law!
First off, they showed two clips from C-SPAN, one featuring Rockefeller and one featuring Hoyer. Why was the D-W. Virginia removed from Rockefeller’s name, while Hoyer’s political party left alone?
And why do they think that this is effective. It looks like a sad rip off of Enemy of the State. Do they want that impression? Because we all know what Enemy of the State was about, right?:
but before we do…in memory of the fairness doctrine [rip]:
and l dont want to accuse the RATpubs of plagiarism…BUTT…scroll down for the updated evidence.
The thing that’s truly unfortunate is that there are people out there who buy into this shit. People with the Orwellian version of blind quasi-patriotism that fall in line at the drop of a hat. So stir that up with some provincial xenophobic Muslim hating and you’ve got the perfect receptacle for the fear doctrine.
Anyone who voices dissent then can be painted as unpatriotic, un-american, “soft on terror”, a commie, a bleeding heart liberal, and according to Pantsload Goldberg, fascists.
Fortunately less everyday. The paranoid lunatics are having less and less of an effect on the public discourse. They look really ridiculous and out of touch.
We don’t torture either:
Newark, NJ–Seton Hall Law’s Center for Policy and Research has discovered new evidence of a longstanding government practice of recording interrogations at Guantánamo Bay. In light of the national debate about the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) destruction of video recordings, the report proves that the two CIA tapes that were destroyed were only a tiny fraction of perhaps 24,000 recorded interrogations.
A May 2005 report by Lieutenant General Kevin Kiley confirms that each interrogation at Guantánamo was videotaped. Lieutenant General Randall Schmidt issued a report the following month stating that more than 24,000 interrogations of detainees took place at Guantánamo over a three-year period. In the meantime, the Bush administration has announced it will pursue the death penalty for six detainees who will stand trial for crimes related to the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Professor Mark Denbeaux, Director of the Center for Policy and Research at Seton Hall Law, commented, “Our students proved that Guantánamo interrogations were videotaped, which impacts the impending trials of the six detainees. We all want to see the perpetrators of 9/11 punished. But if the tapes of those interrogations still exist, it is imperative that we understand, before these trials start, whether the information was obtained through standard interrogation procedures or through torture.”
Captured on Tape, the Center’s seventh Guantánamo Report, is based entirely on the government’s own documents, most of which were procured through Freedom of Information Act suits. The prior Reports have been cited by the Senate Armed Services Committee, the House Armed Services Committee, the House Appropriations Committee, and the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security; and introduced into the Congressional Record.
Included in Captured on Tape:…
Just saw this response ad over at Crooks & Liars. I think they even made it.
Dems’ FISA Thriller: 3, .. 2, .. 1 .. The Constitution Is Saved!
Gimme an F!
Ain’t no time to wonder why.
Whoopee! We’re All Gonna Die
Heh, I enjoyed that. Thanks for posting.
Hi Steven. Matt has a great post about how all the GOP can offer is terror, and they are increasingly in favor of another terrorist attack just to “show us”.
in one concise paragraph from Reg Henry of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette:
I am so tired of this kind of fear-mongering crap from political conservatives, it’s incredible! Enough is really and truly enough with these people.
Sadly, they managed to “fear-monger” their way into 2 terms for Bush. Enough is very definitely enough. The United States is actually gagging on all this fear-mongering. These people need to stop. They need to shut-up! Period.