Pyr puppies shed out their baby coat starting at their nose and working backwards. You can just see it starting in this photo with a the smooth face and the poofy topknot. When the change is in the middle of their heads or the middle of their backs you can clearly see how “puppy uglies” gets its name.
The gods of photography took pity on my plight and sent me this about 10 minutes ago – a Tasmanian Wedge-tail eagle being chased by an irate pair of Forrest ravens.
There are less than 200 pairs of Tasmanian Wedge-tails in the wild.
I just wait till I a better quality telephoto lens. Imogen agreed to let me buy lenses if I sell my yurt, and if she gets to buy this painting (or maybe this one). We went an looked at them yesterday and they are both just stunning. I’m sure there’s some sort of “investment argument” we can make for such an expensive (for us, anyway) purchase. If nothing else, we can at least we can dream about it for awhile.
just a note of thanks to all for all the great pictures every week. I look forward to Saturday mornings with a cup of coffee and Thursday Dog Blogging.(late or not)
Is there a listing online where I could see it and fantasize? I’m ready for a big change in my life, and of course will move heaven and earth to get you those lenses.
The caption read: “Inside the VIP-yurt. At the head of the table (from left): The UNDP RR, Dep Prime Minister, Speaker of the Parliament and UNDP Regional Director for Europe and the CIS.
I see the memory failed me. The tableclothes are white!”
I once participated in a banquet inside a yurt in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan
I’ve tried to think of a witty reply to that, but I just don’t know what to say. My life is so small. 😉 I did once drive across the International Bridge from Sault Ste. Marie, MI to Sault Ste. Marie, ONT and actually had lunch at a McDonald’s in Canada. Is everyone duly impressed?
I’m trying to picture a what a Canadian yurt would look like.
Doing so reminds me of an article on felt making for yurt walls. It started, “first you take a yak hide . . . .” Then they laid out the wool on top of the hide, rolled it up around a wooden pole and dragged the whole contraption behind a horse for an hour or two to get the wool to felt. I’m sure you could work out something equally poetic with moose and musk oxen.
Ah Keres, that is my dream. Alas, my wild side just spent an entire day making fruitless plans. Now I have taken a sober look at my limitations, and must gratefully decline your generous offer.
I am myballerina at if you want to tempt me furthur.
Hi Keres,
I’ve been meaning to leave a comment in your dog blogging diaries for a long while now. You post terrific pictures that are almost enough to turn a non pet person like me into a pet lover :o)
Then of course, since I changed my signature quote..uh…every time I see your Saturday posting I feel a little awful! :o) I don’t really loathe people who keep dogs. But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a little biting now and then!
I never read your signature as “anti-dog”. Besides, I’m much more likely to bit someone then Luna. Luna is however much more likely to knock your knees out from under you – it’s a Pyr thing (they really don’t bite, or even show their teeth – except to smile, as Luna does).
Refinish, It’s so good to see you and the Divas Dogs (even if they are posing is a bit reminiscent of Siamese twins). Are they passed out from helping you move in?
As the editor of the Tasmanian Greens Party’s magazine, I’m on every environmental group’s email list. The above snipet was pulled from a email sent to me yesterday by the SOS (Save our Sisters – the Sisters being a mountain range).
I tacked this onto the end of last week’s blog.
If you come to Australia, remember, crocodiles eat anything.
More pictures of Luna as a puppy!!
The “Puppy Uglies”.
Pyr puppies shed out their baby coat starting at their nose and working backwards. You can just see it starting in this photo with a the smooth face and the poofy topknot. When the change is in the middle of their heads or the middle of their backs you can clearly see how “puppy uglies” gets its name.
Waaaaaaaaaay back when we had that horrid blue carpet in the main room.
I think we’re still getting the hang of these “bone” things.
It was hard to pick a favorite but I think it’s this one. I love the expression on her face. Bemused and contented at the same time.
I’d forgotten how big her feet were. She still makes that face, a lot.
A basket of Shitz Tsu puppies.
These belong to the woman who heads up the Tasmanian branch of the Delta Society Pet Partner Program (to which Luna and I belong).
We have one that looks like the brown and white one.
The owner calls that one “the Buddha”. Apparently Shitz Tzu litters always have one Buddha – an extra-big and – round puppy.
About half the time she actually brings the stick all the way back to me. The rest of the time she gets sidetracked and drops it.
This pit mix and adolescent boxer ganged up on this little pit bull puppy all day, but he was a scrappy little guy and kept coming back for more.
Just look at them stubby legs go! 🙂
Both pics are really great captures.
Hopey is proving to be hilariously photogenic. 😀
when the whole world is your water fountain.
If you don’t have the world’s happiest dogs, I don’t know why.
Well there are grumblings in certain quarters that I’m insufficiently responsive to requests for meals.
The gods of photography took pity on my plight and sent me this about 10 minutes ago – a Tasmanian Wedge-tail eagle being chased by an irate pair of Forrest ravens.
There are less than 200 pairs of Tasmanian Wedge-tails in the wild.
The Bird Whisperer outdoes herself. These are amazing shots.
I just wait till I a better quality telephoto lens. Imogen agreed to let me buy lenses if I sell my yurt, and if she gets to buy this painting (or maybe this one). We went an looked at them yesterday and they are both just stunning. I’m sure there’s some sort of “investment argument” we can make for such an expensive (for us, anyway) purchase. If nothing else, we can at least we can dream about it for awhile.
Those paintings are hypnotic. From the pictures, I like the Bush Medicine Leaves better.
Being quite self-centered, I say sell that yurt! I’d love to see what you could do with a better lens.
We’ve admired Gloria Petyarre’s work since we first saw some of her paintings during our trip to western Australia in ’05.
just a note of thanks to all for all the great pictures every week. I look forward to Saturday mornings with a cup of coffee and Thursday Dog Blogging.(late or not)
My pleasure. Really.
I want a yurt!
Most of all I want to live in the South Pacific.
Is there a listing online where I could see it and fantasize? I’m ready for a big change in my life, and of course will move heaven and earth to get you those lenses.
I once participated in a banquet inside a yurt in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan:
Here’s an image from an old diary entry about that trip:
The caption read: “Inside the VIP-yurt. At the head of the table (from left): The UNDP RR, Dep Prime Minister, Speaker of the Parliament and UNDP Regional Director for Europe and the CIS.
I see the memory failed me. The tableclothes are white!”
I’ve tried to think of a witty reply to that, but I just don’t know what to say. My life is so small. 😉 I did once drive across the International Bridge from Sault Ste. Marie, MI to Sault Ste. Marie, ONT and actually had lunch at a McDonald’s in Canada. Is everyone duly impressed?
Maybe the opening line for a cheesy mystery novel.
You gave be a great, big laugh SN – I guess that line came out a bit snooty.
You’re not in Michigan anymore, are ye?
Come visit me in my yurt, and we’ll trade exotic lunch stories, eh.
Ya, fer shur!
I’m trying to picture a what a Canadian yurt would look like.
Doing so reminds me of an article on felt making for yurt walls. It started, “first you take a yak hide . . . .” Then they laid out the wool on top of the hide, rolled it up around a wooden pole and dragged the whole contraption behind a horse for an hour or two to get the wool to felt. I’m sure you could work out something equally poetic with moose and musk oxen.
It’s one of these yurts. The thirty foot diameter one. With lots of extra windows.
The lot next to us is vacant – we’d even help you put it up.
I have been coveting one of those exact yurts for an extra grownup retreat space at my house.
OMG…I’ve been wanting one of those for bloody years. Yurts are really spectacular in design. For “portable” housing, they are just hard to beat.
Ah Keres, that is my dream. Alas, my wild side just spent an entire day making fruitless plans. Now I have taken a sober look at my limitations, and must gratefully decline your generous offer.
I am myballerina at if you want to tempt me furthur.
Hi Keres,
I’ve been meaning to leave a comment in your dog blogging diaries for a long while now. You post terrific pictures that are almost enough to turn a non pet person like me into a pet lover :o)
Then of course, since I changed my signature quote..uh…every time I see your Saturday posting I feel a little awful! :o) I don’t really loathe people who keep dogs. But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a little biting now and then!
Take care :o)
I never read your signature as “anti-dog”. Besides, I’m much more likely to bit someone then Luna. Luna is however much more likely to knock your knees out from under you – it’s a Pyr thing (they really don’t bite, or even show their teeth – except to smile, as Luna does).
The Diva Dogs passed ut at the new apartment.
Refinish, It’s so good to see you and the Divas Dogs (even if they are posing is a bit reminiscent of Siamese twins). Are they passed out from helping you move in?
Hi Keres,
That was actually taken back in September when we first moved in. They were so excited they ran around for 3 hours nonstop and then passed out. LOL
It’s great to see you! The diva dogs are so cute in this pic. 🙂
Long time no see and all my fault. LOL I hope things are going well for you!!!!
So great to “see” you and the Diva Dogs (who are as adorable as ever).
Hi Miss Andie!!!!!
As the editor of the Tasmanian Greens Party’s magazine, I’m on every environmental group’s email list. The above snipet was pulled from a email sent to me yesterday by the SOS (Save our Sisters – the Sisters being a mountain range).
I love malaprops (as long as they are not mine).