Unfortunately the cleric won’t be able to resurrect.
From Wired:

Gygax designed the original D&D game with Dave Arneson in 1974, and went on to create the Dangerous Journeys and Lejendary Adventure RPGs, as well as a number of board games. He also wrote several fantasy novels.
“I don’t think I’ve really grokked it yet,” said Mike Mearls, the lead developer of the upcoming 4th edition of Dungeons and Dragons. “He was like the cool uncle that every gamer had. He shaped an entire generation of gamers.”

It’s been decades (!) since I gathered with friends around a table to play D&D. Now a cultural icon of my youth has passed. Since many of us here are of a generation to have played the game, I thought it worth noting.

Hat tip to Paul of Cthulhu, who notes he had recently interviewed Gygax for his Yog Radio pod cast. Hopefully the interview will air soon. Paul does an excellent job with his horror interviews.