Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
We’re all gonna miss tonight’s explosive 60 Minutes, but we can all catch it online tomorrow. Has to do with Rove arranging to send Alabama’s Dem governor to jail through the misuse of the Justice Department for political purposes.
The full video on the 60 Minutes story of Alabama Governor Don Siegelman is on the web now. The White House blocked the first attempt to air this but it finally got aired during the Oscars.
The girl from Once gave the most eloquent speech – need a transcript. She talked about how powerful hope is, how it connects us all. I think Obama just won the general. I can feel it!!
LOL! I think you might be on to something with that.
on February 24, 2008 at 11:07 pm
The thing they do when people die always makes me cry. I guess that’s because I’m old. I’ll laugh in the face of my own death, but I cry about others. I shouldn’t drink during the Oscars.
Tom Hanks is so neat. I met him years ago when my high school was the home of the Great Lakes Shakespeare Festival, and he was unknown. He lived in a house with a bunch of other actors right next door to the school.
If you missed the 60 Minutes piece of The Siegelman Affair because you were watching the Oscars, apparently people in Alabama were missing it for other reasons. Go to at-Largely.
Anyone else have a 5-minute tolerance limit for Regis?
It’s up.
Helen Mirren is rockin it. Red seems to be the color tonight.
Cameron’s pink is too pale for her.
For such an old lady, Helen Mirren always impresses even this gay man. She does look hot this evening.
No debate?
Who was the chick with George Clooney?
I don’t know – but I hate her.
Sarah Larson
Hat tip to curly.
thanks to curly (and you)
No wonder Regis was so snotty to her.
I used to eat worms when I was a little girl, and so far George Clooney hasn’t asked me out. It must be something else…
Huckabee Hunting (that even sounds like a movie title):
Shhhhh – be vewwy, vewwwy quiet!
Wow, look at Hillary Swank’s crows’ feet.
How many of the women do you think are wearing these:
strapless g-string
We’re all gonna miss tonight’s explosive 60 Minutes, but we can all catch it online tomorrow. Has to do with Rove arranging to send Alabama’s Dem governor to jail through the misuse of the Justice Department for political purposes.
Come on, who’s going to believe that plotline?
Oh, I love Jon Stewart!
Oscar nominated psychopathic movies. I hope next year’s crop are more cheerful.
Javier Bardem.
Yeow – who is he?
They just showed
I knew which one he was, but I hadn’t heard of him before. He’s yummy.
down boy …
Did he play Denny on Gray’s Anatomy?
Gaydolf Titler….:)
George. Not only yummy but someone you can actually imagine having a conversation with. sigh.
Fun you don’t have to run away from afterwards?
CBtY is hoping Ellen Page wins…
This Celine Dion crap has to end.
What IS Anne Hathaway wearing? Christmas wrapping on top of a toga?
I don’t know, but she’s so adorable she could wear a Kroger bag and look cute.
Brad Bird seems like the perfect name for an animator.
which was really a cartoon takeoff of this lady.
Who is this woman with the perfect but caked on makeup giving the award for makeup? What was she in?
Gray’s Anatomy – Izzy
Oh God, she’s singing my life…
But do the roaches come up out of your bathtub drain to clean your tub for you?
I actually loved that movie.
No, but the roaches come out of the fireplace and spar with the cats and the dog.
I haven’t seen a movie in over a year, I think.
what is The Rock doing on my teevee?
Sweeney Todd. Bloody good.
Where’s Manny when we need him?
I’m guessing he said he would be NOTHING without his mama.
Judging from her reaction, I’d agree.
August Rush was a movie that was almost but not quite good.
Ooh, that’s got to be an awkward moment for Owen Wilson after his suicide attempt.
I love all these french accents tonight.
Was Owen Wilson the one who tried to commit suicide? Or was that his brother?
It was Owen. Luke is quite stable.
The full video on the 60 Minutes story of Alabama Governor Don Siegelman is on the web now. The White House blocked the first attempt to air this but it finally got aired during the Oscars.
Here’s the link:
Tilda Swinton is married, and her husband watches the kids while she snogs a guy in his twenties. Such a deal…
what guy?
Some nameless, hottie. Where do I sign up for that kind of deal? And to think of all the sneaking around I do…
Tilda deserved that award for not laughing her way through her part of the script.
Horrible, awful dress.
Do you think she intended to not wear any makeup or maybe she just woke up late and thought “ohmygod! I totally forgot about the Oscars!”?
She’s very beautiful though, without makeup, don’t you think? I think she’s in her forties.
red haired pale skinned freckled people don’t do a lot for me. male or female. I can go to a family party and see that.
Same with me and washed out blonds with red cheeks
I don’t know why but the redheaded albinos always catch my eye… Male or female. Something magical about them.
Tilde Swinton. ~?
All these awards for Bourne and we don’t get Matt Damon?
I have never understood the appeal of Matt Damon…
Really? I love Matt Damon.
My plumber looks like Matt Damon. It makes paying for some home repairs much more enjoyable.
Unlike George Clooney, I don’t think he’d be worth having a conversation with either, but that’s just me.
No, he’s good. I heard him interviewed by Terry Gross and he’s a smart guy. Not George level, but good.
No one could be as good as George. Sigh.
Oh my, that French woman is gorgeous and cute as a button at the same time!
I know. I love when people win who really don’t expect it.
Wii tennis on the big screen? Big fun.
lovely song.
The theme in dresses tonight seems to be simple lines ruined by feathery, furry or gaudy stuff on the front.
I hope the song from Once wins best song.
Yay! It did!
Gotta love the Irish.
It’s a sign!!!
The girl from Once gave the most eloquent speech – need a transcript. She talked about how powerful hope is, how it connects us all. I think Obama just won the general. I can feel it!!
they let her back on to speak. how did she get shuffled off without a chance to say anything in the first place?
The commercial slot dictated it.
She beat out two of the most experienced songwriters/lyricists in the business. Hope over experience!!
Hillary Swank may have the best dress.
Here comes the sad Heath Ledger part…
How did I miss that Suzanne Pleshette died? And Ingmar Bergman.
I knew about Suzanne Pleshette, but not Ingmar Bergman. How old was she, anyway?
Suzanne? I don’t know but it doesn’t seem like she could have been that old.
You missed it because she died two days before Heath Ledger died.
yes, that would explain it.
That wasn’t that bad.
OT, but does Cameron Diaz get less and less intelligent with each passing year?
well, I thought she started out as dumb as dirt but maybe it was a compost heap and it’s further disintegrating every year.
LOL! I think you might be on to something with that.
The thing they do when people die always makes me cry. I guess that’s because I’m old. I’ll laugh in the face of my own death, but I cry about others. I shouldn’t drink during the Oscars.
I always tear up too when it’s someone that I didn’t know died.
Tom Hanks is so neat. I met him years ago when my high school was the home of the Great Lakes Shakespeare Festival, and he was unknown. He lived in a house with a bunch of other actors right next door to the school.
that is so cool. I could imagine having a conversation with him. But he doesn’t have some of the other benefits of George.
No, and I guess this must have been 1977 or so and he was a couple of years older than I was, and very, very goofy looking.
woo hoo!!! former blogger wins.
If you missed the 60 Minutes piece of The Siegelman Affair because you were watching the Oscars, apparently people in Alabama were missing it for other reasons. Go to at-Largely.
Larissa’s got a piece up about it as well
Boy is she pissed! This is not acceptable at all folks!