The folks at DFA are targeting Silvestre Reyes for his willingness to give Bush a win on telecom immunity. They’re encouraging people to call his office (202-225-4831), and to pony up some shekels so they can run an ad targeting the big coward.  You know how much I like a phone call.
Boy oh boy, was that office angry with me.

First, I brought up the fact that AT&T wrote FISA: how could they not know what they were doing was illegal?

Then I brought up the fact that this line about how it only protected law-abiding companies was nonsense, since A) if they didn’t break the law they wouldn’t need immunity, and B) anyone that participated BY DEFINITION broke the law.  Why would anyone give Bush the benefit of the doubt given all the lies surrounding Iraq. This was answered with a long-winded response about Reyes’ vote against the AUMF, which I pointed out wasn’t the reason i called.

Then I mentioned DFA and the upcoming ad campaign. They didn’t like that.

Then I mentioned Al Wynn. “Have you heard of him?”  

That’s when the woman got angry. “Yes, I know who he is,” she hissed. And then she began to talk over me, loudly to the point of yelling at me, as I pointed out that the fact that Reyes is running unopposed this year doesn’t make him immune to a primary challenge in the future or immune to ads targeting him for doing Bush’s bidding. “In fact,” I added, I think I’m going to give DFA a big fat donation to get those ads going. Congressman Reyes needs to stand up for the Fourth Amendment and stop doing Bush’s bidding.”

That’s when she hung up on me.  That Democracy thing… it’s HARD WORK.