Maybe it would be healthier if we just refocused our attention on the House and Senate races. What do you think? Who’s on your wish list?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
i would like to see someone launch a primary against the despicable Charles Schumer and the odious Jay Rockefeller.
I don’t care how futile it is, these two walking piles of dogshit need to be taught a lesson.
I’d even support the republican in such a case.
So where are the Greens when we actually need them?
I’ll run against either of them.. Think I can claim i’ve been living on ,y Granny’s couch in NYC long enough to be a resident?
I would LOVE to take out rocky. He’s the ultimate 2-faced dem elitist f’wad the Repugs always talk about.
Here in (almost) my neck of the woods, Dem Bill Foster is slightly ahead in the polls for the IL-14 special election for Hastert’s old seat. I really didn’t think that was going to happen in this redder-than-red district. What’s interesting is that IL turned blue after the GOP elected officials went down in disgrace. Now the Dems are pretty roundly hated in their turn, and indictments may be coming down, but the district is still about to either elect a Dem or at least come remarkably close. It looks like the strong swing to the Dems here is going to last, even in the face of state-level Dem ineptitude.
I was a little worried about Durbin’s reelection, but if Foster can come out ahead in 14, he should breeze in without even trying.
Thanks for trying to change the subject, but I’m still obsessing.
Is Hillary’s schedule for when she was First Lady available? It would be interesting to see who she met with re what while her husband was president and how little of that had anything to do with national security. Or do friendships with CIA employees like Larry Johnson count. Oh yeah, “ex” CIA employee, like there’s a difference….
Like being an ex-member of the mob.
I need to find out if Robert Greenwald over at Brave New Films accepts unsolicited manuscripts. I would like to see something like this:
OK, it’s rough, it’s probably not the 30 seconds you need for a TV spot, but I hope it gets the point across.
Oh, that’s so good. Fax that to Lorne Michaels at SNL. Seriously.
Here’s the fax at his NY production company:
I second what RHL said. That’s BRILLIANT.
“That was EIGHT YEARS AGO!” priceless!
Oh and thanks to you too Brendan (didn’t mean to leave you out, I thought I was replying to you)
Sorry, no can do. No TV show takes unsolicited manuscripts. In fact they won’t look at anything unless an agent submits it. That’s why I was thinking Brave New Films — if anyone’s going to do ads like this they need to jump on them NOW, not after I hire an agent.
But thank you, and thank you Fabooj, I’m glad you think it’s worthy of TV.
If you sent it with a release saying this is for the good of the country, I don’t need compensation, they’d probably read it! 😉
No, trust me, they won’t look at it and would send any such manuscript back unopened. Too many people have sued TV studios in the past because they sent in a half-assed script, then later on something remotely similar to the script appears on TV, so obviously the studio stole their script and the would-be writer sued. Somebody like Greenwald’s my best bet. (Especially since I’m donating money to his election project.)
And fax to his Chicago and DC Senate offices too. Someone there will laugh and pass it along!
Chicago: (312) 886-3514
DC: (202) 228-4260 fax
You need to get someone on that ASAP.
Omir – I hope you don’t mind – I copied that to my Obama blog (here) with a link to both your profile and this comment. That is so good I wanted to get that out there quickly!!
Btw – here’s Greenwald’s fax number:
I don’t mind at all. Let me let it percolate until at least tonight when I can get to my home computer and find out what Greenwald’s guidelines are (thanks for the #). I’m sure there’s a little more that can be added to pad it out to a reasonable length.
Glad you’re going to follow up. That was so simple and brilliant! You ARE a storyteller, indeed!
I have a subscription to IMDB Pro – that’s where I got the info, btw. It’s been well worth the small expense.
Hey, look at this
a contest! And there’s even money! Deadline is April 1.
Susie asked last week, and I suggested then, and again today, candidate Steve Harrison (NY-13/Staten Island, Brooklyn) running to unseat perpetual cog in the Republican wheel, Vito Fossella.
Plus, Steve could really use some googlebomb help to get rid of that porn link that shows up first!
House seats because they’re smaller and cost less money.
We should have been talking about Congressional races all along, just like 2006. It’s really important to consolidate the House and exit out those Blue Dogs, as well as in the Senate, and get 60+ votes there.
There’s nothing more boring than a pissing in the wind contest sponsored by the MSM to keep ratings and ad revenues up.
Did anyone here on AAR today, a clip of Limbaugh saying that he hopes the Obama/Clinton fight goes on until the Convention because it makes great grist for the media mills? Finally, Rush says something that came out of his mouth, not his ass.
We need to get away from O’Billary, since they are nearly identical when president anyway — cf. Zbignew Brzezinski is Obama’s Foreign Policy Advisor. He’s one of the idiots who started this geostrategic paranoia over oil in the Middle East and his obesession with Russia. This is not an encouraging man. Friend of Henry Kissinger. But I digress.
Take Back Congress Completely!
Just so we all know: I shall_not “rally around” if Clinton manages to take the nomination.
Before the onset–and somewhat through the early months–of the Democratic Primary season, I was mildly in favor of Hillary Clinton’s nomination.
However, watching her campaign’s behavior over the course of the past months, as her “presumptive nominee” and “front-runner” status did not result in an automatic nomination in the face of Barak Obama’s inspiring message and superior campaign, I’ve grown disgusted. (Just how disgusted, you will learn shortly.)
The Clinton campaign seems fixated upon winning the nomination no_matter_what, proving itself willing to do anything for power. I shake my head and mutter “How Clintonian–I should have known,” as I watch the Clinton campaign show that it does not have the vision or message to win fairly, and cannot hope to do so without sleazily operating by the Republican playbook–playing the race card (one way), playing the gender card (the other way), attempting to circumvent previously established rules for Florida and Michigan, and making every extra-democratic effort it can find to secure the nomination against the clear choice of the electorate.
As I said, I am repulsed and disgusted. From time to time I’ve heard various Democratic commentators suggest that no matter who wins the nomination, we all should rally around in unity for the general election in November, to defeat John McCain.
No. If Clinton wins the Democratic nomination, I shall_not rally_around. I shall actively_oppose Ms. Clinton’s election, choosing instead to assist, in any way that I can, the general election campaign of John McCain–not because I particularly want McCain as president (I don’t), but because I believe a Clinton win would be much worse for the Democratic Party and the Nation than a John McCain win. (If nothing else, we’ve seen from the past 7 1/2 years that a person running for office who shows him- or herself willing to do anything to get into power is precisely_the_most_dangerous kind of person to
put into power. Hillary Clinton has shown herself to be just this sort of person, willing to choose herself ahead of her party and her nation.)
To reiterate: My choice for president, among the remaining prospects, follows this order: 1) Barak Obama (who’ve I’ve grown to actively support), 2) John McCain, 3) Hillary Clinton (who I’ve grown to actively oppose). Note that the only ticket I’d (reluctantly) support with Clinton on it would be an Obama/Clinton ticket, in which Clinton gracefully accepts her second place finish with the people who matter–the voters–and becomes the Vice-Presidential nominee.
I am hoping this message is something the Democratic Party is willing to understand. I suspect there are many like myself–so much so that I’ve made bets with some of my Republican and Democrat friends to the effect that if Hillary Clinton manages to achieve the Democratic nomination, she will prove unelectable to the presidency in November.
One additional point needs to be made, I think. Because Hillary Clinton refuses to gracefully withdraw and wait until next time, we find John McCain given 2 months to rest, raise money, and prepare for the general election against the person who will finally be the Democratic Party nominee. This further enhances the prospect of his victory in November. (Clinton’s claim to be electable overlooks the vitally important fact that many on the right who would otherwise stay home this election cycle will turn out in numbers on account of how completely the prospect of a Clinton presidency stands for everything they hate. If for no other reason, Senator Obama remains the Democratic Party’s best hope against John McCain.)