Warning: graphic, hateful language is quoted below.

This is one of those diaries I begin to write and delete to start over and delete and start over again.

I know what I want to say, but I’m trying to swear off profanity laced tirades.

It’s about women.
Or rather, it’s about those who hate women.

I don’t understand it. I don’t know what to do about it. I know I’m very protective of my daughters. But how the hell are we going to end misogyny?

There’s women like Charlotte Allen who hate other women. Then there’s people like this:

commented by Anonymous

Do you know what horrific thing jillian did to prompt such anger?

Already Diaried
by Carnacki.

That’s it?!? Someone wrote a repeat diary on the death of Gary Gygax, another points out it’s “already diaried” and that’s worth physical threats?!?

Except –

In this case, the commenter had the audacity to be a woman – a crime punishable by threatening language.

It occurs so often it even has a term: blogging while female.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post “Green Meal-mobile heading to Santa Barbara”:

Hey, thanks for posting that the Gygax diary was a repeat. Really important you did that. I hope you die cunt & we don’t post too many diaries about it. Fuck you bitch

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post “Green Meal-mobile heading to Santa Barbara”:


Harold has left a new comment on your post “Green Meal-mobile heading to Santa Barbara”:

Spot on, show some respect you cookie eating fuckwit. We should chase this whore around Kos so she learns to show some fucking respect for the dead & get a fucking life. What kind of sick loser plays diary police over this, fuck you

Harold has left a new comment on your post “Green Meal-mobile heading to Santa Barbara”:

Moreover it looks like there are other blogs & her AIM, let’s drive this cookie freak into a hole so she learns to show some fucking respect

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post “Green Meal-mobile heading to Santa Barbara”:


You see, teacherken also pointed out it was already diaried. Different gender, different reaction.

Was it even “disrespect to the dead”? Of course not. Her comment was as innocuous as could be.

My diary on Gary Gygax’s death included the line “Unfortunately the cleric won’t be able to resurrect” which could be considered much more disrespectful. Yet did I receive any hate mail or comments? Of course not. The type of cowards who leave such comments only feel safe enough to do it to women and only then anonymously.

Cowards. Punk ass cowards that if they said something like that in my presence I’d go Billy Jack on them.

Those comments weren’t coming from rightwing misogynists. They apparently came from our side of the political spectrum.

To ignore such behavior will simply send the signal that it is condoned.

Too much of that behavior is condoned already. These are not isolated examples. Similar comments can be found here too often in the hidden comments and sometimes not even troll rated.

Digby recently turned the comments off on her blog because of such remarks.

Yeah, give the cunt some smelling salts and tell her to make you a sandwich.
Beatthebitch | 02.07.08 – 9:09 pm | #

I can’t even read the comments of YouTube any more without seeing dozens of examples.

I love The Pixies and while surfing around one night with my daughters, they wanted to watch this. It has since become one of their favorite videos.

And here’s a fairly typical comment:

i dont know so many peoples view this video … is so stupid and this video had no sence … lol FMM stupid girls and ugly …

and this

r those guys or girls this song sucks big peinis

I do not claim to know how we solve this, but I think it can be done. Long ago men thought nothing of sexually harrassing women at the work place either through their words or by physically groping them. Now such behavior appears to be rare – still too frequent, but from what women I work with say much less than in the past.

Shrugging it off as just the behavior of trolls is to bury our heads in the sand and to give them free reign.

As Gary Gygax, the co-founder of Dungeons and Dragons, would know, sometimes monsters must be dragged into the sunlight to slay them.