Is it Tuesday yet?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Recent Posts
- Day 28: Democracy Dies In Darkness
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
Like watching paint dry.
Hillary is touted on the rebound b/c she raised $35 million in February. without mentioning she started with $8 million in debt that does not include the $5 million loan to self.
Obama’s camp is keeping mum on amount of their February haul – expected to be way past $50 million – after meeting their target of 1 million donors and now 15,000 donors beyond that.
We junkies are so pathetic.
My day goes like this:
Wake at 5am. Turn on MSNBC. Doze while listening until 7:30 am. (This makes for very disturbing dreams.) Get up, shower, go to work.
Steal every free second to check RCP. BT. DK. All in search of positive Obama news.
Go home. Turn on MSNBC. Or CNN if some MSNBC show about child sex slavery is on. Or some infomercial re McCain or Clinton. Watch two hours of Anderson Cooper, even though the second hour is the same as the first.
Finally, the rerun of Olbermann. That gets me to 10pm. Then, it’s a wasteland until 11pm, when more news is available again. Sometime after midnight, turn on CSPAN and snooze until 5am. (This also makes for very disturbing dreams. The extent to which they are disturbing can be increased by consuming alcohol before bed.)
I have no life. I haven’t written anything of substance in weeks. This will no doubt continue until March 4.
Then please, if there’s a God, let this end, so we can all get behind Obama and start the General. I’ll be less obsessed then, I promise!!
P.S. I will break this routine on the weekend to call Texas for Obama. I will actually do this in the company of others. I hope I can remember how to behave in public! ;-D
Then please, if there’s a God, let this end, so we can all get behind Obama and start the General. I’ll be less obsessed then, I promise!!
*koff* *koff*
Okay. I’ll try to be less obsessed. At this point, I still think some success along that line is possible!!
I was just thinking, your day sounds a lot like mine. The cafeteria at work has MSNBC on, so I get to see the odd mixture of politics, natural disasters and missing white girls. Then off to my desk where emails and meetings are occasionally punctuated with checking various blogs. Then off to lunch where MSNBC is just doing the market wrapup. Then back to the desk, and finally an hour and a half or so of vacation from information overload while I’m on the bus heading home. Then blogging at night, unless it’s a primary night when it’s blogging AND MSNBC.
Honest, somewhere in there I make time to do what my company pays me for, plus spending time with my family, plus practicing my banjo, plus minor incidentals like food.
I congratulate you for finding time for family and BANJO. way cool!!!
I actually have a gig coming up next month! OK, most everyone in the audience is going to be my friends, and it’s just a two-song set at a science fiction convention, but I got invited to perform rather than being told the convention is in some other city, and I’m pretty jazzed.
The salient words here are “invited to perform”.
The rest — all the awshucks Jimmy Stewart stuff — can go down the disposal.
Congrats, Omir. It’s not just a good feeling; it’s an accomplishment.
Thanks for the congrats. It hasn’t been all that long since I was green as grass with this group of people, many of whom are very talented musicians, so it really is an “oh wow” moment for me.
That’s so cool, Omir!
I’ve been in filkrooms with a banjo-player, and they are LOUD instruments… but I’m curious nonetheless.
It’s been a very, very long time since I’ve filked (got tired of getting run over by filk-hogging guys with guitars), but many of the real old-timers will remember me… since I did so many cassette covers for their music.
Yeah, it’s hard to keep a banjo quiet. 🙂 That’s why I’m bidding on the baritone uke, and why my friend Brooke Lunderville usually plays a banjola (banjo neck, mandola body). It’s much quieter and easier to sing to.
I’m afraid Conchord is out of my traveling range at the moment. I do most of my filking at Norwescon, VCon, and a new filk convention here in Seattle called Conflikt. Of course if I found myself somewhere else with a filk circle, I’d end up there too. (Can’t hardly blame you w/r/t the filk hogs; we’re generally pretty good about that around here.)
Very cool!
When I took my kids to my local Audubon Center, I found out on March 29th, they’re going to have a South Appalachian jam session. On the flyer they printed, “Bring your banjo or fiddle!” And I thought, “OMG. The only person I know who has a banjo is OMIR!” I’m wondering if we could pass my daughter’s ukelele off as a fiddle. She already pretends it’s an upright bass.
Heh. Retune the ukulele to an open G chord. Then she can just hit that chord and pretty much be in tune with anything that’ll get played. 🙂 I do this for my granddaughter, who likes to sing and likes to play when I’m practicing, but is only 3 and is a bit young to be figuring out chords yet.
Actually I have an eBay auction I’m watching at the moment where I am the high bidder on a baritone ukulele, which is tuned like the top four strings of a guitar (D-G-B-E). If I get it I intend to tune that top string down a whole step so it’ll be tuned like a banjo. That way I don’t have to learn a different set of chords and I can play an instrument that won’t take a roomful of people to balance it out. Sort of like singing along with a Scottish Great bagpipe.
You do realize that you lost me after the second word on your post. I’ll send my husband the link so he can figure it out. It’s not a decent ukelele and one of the white (plastic) nobby things seems to be loose, but she loves to play her Hawaiian songs on it.
Sorry, didn’t know you were musically clined. (Sort of the opposite of being musically inclined.)
Normally a uke is tuned G-C-E-A. Just have your husband retune it to G-B-D-G and your daughter should be good. Or let her play it the way it is. It’s not like they’ll be able to hear her over the din of whatever’s going on anyway.
I haven’t watched TV in almost 10 years. Last October, I got hooked on Lost and watched all 3 seasons. Now, I live for Thursday nights again. It’s the only night of the week we can get the kids in the bedroom before 8pm. Please don’t rob me of my Thursdays.
What do you watch on Thursdays? That’s the only night I used to watch TV, when there were shows to watch. Ugly Betty, Grey’s Anatomy…
Like I said in my comment, I got hooked. Seriously, I don’t expect much from TV, but these first 3 episodes from this 4th season were seriously some of the best writing and cinematography I think I’ve ever seen on TV.
I never got hooked on Lost (probably because it was opposite shows I was already hooked to) but I did catch some this year and in past years, and agree, this is some of the highest quality writing and cinematography ever on TV. Good addiction to have!
Kucinich seems to have rolled over his mailing lists from Kucinich for President to Kucinich for Congress. That’s not cool.
My idiot councilman sent out an email announcing his new baby. Meanwhile, I’ll have to wait until April to find out what happened in February and March. And forget getting an email that’ll tell me what’s going to happen in April, May or June. I’ll find that out in July.
Mike Huckabee sent an odd fundraising email ($25+ only please that started off:
He also sent an email yesterday asking for people sign a petition to get McCain to agree to a debate before March 4. Wasn’t there supposed to be GOP debate today on MSNBC? Did it get scrapped?
If you donate $25 or more, you can become a McCain Ace. I guess it’s better than them asking you to join McCain’s Navy.
Ron Paul’s campaign sent out an email regarding the Maine GOP caucus (it’s long and rambling and since I don’t live in Maine, I’ve ignored it). They spelled the state’s name wrong in the email title.
Quit fidgeting, Booman. We’ll be there soon.
I’m hoping for Wednesday, when (please $DEITY-DU-JOUR) Senator Clinton decides she needs to spend more time with her family.
Just to silence all the pundits. The drivel on the airwaves is awful to hear. Aren’t there other topics and news to discuss? Like, where’s Vampire Cheney these days and what’s his latest war plans? Syria? Lebanon? Where’s the outrage at the Turkish invasion of Iraq?
Um, folks, parts of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet are melting and will collapse. Can’t we discuss these things? If I have to hear one more AAR pundit discuss the g-d campaign and the hair-fine differences between the candidates, I’ll implode, but who cares, just one more fag with AIDS missing. Oh, and let’s pile onto McCrackCocaine for his stupid mixups, and drum it into the heads of the public that we MUST beat this guy in November. The Supreme Court needs fresh blood on the bench, not the corrupt blood of another Alito or Scalia.
There’s more to life than the MSM.
Well, just when I was thinking this had been an uneventful day, via Poblano at dKos: The Ft. Worth Star-Telegram is reporting on the fear of the Texas Democratic Party that one or both campaigns intend to file some kind of a lawsuit. So they sent a warning letter to both campaigns. Here’s a PDF of the letter.
but not surprised, they did a similar challenge in Nevada, if I recall?
In Nevada they used a front group (the teacher’s union) to file the suit and pretended they had nothing to do with it, though everyone knew it was really them. This time they really have NO SHAME. My god, they just can’t handle that there will be a primary and a caucus both. They know that their fans aren’t enthused or smart enough to show up to a caucus, so they want to game the system in the courts.
What a fucking outrage! It’s Nevada all over again. The state parties have the right to decide what rules they’re going to follow to distribute their delegates and they get the approval of the DNC up to a year before they conduct their primary contests. Just because the Clinton campaign is just now reading the details of how they’re conducted is no excuse for last-minute lawsuits to try and change the rules to favor themselves.
Expect the DNC to file suit or join the state’s defense right away, just like happened in Nevada.
What sore losers the Clintons are. Pathetic.
Google is spouting a frog for “leap day”!
I love their little holiday touches. The one for Valentine’s Day was sweet — it showed a little old man with a cane hand in hand with a little old lady.
Here is an archive of their special holiday logos. They go all the way back to 1999. Some really good art.