That’s about how it looks here. Oky, minus some of the frozen water, but with the hard crunchy stuff. I’m tempted to take my camera to yoga with me this morning, because the studio overlooks that rocky place with the creek that looks so cool when it freezes in the snow.
We’ll see how the temperature is when I leave this morning…
Good evening from Singapore!! Hope ya’ll our having a great Sunday morning. Get rested up for another week of the Circus! God Damn is it November yet! Anyways, best wishes to everyone and their families.
Not too thrilled with the surprise snow today but I guess 46 will probably be okay. Unfortunately, other than MaryB there’s not much fun for me in St. Louis — lots of hours in the Beige Conference Room of Death.
Unfortunately, about 75% of my time at customer sites is analysis and discussion, so BCRD is pretty much the norm. Every once in a great while, the customer is somewhere really attractive and that helps — I even had one customer in Colorado Springs whose conference room had a beautiful view of Pikes Peak.
Ah the joy of braces being removed … over forty years later I still remember it (especially since in my day not only did they may you look like the Bond movies’ Jaws, they regularly gouged the insides of your mouth).
I know you’ll have fun tonight. When do you head back to the woods?
I remember the weirdness of suddenly having smooth teeth with no stuff on them.
I think I’m doubly delighted that they’re coming off because it was 6 weeks ago that we had a sit-down with CBtE and the ortho to discuss his stubborn refusal to wear the rubber bands and finish treatment, after which he began wearing them religiously, and voila! We’re done.
From the look of things, ordinary blah has it. Plus, it’s the last week of the month, so I have billing and paperwork to do on top of my normal stuff. ick.
I have till the end of next week, and then CBtE’s 3 week long spring break starts. I think we’re going to go away for a few days (Monticello? Charlottesville?) in the middle, but it’s a long break for him. CBtY’s is much shorter and closer to the end of the month, but they have 3 days of school conferences before that and I want to pull him out then and go because it’ll be less crowded to go then.
Charlottesville is a really nice town — it makes a nice center point to do lots of different things. You can easily drive over to Shenandoah and hike and there are some other nice hikes in the area as well. I love the serpentine brick walls at UV. Monticello, if you haven’t been there is fascinating.
That was my plan. It’s got the history stuff, the outdoors stuff, the caverns, and the university town (can’t hurt CBtE to start thinking about colleges) thing going for it.
Plus, it’s a reasonable drive from here. I wanted to go to Charleston SC, but it’s a lot of driving for a short trip.
CBtE had what they optimistically referred to as “severe crowding”…we started 5 years ago with an expander just to make some room for the rest of his teeth.
CBtY is midway through his orthodontic adventures, but they’re much less severe.
b2boy had a little bite problem and baby teeth that needed to be pulled. A couple of the adult teeth had rotated in their positioning and others couldn’t come down because of the baby teeth still present. The baby teeth were pulled and things have now straightened out but now it seems like there is a bit too much space in front.
Ours are still buried under 6 to 8″ of snow and they’re predicting another 2 to 4″ tomorrow night & Friday. Had to install the KnitPicks “Knit Calm” wallpaper on this computer so I could see a bit of green for a change.
Had another no-sleep-night so I don’t know if I’ll be up when everyone starts showing up in the cafe.
It’s 28F here and supposed to be a sunny day. We’re only supposed to get up to mid 50’s today.
The doctor’s appointment went well yesterday. It was a spinal steroid injection. It’s one of those procedures where they put you to sleep for a little while. I was determined to see how long I could stay awake (not that I wanted to be awake during the procedure,I know I conked out half way through a sentence. Next thing I know, the nurse is waking me up telling me I could get dressed. I don’t know what they use to knock you out, but it works – it works real good. 🙂
The sad thing is that it would take you 5 hours to get home by air anyway, with all the aggravations of “security”.
Wow, now that it’s getting light earlier, I don’t have to wake CBtE up for school anymore. He’s even ready 15 minutes before the bus comes. I wish CBtY worked the same way…I’d sleep in every day.
Good morning all. It’s cccold here, about 17 degrees and windy now.
Gotta do the required chat with the big boss today about my yearly evaluation. I’ve already seen it and all is okay, I just don’t want to do the asskissing little interview that goes along with it.
Yesterday we were in the 20’s and today we’re in the mid 40’s. I hate how the weather switches back and forth. I don’t know though, after last month’s power bill I guess I’m glad it is warming up just a little bit.
Well that picture was definitely a gift of the weather weirdness — first it snowed, then we got 3″ inches of sleet, then it warmed up and we got freezing rain, then the temp dropped into the single digits and froze the sleet and snow. It dogs the dogs a good while to not be nervous about walking on “snow” that didn’t have any give.
On what is my Saturday (Today), I’m trying to figure out our electric bill. We had an ungodly high one last month and I’m trying to figure what we did different to make it that way. True we don’t use the fireplace and the house is all electric, but it was so big a jump that both FMom and I are pinging off the walls about it. We had the people come out Wednesday to re-read the meter and they said it was correct, so I’m trying to figure out a way to lower the bill, of course in the most slackerly way I can. 🙂
Sounds like Swimmer and you will have an exciting w/e.
We’re not up to much around here. I’m waiting around for this months electric bill while following around a brother and sil who believe every light in the house should be on. I’ve come to believe there are two types of people in the world. People who turn on the lights and people who turn off the light. That’s the only distinction in the entire world between people. 🙂
We’ve all tried to explain that to her, but she is not deterred. So far, I think Bowdoin has been her favorite – we’ll see after this trip.
Maybe she’s practicing for Sweden 😉
It’s really cold here too, but with clear blue skies this morning. I know I’ve already said this, but I am SO loving the longer days, it makes it so much easier to get rolling in the morning and be productive!
We were watching the weather channel last night and it looks like swimmer is going to get some firsthand knowledge about how winter doesn’t end on March 1.
Good morning!
I hadn’t, but did. Winter is still on.
She has now decided to go by herself (she was invited by the school – parent optional – there are 56 students coming, but apparently, only 26 guardians for the prepared program).
How about some Sunday brunch?
And why is it still so cold outside?
It is cold outside.
That’s about how it looks here. Oky, minus some of the frozen water, but with the hard crunchy stuff. I’m tempted to take my camera to yoga with me this morning, because the studio overlooks that rocky place with the creek that looks so cool when it freezes in the snow.
We’ll see how the temperature is when I leave this morning…
What are you and Jim and the pack upp to today?
(I hit post a little too quickly before)
Taking the camera sounds like a great idea — I’ll bet you’ll find some fantastic shots.
Jim will go ice skating (but at a rink), I will go to St. Louis, and the Pack will grumble because they have to stay outside.
Good Morning CG and Adni.
Is it Sunday already? How the week-end passes so fast.
Everyone have a ggod time and be careful.
Good evening from Singapore!! Hope ya’ll our having a great Sunday morning. Get rested up for another week of the Circus! God Damn is it November yet! Anyways, best wishes to everyone and their families.
Good evening and welcome to the cafe, jdogg!
It’s a freezing morning here in the NYC-area, but the sun is out so time for a walk soon.
Good morning all! Have fun in St. L, Andi and please say hi to Maryb for us.
Not too thrilled with the surprise snow today but I guess 46 will probably be okay. Unfortunately, other than MaryB there’s not much fun for me in St. Louis — lots of hours in the Beige Conference Room of Death.
Oh no, not the BCRD, and so soon after the last time!
Unfortunately, about 75% of my time at customer sites is analysis and discussion, so BCRD is pretty much the norm. Every once in a great while, the customer is somewhere really attractive and that helps — I even had one customer in Colorado Springs whose conference room had a beautiful view of Pikes Peak.
Gotta go prep for a BCROD day. So hi and bye.
Good morning!
A what?
Sorry about the Beige Conference Room of Death. But at least you have something to look forward to later. 🙂
should have known 🙂
I survived but I have another day before I get my reward (and then two days after that with no reward). 🙁
Good chilly morning all! I can actually see the photo at the top today!
It’s a miracle! You can see! 😉
Not at work today, or the image filters are broken?
The filters must be broken, or the evil overlords are not watching. 😉
It’s nice of them to let you see food porn. Mmmm, waffles….
Every once in a while they permit us a glimpse. But not too much, they wouldn’t want to excite us worker drones.
I think she just does this because she thinks icicles on her belly are way cool.
Good morning Andi.
Are you back at home or still in St. Louis?
BTW how did the lunch with Mary go?
Lighting and thunder – gotta go.
I’m still in St. Louis.
It’s dinner with Mary and it’s tonight.
Good morning. 🙂
What a happy looking snow dog. 🙂
The days have gotten so much longer – I’m getting up in near daylight now. It sure makes getting people off to school easier.
We had great news at the orthodontist yesterday afternoon: CBtE is getting his braces off the last week of March. I think I’m more excited than he is.
So, Indian/pakistani food tonight?
Yep, Indian-Pakistani-Mary food tonight. 😀
Ah the joy of braces being removed … over forty years later I still remember it (especially since in my day not only did they may you look like the Bond movies’ Jaws, they regularly gouged the insides of your mouth).
I know you’ll have fun tonight. When do you head back to the woods?
I remember the weirdness of suddenly having smooth teeth with no stuff on them.
I think I’m doubly delighted that they’re coming off because it was 6 weeks ago that we had a sit-down with CBtE and the ortho to discuss his stubborn refusal to wear the rubber bands and finish treatment, after which he began wearing them religiously, and voila! We’re done.
One down, one halfway through.
I don’t be back home until Thursday night.
And now I’ve got to get myself going.
Good morning CG and good morning again Andi.
Is it the w/e yet or just another ordinary blah weekday?
From the look of things, ordinary blah has it. Plus, it’s the last week of the month, so I have billing and paperwork to do on top of my normal stuff. ick.
What are you up to today?
I’m fighting off taking a nap. Hard to believe I know, but I was up all night and I don’t want to get thrown off my nap schedule. 😉
Good morning, all!
It was sooo good to oversleep this morning…
I’m with you. In fact, I think I could very easily go back to bed and oversleep again.
Morning, SN!
What stops you?
Actually, nothing! 🙂
I came very close to doing the same. Ready for the ice/rain ask?
We’ve been in good training last week, but the forecast for tonight looks really nasty.
and even better one more day till I go home.
Yesterday’s dinner with MaryB was so fine it made me feel all bright and sunny despite the 2 more days of BCROD I have to get through.
Yay! I’m glad you got to break up the conference room monotony with some fun. Do you have a full day there on Friday?
I go home on Thursday. I said 2 days because I always count the day I’m on when I’m on site — after all I’ve got to get through it.
That makes sense.
I have till the end of next week, and then CBtE’s 3 week long spring break starts. I think we’re going to go away for a few days (Monticello? Charlottesville?) in the middle, but it’s a long break for him. CBtY’s is much shorter and closer to the end of the month, but they have 3 days of school conferences before that and I want to pull him out then and go because it’ll be less crowded to go then.
Charlottesville is a really nice town — it makes a nice center point to do lots of different things. You can easily drive over to Shenandoah and hike and there are some other nice hikes in the area as well. I love the serpentine brick walls at UV. Monticello, if you haven’t been there is fascinating.
That was my plan. It’s got the history stuff, the outdoors stuff, the caverns, and the university town (can’t hurt CBtE to start thinking about colleges) thing going for it.
Plus, it’s a reasonable drive from here. I wanted to go to Charleston SC, but it’s a lot of driving for a short trip.
Hyde Park (NY) is also on my to-do list…
Sounds like a great time.
Gotta go get ready to have a not-good time.
I hope the day goes quickly for you.
Good morning, Andi and CG!
Three weeks of spring break!
No break for me — gotta get busy.
See ya.
Scary, isn’t it?
Did I mention that CBtE will be getting his braces off during the spring break? More excitement!
What a relief that will be.
I recall swimmer’s joy (and smile) when the ordeal was over.
The boran2 boy’s ordeal only began a few months ago. Hopefully it won’t go beyond his retainer.
Poor guy!
Young asklet is holding out, but must bite the apple soon.
CBtE had what they optimistically referred to as “severe crowding”…we started 5 years ago with an expander just to make some room for the rest of his teeth.
CBtY is midway through his orthodontic adventures, but they’re much less severe.
b2boy had a little bite problem and baby teeth that needed to be pulled. A couple of the adult teeth had rotated in their positioning and others couldn’t come down because of the baby teeth still present. The baby teeth were pulled and things have now straightened out but now it seems like there is a bit too much space in front.
Yikes! But I bet the adult teeth will come in and fill up all that extra space pretty quickly.
Good morning everyone.
Just a hi and bye. I’ve got an appointment in the city this morning. It’s every bit of 31F here, but clear and sunny.
Hope everyone has a good day today.
See ya.
Good luck, FM.
in my backyard, although it’s a very cold morning so it doesn’t feel very springy:
Very pretty. I think we still have a bit of a wait for our daffodils to come up.
Ours are still buried under 6 to 8″ of snow and they’re predicting another 2 to 4″ tomorrow night & Friday. Had to install the KnitPicks “Knit Calm” wallpaper on this computer so I could see a bit of green for a change.
It’s going to be weeks before we get anything blooming but it sure is nice to see it.
My humble 2nd hand contribution
kitties for obama
Had another no-sleep-night so I don’t know if I’ll be up when everyone starts showing up in the cafe.
It’s 28F here and supposed to be a sunny day. We’re only supposed to get up to mid 50’s today.
The doctor’s appointment went well yesterday. It was a spinal steroid injection. It’s one of those procedures where they put you to sleep for a little while. I was determined to see how long I could stay awake (not that I wanted to be awake during the procedure,I know I conked out half way through a sentence. Next thing I know, the nurse is waking me up telling me I could get dressed. I don’t know what they use to knock you out, but it works – it works real good. 🙂
Hope everyone’s day goes good.
I’ve been trailing all over the internet … Olivia’s and P4’s and Nancy’s and now here. Looks I’ve just about caught up.
I hope you’re just about ready for your nap.
Morning, Andi and FM! I’m sorry you’re having trouble sleeping, FM. Glad things went well at the doctor’s yesterday.
Andi: It’s Thursday! yippee! One more day and you’re home.
I am so sleepy today…and I was so tired yesterday that I fell asleep at nine. yeesh.
Yep, can’t wait to get home. Too bad I’ve got to drive five hours to do it but I’m still pretty happy not to be messing with air travel.
The sad thing is that it would take you 5 hours to get home by air anyway, with all the aggravations of “security”.
Wow, now that it’s getting light earlier, I don’t have to wake CBtE up for school anymore. He’s even ready 15 minutes before the bus comes. I wish CBtY worked the same way…I’d sleep in every day.
Good morning all. It’s cccold here, about 17 degrees and windy now.
Gotta do the required chat with the big boss today about my yearly evaluation. I’ve already seen it and all is okay, I just don’t want to do the asskissing little interview that goes along with it.
It’s cold but sunny here too.
That’s one of my favorite things about working from home for myself…no annual review, and limited groveling.
I envy you.
Yesterday we were in the 20’s and today we’re in the mid 40’s. I hate how the weather switches back and forth. I don’t know though, after last month’s power bill I guess I’m glad it is warming up just a little bit.
So hard to find a happy medium sometimes.
Well not for you. But for most of us.
We’re having the same kinds of temperature changes. It was in the 20s and snowed last night but the high today is 44.
Good morning Andi.
Yep the weather is weirding me out. 🙂
That’s a great picture over at Thursday Dog Blog. I’m just wondering how you got the dogs to walk backwards so as not to leave tracks. 😉
Well that picture was definitely a gift of the weather weirdness — first it snowed, then we got 3″ inches of sleet, then it warmed up and we got freezing rain, then the temp dropped into the single digits and froze the sleet and snow. It dogs the dogs a good while to not be nervous about walking on “snow” that didn’t have any give.
I’m trying to picture the pack tip-toeing on the snow. 🙂
So after suffering through the BCROD, having a long boring drive back home and you still have to work today? Is there no justice!
No. There is no justice. But at least there is Saturday.
Hey as I keep saying, it’s always Saturday. 😉
On what is my Saturday (Today), I’m trying to figure out our electric bill. We had an ungodly high one last month and I’m trying to figure what we did different to make it that way. True we don’t use the fireplace and the house is all electric, but it was so big a jump that both FMom and I are pinging off the walls about it. We had the people come out Wednesday to re-read the meter and they said it was correct, so I’m trying to figure out a way to lower the bill, of course in the most slackerly way I can. 🙂
Well if you go to bed earlier and sleep later, you can leave the lights off a lot longer.
Yep I would be saving electricity, but then I would be asleep and not able to follow everyone around turning off lights. Vicious circle it appears.
Speaking of sleepy, I’m about to nod off at the computer, so I guess it nap time.
Have a good pre-Saturday!
Good morning, FM and Andi!
It’s only 17 at the moment, snow in the forecast.
Morning Ask!
Snow again? Some people are so lucky.
So do ya’ll have a big w/e planned?
We’re now at a time of year when I like to think of spring – not more snow. It would have been March 1, if not for the leap year.
Tomorrow will be relaxation. Sunday, swimmer and I will head for Colby College in Maine for a visit/presentation on Monday.
What are you up to (besides calculating electric usage)?
Sounds like Swimmer and you will have an exciting w/e.
We’re not up to much around here. I’m waiting around for this months electric bill while following around a brother and sil who believe every light in the house should be on. I’ve come to believe there are two types of people in the world. People who turn on the lights and people who turn off the light. That’s the only distinction in the entire world between people. 🙂
Well if she goes to school in Maine, she’ll certainly be keeping winter around for a lot longer than Mar 1.
We’ve all tried to explain that to her, but she is not deterred. So far, I think Bowdoin has been her favorite – we’ll see after this trip.
Maybe she’s practicing for Sweden 😉
My friend’s younger brother went to Bowdoin. I think it would be a little too cold for me…but lovely in the summer!
Speaking of Sweden, is she off for another visit this month?
Yes, whenever their spring break is – I think it is Easter + the following week.
It’s really cold here too, but with clear blue skies this morning. I know I’ve already said this, but I am SO loving the longer days, it makes it so much easier to get rolling in the morning and be productive!
We’re at 15 here and will get up to 5, count ’em, 5 more inches. Woohoo!
Enough already!
You’ll be digging out tomorrow morning.
We were watching the weather channel last night and it looks like swimmer is going to get some firsthand knowledge about how winter doesn’t end on March 1.
Good morning!
I hadn’t, but did. Winter is still on.
She has now decided to go by herself (she was invited by the school – parent optional – there are 56 students coming, but apparently, only 26 guardians for the prepared program).
I suppose, being Maine, they’ll have everything nicely cleared off well before she gets there.
Yeah, they probably have a good handle on it.
Do you have a break now from the BCROD?
I should be BCROD-free for all of March. I have a trip to “the home office” 3/10-12 but that won’t involve any extended BCROD time.
I think we need a new cafe….I’ll meet you there in a minute?
Makes sense.