I am a democrat. I vote for democrats. I don’t like some democrats, and like others not so much. But, when I get to the voting booth, I vote for the Democrat.
If there is a democrat, I will vote for him or her.
Thus, if Hillary wants me to vote for her, she must remain a Democrat.
Is Hillary a Democrat?
When you are running a campaign, one that you SHOULD be winning but are not, you tend to get a LEETTLE teechy. That would explain the amazing statement that “Senator McCain and I are ready for the Presidency. Obama is not” or whatever slur she used.
This is NOT acceptable. This is Lieberman-Democrat territory where you accept Republicans who are OK.
That is NOT acceptable.
To remain a Democrat, Senator Clinton must respect the Party label. If you are a Democrat, you do not promote members of the Republican Party at the expense of your own party members. Thus, this statement of Clinton’s is wrong.
She must stop this line, and she must apologize to Senator Obama.
Call her campaign office: 703-469-2008. Ask in a calm way to make a comment. Tell them that this line is NOT acceptable. Tell them that Senator Clinton must stop promoting McCain at the expense of Obama.
Promote yourself. Attack your fellow Democrat in a respectful way. DO NOT HELP THE REPUBLICANS.
well done dataguy.
the Clintons are in continum mode – the complete destruction of the Democratic Party. I shall work my ass off to have her defeated…even in the likely event she becomes the nominee. I’m pissed.
Samantha Power had the decency to apologise over much ado about nothing. She has also resigned as Obama’s foreign policy adviser. Too bad when the MSM promotes trivia.
I hold this against Obama. It shows incredible weakness to let your opponent bully you into firing an adviser.
If she broke Obama’s rules about not saying anything negative, a public chastising would be sufficient.
I don’t want a President that won’t stand by his people. Even NIXON stood by his men.
I agree with you. Look, Cheney and Bush kept in hundreds of controversial administrators and would not fold to negative criticism in the press and media. It’s not essential to play into the hands of the media like it used to be. Embarrassment no longer means much. The public does not get outraged, obviously. 2 stolen presidential elections in a row, and no resignations.
Obama’s just doing the old-fashioned thing, 🙂
Good idea.
I just called and tried to stay calm. I said I liked her up through Iowa. I chose Obama, but I still liked her, and would have been okay had she been my president.
(That’s not true now, because now all her evilness has caused my brain to dredge up all that stored data on the Clintons, reminding me why I don’t want them in office.)
I said what is she doing, saying McCain would be a better president for Obama. That is not right. She’s making me not want to vote for her.
The woman at the other end asked, would you vote for McCain?
I told her I would probably not vote. As would other Democrats I’ve talked to. “And she needs my vote,” I said. “She’s going to need all our votes to win in November.”
The woman sounded a tad frustrated, because she had no comeback for me. I pressed the point.
“She needs to know that people are questioning her loyalty to the party. She’s either a Democrat or not. If she’s going to diss a fellow Democrat and promote a Republican, she can’t expect Democrats to vote for her.”
Again, a meek word or two, and that was it.
I truly don’t know if I could vote for her. I want to, because I’ve been a Democrat all my life. But I feel very strongly she will hurt the party, so I just don’t know what I’ll do. Hopefully it won’t come to that.
Well it’s about time.
Hillary Clinton has been exposed as a monster liar.
Wow. go take a read:
The Chicago Tribune:
Clinton’s experience claim under scrutiny
Hillary Clinton may have influenced foreign policy, but evidence is scant she played pivotal role
The Telegraph, UK
Nobel winner: Hillary Clinton’s “silly” Irish peace claims
Not a wee bit silly. She plain lied. She’s caused untold damage.
And where is the Obama camp on taking her down?
Hillary Clinton owes the nation an apology for her “war-vote.” She owes the nation (and Senator Obama) an apology for her dismissive comments regarding Senator Obama. She is out of control.
As a democrat, you do not promote political conservatives over your fellow democrats; I don’t care how heated the race is. Shame on Hillary. She’s a spoiler. If she can’t have it, she’ll urinate all over it. Shame on Hillary.
Her sense of entitlement is grossly out-of-proportion. She is in real danger of turning into a caricature.