We already owned Tom DeLay’s seat, Bob Ney’s seat, Mark Foley’s seat, Don Sherwood’s seat, Richard Pombo’s seat, and Rick Santorum and George Allen’s seats. But winning Dennis Hastert’s seat is as sweet as any of them.

DCCC Chairman Chris Van Hollen released the following statement on Bill Foster’s special election victory in Illinois’ 14th Congressional District. The Democratic Majority in Congress has now grown to 232-198.

“Congratulations to Bill Foster on his victory tonight. Bill Foster’s victory in the seat that was held by Speaker Hastert sends a political shock wave across America this election year. It is a stunning rejection of the Bush Administration, its Republican allies, and presidential nominee John McCain. Republican candidates learned tonight that Senator McCain, who campaigned with the Republican nominee, cannot save them from defeat this November against strong Democratic challengers, even in districts that voted overwhelmingly for President Bush.

“Despite spending 20 percent of the their cash on hand, the NRCC was unable to hold a seat easily won by President Bush and held by Speaker Hastert for 20 years. Americans of all political stripes are rejecting Republicans’ divisive, status quo politics and turning to Democratic candidates for change. I am grateful to Senator Dick Durbin, Senator Barack Obama, and the Illinois Democratic delegation and candidates for encouraging the people of this district to vote for change by supporting Bill Foster.

“Voters of all political stripes responded to Bill Foster’s commitment to change. With his unique background as a respected scientist and a successful businessman, Bill Foster will be a tremendous asset to our Democratic Caucus, as we continue fighting to strengthen our economy and ease the squeeze on America’s struggling middle class families.”

Congratulations, Denny. You and Tom left your party in ruins.