Writer’s block is bad for bloggers. I don’t feel like writing today. No, not even about Ann Richards’ sons telling the Clinton campaign to get bent. I have campaign fatigue. I sincerely hope that next Tuesday settles this primary. We’re already starting to see the evil/hate rear its ugly head, bellowing some kind of primordial deathshriek at Obama. No one ever thought it would be different. He’s a Muslim, he consorts with terrorists and anti-Semites, he’s gay, he’s a druggie…we get it. I just didn’t think we’d be hearing so much of it from the Democratic side. But it’s okay. If he defeats it now, he can defeat it later. I’m tired of talking about it.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
soooo …. you’re trying to make him feel worse? 😉
Maybe we should ask what Molly Ivins would think.
I can’t believe they released it after the two sons objected. I hope they make a huge, public stink about it. As for identity politics, well…
Perfect timing for that linked story. I’ve seen it in multiple places today. The real question is:
Did she make sure to firmly “reject and denounce”
Louis Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic viewsAdelfa Callejo, her 84 year-old Latina supporter’s racist views? Didn’t think so.Well, you gotta admit —
— Hillary and her folks registered that part, all right.
When you blogged about John Lewis a few days ago people were asking for his history. k/o embedded this youtube about Bloody Sunday over in his diary at dKos.
there’s a reason I call him the greatest living American. I admire him more than anyone. I only wish more people knew what he did.
I’m just tired. I’ve been reading, but the idea of typing out a post just wears me out. Luckily, we had some modem issues today, so I couldn’t have even if I wanted to. Instead, I pretended to think about work and I took my kids to my local completely sustainable, 100% green and off the grid Audubon Society Center. It was totally worth it. On the way back to the freeway, we saw this:

That’s someone’s front yard! The eyeballs are disco balls and they were twirling in the wind! I love LA! This more than made up for my blogging fatigue.
Very cool, especially the bug eyes. I’m trying to imagine that in someone’s front yard here in SE PA…and giggling at the thought.
he’s black and that’s good enough for some Democrats not to support him. No reject? No denounce? No kidding.
when i burn out i spend more time on you tube
THIS is good!
And don’t forget: Very important!
Here’s a really educational piece from Juan Cole. He talks about the semitic meaning of the name “Barack Hussein Obama” and scolds that jerkoff radio host at the McCain rally yesterday.
You didn’t think we’d be hearing so much of it from the Democratic side!!!???
Where you been the last 40 years or so?
Dems have been eating Dems since the late ’60s.
You and the anti-Hillary people have been doing exactly the same thing (albeit admittedly on another level) to Hillary Clinton for months.
Y’all wonder how it is that the supposedly good-hearted and morally correct Dems have lost to the Ratpubs so often and so consistently since 1952?
There it is, in a nutshell.
Cannibal politics.
You eat your own.
Some ‘a you eat Clintons, and now some OTHERS ‘a you are eating Obamas.
So nu !!!???
I reiterate:
Oh…I know.
You’ve been too busy demonizing Hillary Clinton to be able to spare the time to look around and see the other sharpened incisors jes’ ‘a waitin’ to tear into whoever is successful after she falls.
Business as usual.
RING dem Dem Bones!!!
You always hurt the one you love.
ESPECIALLY when it’s you and you are a DemRat.
Tit for tat, baby.
Tit for tat.
Oppose her?
Demonize her?
Live by the slur, die by the slur.
It was the leftiness bloggers who applied the concet of letting “evil/hate rear its ugly head”, bellowing some set of deathshrieks at Hillary Clinton.
If this election is losable… I know, it seems impossible, but IF IT IS…it will be people like you who have lost it.
The sheer hatred shown by the Dem left regarding Clinton is almost mythical in scope.
Look into who Hillary hired to run her campaign (and his connections to McCain’s guy), and think about the piss-poor job he’s done, and then tell me that everyone else is out to get her and that’s the only reason she isn’t winning. She made some crappy choices, and Mark Penn’s only plan B when she didn’t win it all on Super Tuesday was to push onward and keep collecting his multimillion-dollar paychecks for as long as possible, without doing anything to win. How many states has she ceded to Obama without a fight, calling them insignificant? You don’t think she’d do the same in the general election?
Life is nothing but a long series of judgement calls, and Hillary made some bad ones in the last year (I’m being kind; she screwed up the AUMF in 2002 as well). It happens.
I think that Hillary Clinton made some bad choices.
A LOT of bad choices.
But she was dancing with what brung her.
Dancing with what brung ya in a time of real change is…risky to say the least. But that’s who she is. Mainstream like a motherfucker. She was too mainstream to go outside the box with Saul Alinsky when she was 20 and she is STILL living inside of that mainstream box.
The acceptance of which position brought her (and her ally Bill) to the Presidency, to the Senate and the to brink of ANOTHER Presidency.
It would be hard to jesttison that kind of tactic when it has led to such success, don’tcha think?
She’d have to be almost…almost a revolutionary sort of political genius…to make that sort of switch mid-career, right?
And we have already established that she is NOT that. She is a mainstreamer.
So it goes.
My point here is not that she lost unjustly. It is that the leftiness hate that I have seen for her is WAY over the top and quite possibly the beginning of yet another instance of the kneejerk loser syndrome that has dogged the left here for 60 years or so.
We shall see.
Meanwhile…I hope that she is a gracious loser, works her BUTT off for Obama and has a long and fine career in the Senate.
And I also hope…a forlorn hope, I fear…that the left wakes the fuck up and stops acting like a bunch of slightly more literate Limbaughs.
We shall see about that as well.
Turn on Obama?
Eat your own?
Wait ’til he makes his first mistake, you frontrunner motherfuckers. (Nothing personal there, CabinGirl. You usually make a WHOLE lot more sense than do some of your closest…friends.)
THEN we’ll see.
I didn’t call you a Clinton booster. (I’m not an Obama booster either, btw…I’m still getting used to the idea that I may need to actually cast a vote to help decide this in April.) I think we both know that there really isn’t much to differentiate the two in terms of proposed policies, with the exception of foreign policy and war. Potential coattails are another story.
I have to agree with you about unjust leftiness hate, although I’ve gotta say I’ve seen it from both sides. And in terms of WAY over the top this primary season, I just don’t know what to say when I see a woman who supports Hillary Clinton call another woman who supports Obama a B-word repeatedly (among other vicious insults) in an ugly vicious response to a politely asked question, making it clear that the right has not cornered the market on verbal nastiness.
Have we forgotten who we are, and that we might want to speak to each other again when this is over?
I have no doubt that the ugliness of presidential campaigns will set its sights on whoever is the nominee. I’m looking forward to working on my local campaigns because they’re more personally satisfying – I mean, who can resist helping the woman who got the local skate park built so the kids wouldn’t get fined for skating in public anymore? Last time, we helped Barbara McIlvaine Smith get elected by an 18-vote margin and shift the balance in the PA state house to the Dems. This year, she’s up against the same guy again. And since he’s an anti-choice jerk, I’ll be happy to help defeat him again.
(ps, I will now be lording it over my closest…friends that I make more sense than they do. 🙂 )
GOD I hope it does some good!!!
Um, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for that one… 😉
The most inspirational thing I’ve seen in decades was on PBS American Masters last night, a bio on Pete Seeger. Take a look at what he went through and what he did during the Vietnam era.
Ah, Washington, DC, November 1969.
His company is also representing McCain. The longer he milks the Clinton budget, the more inroads he makes against Obama…then his job for McCain is even easier. This is a game for those guys. America loses.
At this point, knowing that Penn’s company also represents McCain, anyone supporting Clinton should be re-examining the operation. This is NOT a slam on the Senator herself, but the mechanics of winning a November election. It’s like having a discussion of Nader’s various positions. It’s counterproductive.
Thank you for pointing this out again. Mark Penn won’t give up until he’s paid for these multimillion dollar house renovations. And there’s a reason that Hillary and McCain are using the same attacks against Obama: they have two advisers who work together.
Which makes the whole “who is picking our candidate anyway?” argument against open primaries that’s been going around pretty ridiculous. If you’re going to get up in arms about the possibility of Republicans and independents voting for Obama in an open primary, why aren’t you the least bit concerned about the fact that the campaign advisers for both sides are a pack of thieves working together? Or is this supposed to be a step up from Carville and Matalin?
This was on the front page of our paper here in Cincinnati and I just find this hilarious.
Apparently, former Senator Mike Dewine and Hamilton County prosecutor Joe Deters thought it would be just hilarious of Ol’ Willie would “throw some red meat to the crowd … to get the crowd on their feet and get them happy.” Cunningham is a home grown Republican icon in the city and has a large daily following for his radio show.
Cunningham’s mug was still all over cable news last night and he was ripping McCain mercilessly. To see the local response to this being so loud and angry is just too much for my old liberal heart to take. I think the laughter is just going to kill me. Who could reasonably expect Republicans to govern when they can’t even organize a simple political rally without shooting themselves in the foot!
…would get burnt out from talking about this election constantly. I guess the reporters that the cable news channels grow in those special pods don’t get sick of it, but that doesn’t refute what I said about any normal human being.
Maybe you should write about something else . Like newfs.
Who are they voting for? The whole “identity politics” thing would suggest that, as black dogs, they’d probably trend toward Obama.
(Renee ducks, and slinks away…)
here is one
I drifted by her blog today and just zipped over her past few posts: a couple pro-Hillary posts, but mostly anti-Obama stuff, really mean stuff. Pure Republican stuff.
I know she’s supposed to be an atheist Jew who supports Clinton, but who is she? I can’t find a wiki entry, or anything else. Where did she come from? Where was she born, where did she go to school? Does she come from a right-wing family? How long has she been around? When did she get involved in politics? She functions as an attack dog for the oligarchy. I want to know where she learned her skills.
She’s a Reagan Democrat:
She looks too young for a Reagan Democrat. Besides, I thought Reagan Democrats were anti-abortion, anti-organized labor, scaredy cats who were afraid that the Sandinistas were going to march into Texas. What’s she doing complaining about Obama every three hours?
There is good news. The longer Hillary sticks around the worse she looks.
And don’t blame us. Don’t blame the media. Don’t blame her blathering husband.
She has done this all to herself.
I was once a fan of Clinton, but would never have voted for her over Clinton. But now, I would never vote for her.
And I do want a woman President, and soon. But I hope the next woman candidate learns a lesson from Hillary.
You are owed nothing. And don’t get in bed with Karl Rove and Matt Drudge.