Media Narrative Shifts as Lazy Reporters Get More Free Booze

As Senator John McCain (R-AZ) has sewn up the republican nomination, he has begun plying reporters with excessive amounts of free alcohol in an effort to steer them toward delivering damaging narratives about the democratic candidates.  

The latest effort has been to convince starry-eyed journalists that  Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) is at the top of his list for Vice President.  “Its not that he’s young, or vigorous, or  politically astute, or particularly endowed with a moral strength, or even that he loves the never-ending war” said the candidate, “its that he’s a Jew, and nothing moves the story along better than the traditional tripartide tension of Woman, Black, and Jew.” After a pause McCain added, “Excuse me, my friends, I of course meant to say ‘African-American.’ “

Update [2008-3-6 11:57:48 by S2]:  Ed. note:  This story exemplifies the lazy, pointlessness of media coverage of important events in American life, which are tinged with destructive elements such as bigotry.  It is in no way meant to portray Senator McCain as a racist:  in fact, please remember he was a victim of racism in 2000 at the hands of now President Bush.  The story is meant to look forward and postulates that the narrative of the coming election will, by necessity, have elements of bigotry involved, and Americans should prepare their expectations accordingly.