It’s not an endorsement, but:
Former presidential candidate John Edwards (D-N.C.), whose endorsement is sought by Democratic presidential rivals Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) and Barack Obama (Ill.), will join several groups that have endorsed Obama in a new effort to end the Iraq war.
Edwards will appear on a Monday morning conference call with officials from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and, which have both endorsed Obama. Edwards has yet to make an endorsement since he left the presidential race in January after placing third in several early primaries.
Edwards, his wife, Elizabeth, and other members of the effort will announce a “multimillion dollar” effort called the Iraq/Recession Campaign that aims to highlight the ongoing cost of the Iraq war, according to a press release. The group is attempting to tie the Iraq war to fears that the U.S. is entering a recession.
“As economic concerns weigh heavily on the minds of Americans, opposition to President Bush’s reckless war in Iraq continues to grow,” the group said in the release.
The anti-war movement has totally lost its steam. Hopefully, this will help get it moving again. It’s important both morally and politically. McCain readily acknowledges that his prospects depend on convincing the public that the surge is working.
LONDON (The Times) Feb. 23, 2008 – The Bush Administration was wrong about the benefits of the war and it was wrong about the costs of the war. The president and his advisers expected a quick, inexpensive conflict. Instead, we have a war that is costing more than anyone could have imagined.
From the unhealthy brew of emergency funding, multiple sets of books, and chronic underestimates of the resources required to prosecute the war, we have attempted to identify how much we have been spending – and how much we will, in the end, likely have to spend. The figure we arrive at is more than $3 trillion.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Oh my considering Clinton’s attack toay:
Reuters: Clinton accuses Obama of inexperience abroad
Make her stop. Someone please!
She distorts. Recall that debate when Obama said (paraphrasing his statement here) if he had credible evidence Osama was in Pakistan …he would attack Pakistan and Hillary chimed, but, but not before you tell them the planes are on their way
only to see Bush launch the exact campaign less than 2 weeks ago.
I’ve changed my mind on Edwards. I thought he should stay neutral and push his own agenda. I now think he should step in and endorse Obama. Perhaps it would tone down the Clinton side. Today, we’ve seen a press release an hour form the Clintons. They are pulling out all the stops. I never favored Hillary, but would have felt reasonably comfortable voting for her–until she started to campaign in earnest, then it’s been downhill (no pun) all the way.
Edwards is showing he’s leaning to… Could be he will hold his tongue with the likelihood of an understanding he’s being considered for the AG spot.
Could be. Do you think he’s angling for a high position, regardless of who wins?
In his most recent debates and speeches, Obama has tied the need for domestic expenditures (schools, health care, infrastructure) to the high cost of war in Iraq. I don’t see the Edwards initiative and Obama’s rhetoric as coincidental.
Good for Edwards — Obama has also pointed out the connection between the cost of the war and the problems we could be working on here at home. The more discussion in that direction, the better; it all reinforces the issues in the right direction.
And the Democratic nominee is going to need the reinforcement once the Republican spin machine gets rolling, so the more united voices to push the cost of the Iraq war as a major drain on the economy, the better.
Sorry, folks. Taylor Marsh says this was the real news: