What’s the word on the street? Or, in Texas or Ohio?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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- Day 28: Democracy Dies In Darkness
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
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- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
Interesting analysis of Ohio done by Al Giordano over at The Field…he predicts a narrow popular vote victory for Clinton but a 72-69 delegate split in favor of Obama.
Giordano’s done a great job predicting contests so far (he’s called 32 out of 34 states correctly), and his estimate of Wisconsin and Hawaii were nearly spot-on – he actually underestimated Obama’s totals slightly.
Al at The Field is AWESOME. I read all of his stuff. And he’s probably the ONLY analyst I’ve read who understands the latino constituency.
But what kills me is that Al Giordano sounds like a really hearty Italian meal. With like calamari and a rich sauce. Over fettucine.
Hey, I nominated you for my favorite woman blogger. Scout Finch over at Orange had a link the other day.
I’ll have to check out that link.
Nothing personal toward Fabooj, but I nominated Pam Spaulding. I’ve loved her for years.
Man. Pam wins all the awards; black weblog awards, women weblog awards, LGBT weblog awards, NC weblog awards, liberal weblog awards. It’s like she’s hogging up all the award with her fancy pants blog.
I love Pam too. But she doesn’t hang out. At least, not with me.
For so many reasons…
n. resuscitation; rebirth; metempsychosis; exact reproduction of ancestral characteristics.
palingenesian, palingenetic, a. palingenesist, n.
Any of you catch Hillary’s performance on 60 Minutes? Apparently, when asked about whether Obama was a Muslim, she responded, “I take him at his word.” I didn’t see it, so I’m not sure what went on.
I’ll have to watch that when it comes on here out west in an hour. Looks like they’ll have interviews with both Hillary and Barack.
I’m interested to hear. They’re going nuts over it at The Great Orange Satan.
Here it is:
I think the people who are upset are over-reacting.
Agreed. I just saw it live. While her response was slightly jarring, I think that’s more because she was tired. She wasn’t trying to dig at him.
No, I disagree. That’s lame. I don’t expect her to mount a rousing defense for the man, but that’s what you say when you don’t believe a person, but decide to let it go.
The question wasn’t over a mailer, but over whether or not he’s a Christian, and she knows damn well the answer.
Well if someone asked me if he was a Muslim I’d say no he says he’s a Christian and I have no reason to doubt him.
See, to me, a clean hit would have been something along the lines of “Of course not. That’s silly, and that’s not what our campaign is about. Our campaign is about my experience and being ready from day one.”
Not that I believe that tripe, of course. 🙂 But that would be fair.
Reason #5421 that she is just unacceptable to me. Making rethug-like arguments…ugh. Good Lord, the man is being attacked by Hillary, Bill, McCain AND shrub.
I just now watched the segment on TV and, at least the way it was cut, she came off as defensive after they played the piece from Obama about the smear camapign against him that he’s a Muslim, unpatriotic and was sworn in on a koran. We all know that her campaign played BIG a part in that smear campaign in Iowa. And then to cut to her, just saying that she “takes him at his word” that he’s not a Muslim is pretty damning. She didn’t defend her friend Barack, as any TRUE friend would do. She just indicated that she has no reason not to believe him.
I agree mary. She said of course not, then tried to elaborate on it. It didn’t need elaborating, but people expect elaborating.
“As far as I know.”
Okay. She is a ready on day one high-powered attorney Walmart board member (I wonder if she passed work along to Armando at some point). And yet, this use of language in this context, during an interview to be nationally televised was just a slip of the tongue or somehow not intended as the clear innuendo that it is.
Has any lawyer at a press conference ever uttered these words to finish off a statement and not meant (I haven’t personally seen the evidence, but you know, it is certainly a possibility and I’m happy if you believe it).
Fuck no. I just hope Obama pulls it out. I don’t want to have to be torn between not going to the polls, or voting for Nader or McCain.
We are going full blast here in Texas to get Obama the nomination!!!!
Saw this video and would like to share.
Hey refinish, good to see you 🙂
I was thinking about you a couple of weeks ago when I was first trying to figure out how the Texas primary/caucus system worked. Now I know more about it than I thought possible.
What’s your feel?
It’s a screwed up system but it is ours and Obama is going to do well in Texas. I think He will take Texas.
Refinish! Hi, how the heck are ya?
I have this feeling Obama is going to do very, very well in the Lone Star State.
Hi Omir!!! I am doing great besides being so busy I can hardly think. LOL Obama is going to do quite well here.
I’m a precinct election judge in Fort Worth. This weekend I had to go through my list of eligible voters and mark the ones who voted early. Normally this takes about 30 minutes. This year it took two hours.
My precinct is strongly Republican. I think in ’04 it went 70-30 for Bush. Early voters this year are 65% Democratic. Voters younger than me (42) are about 90% Democratic.
What this portends about the results? Probably good for Obama, as youth turnout is strong. Mostly, though, I think state and local Republicans are puckering hard at these numbers.
did you see this from Harris County?
It has been that way in most of Texas if not all. The political pundints who make a living forcasting races are screwed since noone knows who half these voters are or anything abut them. LOL
Boo, this post at BOR speaks to the early voting turnout throughout the state. It’s remarkable.
Write-ups of the Obama town hall meeting in Westerville, Ohio here:
Part 1
Part 2
Wasn’t able to attend the town hall meeting myself, even though it was near where I live. I had to take Daughter to sing at church today, at the same time the Obama event was going on. And who knows how early I would have needed to be in line to be assured a seat.
Demetrius was home, making some fried chicken to bring to the local Obama volunteer headquarters. Neither one of us is cut out for phonebanking or canvassing, so we try to find the things we can do.
The alternative to hope (A few thoughts in advance of Tuesday’s primary contests)
I saw that on C-Span. It was really good. He does well in the question/answer format. He even answered some questions that people asked in ways that made some uncomfortable at first, but once he explained his views fully, they at least respected him for his honesty. Like Reagan, even if you don’t agree with him, at least you know where he stands. People left very pleased with what they saw.
I got an email from John McCain. The first blurb was weird because it was John McCain this, John McCain that. Then I get to the second blurb and the second paragraph says:
Okay, I find it funny that the DNC is listed as one of the usual suspects in promoting Democrats. Well, duh!
That’s a funny quote. They’re setting their sights a little low. Those groups aren’t looking to spend $20 million, they’re looking to spend hundreds of millions to discredit McCain. They intend to win.
Hell yeah when republicans are complaining about the amount of money massed against them, then you know the political winds have changed. Smear? Republicans complaining about smears? I say no mercy. I say swift boat him.
“If Republicans will stop telling lies about us, we’ll stop telling the truth about them.” — Adlai Stevenson
I just got home from a MoveOn house party. I co-hosted the event since my friend hates to speak in public. About 20 people came over and made more than 550 calls in an hour and a half, contacting about 160 voters in Texas and urging them to vote for Obama.
If our results are indicative, he’s got it in the bag. But I don’t think it’s that easy.
I DO know that a lot of people had been called three or more times already. (I’m guessing the list was ‘likely primary votes’) because when I called people from a campaign list yesterday, none of them said they had been called before.
In other words – if you’re thinking of picking up the phone. Do it. It’s not too late.
What was cool is that most of the Obama supporters we reached were definitely planning on caucusing for him. Good sign.
Mitt Romney thinks McCain promised Governor Crist the VP slot.
I remember suggesting that once.
Crist is such a good fit for him. Not that I want to help the McCain campaign.
There’s been a lot of buzz about Pawlenty, but Crist might lock down the big prize of Florida.
I live in the Minority Leader’s District in west Ohio. Maybe that explains why I’ve seen exactly two Obama yard signs and two Clinton yard signs.
I vote bright & early tomorrow morn.