Do you see what happens, Lebowski?

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has appointed some of his allies to key GOP positions affiliated with the Republican National Committee (RNC).

The Republican operatives will work at the coordinated campaign arm that serves as a liaison between McCain’s camp and the RNC. The appointments are expected to be announced on Friday.

A Republican source familiar with the personnel moves told The Hill that McCain has tapped Carly Fiorina to be his so-called Victory chairwoman. Fiorina is a former top executive at Hewlitt-Packard.

Lewis Eisenberg, a national finance co-chairman for McCain and a former partner at Goldman-Sachs, will serve as finance chairman.

Frank Donatelli, a longtime Republican operative and a contributor to The Hill’s Pundits Blog, will serve as deputy chairman.

The Republican source emphasized that these moves are “entirely consistent” with what every nominee does, and no one is losing his or her job as a part of the normal realignment.

As soon as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama secure the Democratic nomination, they’ll start retooling the Democratic National Committee (DNC), moving old people out and their people in. This is one of my prime motivating factors in opposing Hillary Clinton’s nomination. Long before Clinton’s surrogates started talking about the old days when Obama was attending a madrassa in Indonesia, or dealing crack in the neighborhood in Chicago, I opposed the Clinton’s because their allies/people absolutely hate Howard Dean, progressives, peace activists, and the netroots.

McCain is already cleaning house at the RNC. That’s precisely what I don’t want to see the Clintons do at the DNC.