In the world outside the American media’s obsession with the “Great Race” the ticking time bomb that is President Bush’s desire to bomb Iran before he leaves office just advanced a little closer to zero. Iranian officials have confirmed that its capacity to enrich uranium has increased dramatically.
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran said Sunday that it has started using new centrifuges that can churn out enriched uranium at more than double the rate of the machines that now form the backbone of the Islamic nation’s nuclear program.
The announcement was the first official confirmation by Tehran after diplomats with the U.N.’s nuclear watchdog reported earlier this month that Iran was using 10 of the new IR-2 centrifuges.
“We are (now) running a new generation of centrifuges,” the official IRNA news agency quoted Javad Vaidi, deputy of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, as saying. No futher details were provided.
Iran and the United States have been sparring diplomatically about the intelligence behind Iran’s presumed nuclear weapons program that may or may not have been suspended in 2003, depending on whom you wish to believe: The Iranians or the Bush administration.
The UN’s nuclear watchdog has been told Iran may have continued secret work on nuclear weapons after 2003, the date US intelligence suggested the work ceased.
A US National Intelligence Estimate released last December said Tehran had frozen its atomic programme in 2003.
But documents presented to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) suggest the work continued.
Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iran’s ambassador to the IAEA, angrily dismissed the documentats as “forgeries”.
Simon Smith, Britain’s ambassador to the IAEA, said material presented to the IAEA in Vienna came from multiple sources and included designs for a nuclear warhead, plus information on how it would perform and how it would fit onto a missile.
Meanwhile, representatives of the US and other major powers met yesterday to discuss a new diplomatic initiative to bring Iran to the negotiating table:
The meeting here among representatives of Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States focused on possible new overtures, such as international help with Iran’s growing narcotics crisis, deals on energy field exploitation and support for security talks among the oil-rich Persian Gulf nations, said the sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because diplomacy is ongoing. The goal of the new economic and security incentives is to persuade Iran to finally suspend uranium enrichment, a process that can be used for both peaceful nuclear energy and the production of deadly weapons.
The Bush administration is prepared to consider new outreach but is hesitant to go too far, mainly out of concern that Tehran will conclude that delays help it win concessions from the international community. “These are all European ideas, and the U.S. took a very conservative stance,” a senior State Department official said. One of the proposals rejected outright was that the United States be party to security guarantees for Iran, an official in the talks said.
Of course, without explicit security guarantees for Iran’s regime which include agreements from the United States to abandon regime change as our policy, any such effort is doomed from the start. The Bush administration is well aware of that fact, as are the Europeans promoting this proposal. Especially now that Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has just given President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad his official stamp of approval for Ahmadinejad’s handling of the nuclear issue:
“One example of an advance by the Islamic system has been the nuclear issue, in which the Iranian nation has honestly and seriously achieved a great victory,” Mr Khamenei said on Tuesday.
“Those people who used to say Iran’s nuclear activity must be dismantled are now saying we are ready to accept your advances, on condition that it will not continue indefinitely.
“This is a great advance that would not have been realised except with perseverance,” he said.
It seems the lines are hardening. In my view, Iran’s leadership has decided the US is too weak, both militarily and diplomatically, to force Iran to halt its nuclear program. In addition, President Bush’s attempt to form an American/Israeli/Sunni Arab security alliance against Iran in the region, combined with increased US arms sales to the Gulf states has seemingly convince Iran’s leaders that they have nothing to lose by accelerating their nuclear program. From their standpoint, they see how North Korea has managed to keep the US at bay simply by testing a small nuclear device. Surrounded by religious, ethnic and economic rivals on all sides, and faced with two states, Pakistan and Israel who have previously joined the “Nuclear Club,” not to mention an American regime dedicated to regime change in Iran and not adverse to using nuclear weapons itself, if need be, to accomplish that goal, Iran seems to have decided that it is best to continue down the nuclear path and keep all of its options open.
Unfortunately, officials in the Israeli and US governments are still attempting to rally support for (or at the least tacit acceptance of) a possible military strike against Iran by either Israel or American forces. Just look at the language employed by US ambassador to the UN, Zalmay Khalilzad, in his recent interview with Le Figaro which plays up the threat posed by Iran:
“From a certain point of view, time is not working in our favor — the Iranians are now planning to develop a new, more efficient generation of centrifuges and if they master that technology to produce fissile material they will have access to better enriched uranium,” he said in comments written in French. […]
“Given that Iran had a nuclear weapons program in violation of its obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, given the regime’s policy, its rhetoric, its association with certain groups … it would be too risky to let it acquire the capacity to obtain nuclear weapons,” he added.
That’s not the approach of someone who wants to reassure other countries that the United States has taken military force off the table in its dealings with Iran. Quite the contrary. Bush and Cheney are still dedicated to a confrontational approach in their dealings with the Iranian regime, in which the threat of military force remains their principal means of diplomacy . Rest assured, if given the opportunity, Bush will pull the trigger on a strike against Iran, or allow Israel to do so. And he won’t give a damn what effect that might have on our military, on the shipment of oil from the Gulf or the increased threat of terrorist attacks in the United States. Indeed, I can see him authorizing a strike after November if McCain doesn’t win, because I doubt he trusts either Clinton or Obama to have the “guts” to do the deed.
Indeed, if matters continue on their present course with Iran’s leadership confirming their support of the hardliners, led by President Ahmadinejad, who have openly pushed Iran’s nuclear program forward in the face of international opposition, and with an increasingly desperate Bush administration fearful that their one chance to take down Iran will pass them by unless they act before turning over the reins of power to a new administration next January, I foresee a very bad ending. It isn’t a certainty at this point, but with each day that passes the risk that Bush will take the plunge into another preventive war increases, and will continue to increase. And there is little that the other major powers or our Congress can do to stop him. After all, there is nothing more dangerous than a man with nothing to lose.
Asked whether the information presented to the IAEA’s 35 board member nations indicated that Teheran continued such activities past that date, Smith said: “Certainly some of the dates… went beyond 2003,” but did not elaborate.
Another diplomat at the presentation, who asked for anonymity because the IAEA meeting was closed, said some of the documentation focused on a 2004 Iranian report on alleged weapons activities. But she said it was unclear whether the project was being actively worked on then.
A senior diplomat inside the meeting said that among the material shown was an Iranian video depicting mockups of a missile re-entry vehicle. He said IAEA Director General Oli Heinonen suggested the component – which brings missiles back from the stratosphere – was configured in a way that strongly suggests it was meant to carry a nuclear warhead.
On US Terrorist List: PMOI/MEK
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
To me, this information has too much flavor of curveball, aluminum tubes and yellowcake.
We recall the bogus documentation used for justifying the Iraq war.
I agree. I don’t doubt Iran wants to have this “program” in the back of the minds of the Euros as a negotiating tool, but I suspect that at present they are more focused on enrichment technology, which is still not fully operational. The problem is that with the hardliners spouting off all the time, that simply adds fuel to the neocon fires.
WASHINGTON, PRNewswire-USNewswire Feb. 18 — The following statement was issued today by the Society of Iranian-American Scholars & Professionals (San Diego), Colorado’s Iranian American Community, and the Iranian-American Society of Texas:
Iran’s rising meddling in Iraq and the humanitarian and political status of Iran’s largest opposition — the People’s Mojahedin Organization (PMOI/MEK) — in Ashraf City, Iraq, was the topic of a policy conference in the U.S. Congress on February 13, 2008.
True source of the nuclear information was Israel
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
My memory’s a bit shaky, but wasn’t the UK responsible for passing off forged intelligence documents that they claimed were legitimately obtained from “multiple sources” during the Iraq Forgery too?
A British chap has posted some news about battles over disclosure on this topic, over on the orange site:
I have been away for 5 days and this bullshit is what I come back to! Headlines like oui posts which are not reflected in the segment that is posted and finally blaming Israel! Cut the bullshit. While we buy into the smoke and mirrors re Iran and the US govt postures, Turkey invades a soverign country (sounds familiar>) and the US bullshits and that’s it? The O man is plastered all over the media in a “Muslim” outfit! When the hell will the bullshit stop?
Where the hell is the anger re they goddamned lies that Mccain spews regarding the “end of the war” in Iraq? Where the hell is the challenges to the garbage that a 35 count indictment of a sitting US Representative is simply disregarded by the media? Stop the Israeli blame game. Give it a rest unles you have a agenda?
Now, when do we address the serious possibility that a “war hero” might just become the next president of the USA? War Hero my ass.
The BBC and Israeli Propaganda
Israel’s Plan for a Military Strike on Iran
Read the rest in Counterpunch. It’s very interesting.
Hey shergald- don’t get me wrong. There is no way to interpret my rant as a call for total, unconditional support for Israel and they have been ridiculous is their behavior toward other human beings. What I am disgusted with is the desire to blindly attack one side of an insane situation while apparently disgregarding the horrific behavior of others. I sit and wait patiently for someone in the US Govt to explain HONESTLY why this administration has willingly chosen to support govts that blatently disregard the rights of their citizens; that openly refuse to offer any support for the “plight” of the “downtrodden” in their neighborhood. Trite response? If we are to believe the documents referred to, then why the hell isn’t our administration taking a stronger stance in support of the “downtrodden” in the “Arab” world? Where the hell is the balance? You know the answer.
The situation with regards to Iran is the latest example of the US Administrations plan to spread the “domination” of the USA in the world and using the fear tool is the method of choice.
Putin is the one with the carrots and sticks and the quieter he gets, the more I’m convinced every back door is opening to him. He doesn’t need a cadaver dog to recognize the huge US weakness that Bush’s policies have created for him.
The folks at ArmsControlWonk. When they say worry I will worry. They actually called the fact that Iran had shutdown their weapons program in 2003 based on indirect observations, well before the NIE that said so.
They have been following the centrifuges for quite a while.
The report above may be accurate, but as I say, I’ll worry when the wonks tell me to.
Can you all answer these questions in under 5 seconds and with a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’?
Is it acceptable to US interests that Iran acquire nuclear weapons?
Is military force ever an acceptable means of preventing Iran’s acquisition of nukes?
Did you fully consider the political, economic and humanitarian implications of an Iran-dominate Gulf region when answering the previous questions?
How about you answer some of mine:
Is it possible that some Canadians aren’t actually aliens sent to invade the planet earth?
Is military force ever an acceptable means of preventing aliens dressed as Canadians to invade earth?
Did you fully consider the political, economic and humanitarian implications of an Candian-Alien invasion when answering the previous questions?
NOTE: There is no evidence of any nuclear weapons program in Iran — not now, not in 2003, not ever. And the Iranian nculear program started under the Shah with the blessing and participation of the United States because it makes economic sense.
Not one for thinking about multiple possible realities until all the facts are in, I see.
Well, as long as we’ve shuttered our minds, we’re bound to make the right decisions.
I think you might have presumed some intent for my asking folks to use their noodles.
Feel over Fact – it truly is a Colbert Nation.
this is just the manifestation of another part battle that BushCo™ is losing in the ME.
these for example:
so the nuclear threat is all they’ve got…the standard when all you’ve got is a hammer, everything’s a nail approach to policy. that’s all they know.
another complete and total failure of their ME foreign policy. this entire fiasco couldn’t have worked out better for russia, and to some extent, china, if they’d planned it…and to think some of the RATpubs seriously consider CONdi as a viable VP to st. john with his 100 year war?
’tis a strange place they inhabit. boggles the mind.
as an aside, l highly recommend the AsiaTimes as an alternative source of news and information that you won’t get here, or in most of the european media.
Yep, probably the recognition of common goals is the tip of the strongest WMD ever devised.
as well as a common enemy…BushCo™ has managed to alienate even their long time co-conspirators.
Suppose I draw you a picture of a three headed spaghetti monster, and demand that you immediately prove that you don’t intend to secretly hide one…
The IAEA calls this “alleged studies” for a reason — they’re “alleged”
THe US has been shopping around this “evidence” from the so-called laptop of death for about 3 years now, never having actually made it available to the IAEA.
Only NOW has the US decided to blind-side the IAEA by providing selective access to the info on this “Laptop of Death” and send it off on a goose chase — just a few days before the IAEA was about to issue a report which specifically states that it has cleared up all outstanding issues with Iran. Gee, why do you think the US chose this particular time to do so?
And you think that’s a reliable source and a reason for suspicion? Why is that after 5 years of inspections the IAEA has not run into any of this stuff about “GReen Salt” etc? until now?
Here, have some Yellowcake from Niger. Yum Yum. Eat some more.