Is it wrong for me to hate all these people?
The Christian Science Monitor had assembled the éminences grises of the Washington press corps — among them David Broder of The Post, Maureen Dowd of the New York Times and columnist Mark Shields — for what turned out to be a fascinating tour of an alternate universe.
First came Harold Ickes, who gave a presentation about Hillary Rodham Clinton’s prospects that severed all ties with reality. “We’re on the way to locking this nomination down,” he said of a candidate who appears, if anything, headed in the other direction.
But before the breakfast crowd had a chance to digest that, they were served another, stranger course by Clinton campaign spokesman Phil Singer. Asked about an accusation on the Drudge Report that Clinton staffers had circulated a photo of Barack Obama wearing Somali tribal dress, Singer let ‘er rip.
“I find it interesting that in a room of such esteemed journalists that Mr. Drudge has become your respected assignment editor,” he lectured. “I find it to be a reflection of one of the problems that’s gone on with the overall coverage of this campaign.” He went on to chide the journalists for their “woefully inadequate” coverage of Obama, “a point that has been certainly backed up by the ‘Saturday Night Live’ skit that opened the show this past Saturday evening, which I would refer you all to.”
The brief moment explained everything about the bitter relations between Clinton’s campaign and the media: Singer taunting the likes of Broder, who began covering presidential politics two decades before Singer was born, with a comedy sketch that showed debate moderators fawning over Obama.
“That’s your assignment editor?” responded Post columnist Ruth Marcus.
“That’s my assignment editor,” Singer affirmed.
Seriously, am I not justified in wanting to piss in all their Wheaties’ bowls?
Well, I’d piss in Singer and Ickes’ bowls, but I’d take a dump in Broder’s.
i think Broder would notice that.
Probably, but in the spirit of bi-partisanship that he loves, he might then agree to eat a bowl of piss wheaties as a middle ground between dump and milk wheaties.
Mmmm. Dump Wheaties.
“i think Broder would notice that.”
That senile old fool?
He wouldn’t notice. Besides, he’s ALREADY full of shit, one more log won’t make a difference.
Damn, y’all are disgusting! So why can’t I stop laughing??? Y’all are about to get me fired today!
Satchmo the newf would be more than happy to contribute. He’s been known to lift his leg on the most indelicate of items, Broder would be a snap.
you don’t have to boo, they’re doing it themselves.
Hate? I don’t know. But it’s hard to avoid a certain level of disdain for this collection of deluded individuals with their competing senses of entitlement. Such rich material for farce.
< shields eyes > Keep it in your pants, BooMan! Just flip the bowls into their respective laps.
There is dissension in the Hillary Clinton camp. Top aides have been in arguments, shouting back and forth about differences in strategy. Should Clinton come on strong? Should she go negative? Should she be upbeat and positive?
Here’s my answer: Stop campaigning.
The evidence is overwhelming that since Super Tuesday, the minute that Clinton steps foot in a state, her numbers start to plummet. Of course, Barack Obama has something to do with it. He’s a phenomenon, a political version of Roy Hobbs, “The Natural” of Bernard Malamud’s wonderful novel, whose physical repose is TV perfect and who will, when the time comes, provide a jarring visual contrast to the much older John McCain. Obama is nearly as good as he thinks he is.
Politics can be ugly, not to mention sad. Broken dreams are strewn across the American landscape. Fred Thompson resigned from “Law & Order.” Chris Dodd moved his family from Connecticut to Iowa just for the caucuses. Mitt Romney blew through a fortune. John Edwards campaigned through personal pain.
For Hillary Clinton, a loss has to be particularly tough. The presidency is not just the ultimate honor for her. It is, as others have suggested, a justification for all she has put up with.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Well well well!
Looks like the old adage “even a stopped clock is right twice a day” is accurate!
The guy still can’t help get in a sexist attack or two, but for once in his long benighted life, Richard Cohen is right.
how it pains me to say that.
he can’t even be right without being an asshole.
He probably holds to Shakespeare’s edict, “This above all, to thine own self be true.”
Or there’s the derivative of Forrest’s observation: “…is as…does.”
It’s Mayday! Mayday! SOS!
New Poll shows further erosion of HRC’s lead in Ohio in line with Rasmussen, SurveyUSA, its down to 6 points
Josh is finally seeing the direction of things – this debate tonight as the last for the primary season.
It’s Over.
If they can’t contain their anger towards those they need, they shouldn’t have these events. But then, that would give them credit for having some sense and self control.
“in the end, they’ll all be fine”
yes I xeroxed that.
That The Campaign That Can’t Run Straight, is using a skit on SNL as their frame of reference? It’s bad enough the enitre GOP seems to think 24 is a reality TV show, but SNL? Really? Who’s still watching SNL?
Well I watch the 70’s shows on dvd, back when Bill Murray still had hair. Does that count?
Cause you’re watching when it was funny.
Who still watches SNL?
Search YouTube for the Hillary4U&me video. Watch on an empty stomach. Then you’ll have your answer.
Moron-Os. The Official Breakfast Cereal of Village Idiots.
Peter: Hey Brian, check it out, my Alphabits say “Ooooooo”!!!
Brian: Dammit Peter, those are Cheerios!