Two things that most Democrats are really tired of are politicians that seek to stoke our fears rather than inspire our service, and politicians that don’t play by the rules. Whether it was color-coded terror warnings or Bush’s Unitary Executive theory, Democrats have recoiled in horror. So that is why it is so telling that the Clintons are pushing both a lawsuit to overturn the caucus rules in Texas and a fear-mongering television commercial. It reminds us of everything we hated about Bush. And the Clintons think this will make us vote for them? They are so out of touch.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Thanks for posting this. Anybody have a good list of contact info for news stations. I think the news stations that ran Hillary’s “shame on you” tirade should hear about this. The Clinton ad really is something out of the Karl Rove playbook.
Also, Barack Obama responds.
I’ve had MSNBC on most of the day and they are running her ad, followed by Obama’s response about once every half-hour. They usually also bring someone in to comment and the consensus seems to be that the fear-mongering probably won’t work.
It’s a pattern. This ad is one of the worst I’ve seen. Clinton has fear mongered all the way.
Here Is The Washington Note, the well connected Steve Clemons’ site. Clemons write on foreign and domestic policy issues, more foreign. He has been a Hillary fan.
Today I agree with you totally on the Clintons. I’m tired of them. I want them to go away. Forever.
Check this out:
Whatever. Go Mike Gravel! Huh?
it made me laugh.
I just got your letter. Many thanks. I really appreciate it.
Cash is king.
um …. I don’t get it.
Bingo. Clinton = Rove, really.
If she had just run the same campaign her husband did in 1992, (basically the Obama campaign now) she could have probably won this thing, but she decided to run Bush’s 2004 campaign, which was rejected in the 2006 mid-terms, but she wasn’t paying attention. People are tired of being scared into voting for or against someone. They realize it’s all bullshit and they’re going with their gut on this one. The hope-monger wins.
Check out this YouTube ad for Obama in contrast to the Clinton ad:
That’s a new one and I like it… ALOT. Good stuff. Thank you Steven.
I think I’d have liked it better if it had people doing “This is my America, your America, our America” in Chinese, Vietnamese, ASL and maybe a couple other languages, not just Spanish.
But yeah, good stuff. I still like it.
I think at was aimed at Texas which may explain the numerous latino and latina voices.
It was just beautiful and very inspiring–and I can use inspiring today since I still have a lot on my plate. I was absolutely moved by it.
For all those who think this is a “cult” or somehow negative–stuff it! I’m glad to see people engaged! There’s enough crap in this world that we all have to deal with…let the cynics stew in it.
Makes sense. Out here in Western Washington we have a pretty big Asian community so I expect more Asian representation. Eastern Washington, it’s a different story.
Well, speaking from Eastern WA, I can say we’re more worried about critters on the Open Range than anything else.
Have we all seen this one yet? I think it’s just brilliant. It was done by an independent group “Amigos De Obama” and not sponsored by the campaign.
also this latino song making the rounds in Texas
Obama, Obama
It just has not sunk in to these people that the dynamics in this election are so completely different than the DLC textbook rules which have guided them forever. Their total cognitive dissonance is staggering. I understand that in the beginning this took them by surprise. But their total inability to understand and adapt to the changing landscape coupled with their tone deafness to the unprecedented actions and involvement of millions of previously uninspired Democrats should certainly be an indication as to why they should not, must not and will not win.
Her campaign has no ability to adapt to new realities; not a good sign for someone ‘ready on day one’.
Explaining why the 50+1 strategy doesn’t work can be like explaining non-Euclidean geometry to a flat earth theorist.
George Lakoff describes the VIP method in his Thinking Points (available at the Rockridge Institute), which advises against the “laundry lists” of policies which have been the hallmark of the Clinton campaign. [see related article below]
I can’t say I’m unhappy that the Clinton campaign never figured it out, and that the Obama campaign did, but it’s astonishing how clueless the Clinton campaign is. And I’ll say it again — it’s not partisanship that leads me to accuse incompetence; it’s their incompetence is that made my decision so easy.
The Hillary Clinton ad has hit the front page of the NYT online. I tuned out on the Clintons when her husband Bill went hobnobbing with Georgie’s daddy after the tsunami and agreed that beachfront property occupied by tsunami victims, for who knows how long, now needed to be turned into tourist and expensive residential sites. And then he had the cheek to state that his wife would send him and Georgie’s daddy around the world to tell everyone how nice we US people really are, in spite of everything. It looks as if Hillary Clinton is NOT planning to go back to Washington and do the work she’s being paid to do even if she loses both Texas and Ohio next Tuesday.
Each tortured strike she tries that Obama counterpunches is only serving to make him look the stronger and her unhinged. I can’t get over how her machinations are drawing a finer point on the differences between insider vs progressive goals.
Well, at least this gives us a glimpse at Obama’s rapid response team. I’ve been impressed with the quickness they’ve hit back and the forcefulness of their retorts. Crisp, unabashed and repeated by a few public campaign operatives, including Barack.
It’s also giving him plenty of practice on how to deal with OHMYGOODNESSWE’REALLGONNADIE campaigning. Too bad that it’s coming from another person within the same party. Once again, though: not surprised.
I read “OHMYGOODNESSWE’REALLGONNADIE” and wondered, “What the hell are ‘gonnadies’? Is that some weird plural of gonads? What does gonads have to do with this?”
Then I reread it.
You were not alone…
The nominee will need ’em as things get tougher.
The apostrophe break did me in….I was reading it “real gonnadies”…as opposed to simulated gonnadies?
my work is done here 😉
All these supposed Dem.Senators that I heartily despise are endorsing Obama. The Dem. Senators that I like are all still sitting on the fence.
The rats always leave the ship first.
Bill Richardson is supposed to announce… something in the next day or so. Perhaps also Edwards. Maybe at the same time. Who knows.
Edwards will announce he’s jumping back in the race with Richardson as VP.