There has not been much serious discussion of McCain’s real problem as a candidate. It’s like everyone on all sides of the issue is being very PC about something that is a very serious question regarding John McCain.
Plainly put…he is too fucking old (and old-looking) to win the next election. He is quite possibly too old to stand up to the rigors of being President as well.
McCain’s age is DEFINITELY an issue.
It is probably THE issue.
Read on for more.
McCain’s age is the issue.
As was Hillary Clinton’s vs. Obama.
If Angelina Jolie had Ms. Clinton’s position, resumé and talents, SHE would be the Dem front-runner. Mainstream Omerticans are so mediaed-out, so alpha waved into submission by TV and movie image pollution that they can’t tell a bullshitter from a Tom Cruise character. That weakling Edwards got 2/3rds of the way to the Presidency solely on the strength of a good haircut and some never-used work clothes.
Look at him walk.
He moves like the Tin Man before they found him some lube.
Creak creak creak creak creak creak creak.
He can barely turn his head on his neck.
Now look at Obama.
Moves like an athlete.
(By the way…if anyone still seriously doubts the intelligence of the people who are hyping Obama, the prominence of the above image alone ought to seal away any doubts that you might have. Out for months, this image. First up in any google search for the word Obama. They knew…)
He not only “coulda been a contendah”.
He IS a contender.
And the young will be the vote that seals things.
Do you think that they are going to vote for some foxy grandpa with a short fuse and a mean disposition or for Mr. Sun and Light who could quite conceivably be an all-star baseball or basketball player on image alone?
FORGET about the mental aspects of aging. This is how elections are won and lost in America.
Nothing less and nothing more.
Obama is saleable.
Clinton somewhat less so.
McCain is not saleable at all.
Thus the mass rush among so-called “honorable” pols to jump on the Obama bandwagon before it takes off without them.
Don’tcha just LOVE the obeisances now being offered to that old hustler Rep. John Lewis [Representative, D, GA] for having belatedly realized his mistake in endorsing Hillary Clinton and now doing the “But…he’s my bro’!!! “ thing with Senator Obama? Nice, John. MLK Jr. be LOOKIN’ at you. Bet on it.
And by the way…watch out for Schwarzenegger in 2012 if the RatPubs maintain enough legislative position to be able to change the presidential elegibility parameters.
First Reagan, then George Jr. (Two ENTIRELY created images.) and then Der Schwarzenator. Until they can develop an animatron that is convincing enough to pass off as human. Provided of course they have not already succeeded in doing so with Ronnie Boy and George Jr.
Love it or turn off the TV.
Tips? Recs? Flames (If you’re not too old to get a flame up, of course.
ImageElection ’08.
We’ve come a long, long way from 1776, ain’t we?
Wonder how Ol’ George W.’s wooden teeth woulda looked in high def?
Good thing fer TimeBomb Mac that they ain’t got that there Smellovision together yet.
Good thing fer us all, podnas.
Good thing fer us all.
Bet on it.
BTW who will be his running mate … perhaps Condi Rice? A shoe in combination.
WASHINGTON, (NY Times) July 29, 1904 — While the general spirit and purpose of the Constitution is applicable to the zone, that domain is not a part of the United States within the full meaning of the Constitution and laws of the country.
The Canal Commission cannot be regarded as a branch or bureau of any of the executive departments. The will and sound discretion of the President and his commission will control, subject only to the general spirit and purpose of the Constitution.
Full article (pdf)
≈ Cross-posted from my diary — McCain’s Canal Zone Problem Interlinked with Guantanamo Bay ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Oh I definitely don’t think Rice, she was asked in interview recently and she laughed and said no way,…she wants outta there, going back to Stanford.
We should keep all the old farts from posting here. <ducks>
That’s it, I’m outta here.
and in pretty good shape..
I wouldn’t even CONSIDER putting myself through the rigors of a campaign like this, let alone the pressure of a Presidency.
The travel alone…!!! And I’m a professional traveler.
But I still have a lot to say.
Jesus, Boran 2…look at what the Presidency did to Butcher Boy.
And he’s not even awake most of the time.