Again from the lips of the Straight Shooter to your ears:
“We’re trying to unite the country. We’re uniting the country, not dividing it.”
Uh-oh. Where have we heard that line before? Oh yeah, from this guy. I think we all remember how well Republican uniting worked for us before.
By the way, McCain was responding to Nancy Pelosi’s demand that he reject the endorsement of Fundamentalist preacher and admitted Catholic hater, Pastor John Hagee on Friday:
“[Hagee’s] behavior [i.e., calling the Catholic Church “The Great Whore,” an “apostate church,” the “anti-Christ,” and a “false cult system.’”] is outside the circle of civilized debate in our democracy,” Pelosi said during a Thursday conference call. “I certainly think John McCain should reject his endorsement and I’m sure it won’t be long before he does.”
Of course, McCain, while repudiating Hagee’s statements about Catholics, said nothing about rejecting the good Pastor’s endorsement. Naturally, McCain spoke about uniting the country right before speaking to the annual meeting of the Council on National Policy. You remember them, don’t you? The very same super secretive high powered conservative organization Our Dear Leader courted back in 1999 to ensure that the leaders of the Religious Right would support his run for the White House.
It really is deja vu all over again.
John McCain’s mother has alot to answer for.
Interrestingly, the new McCain biography may outline Mc’s real ability to unite…this ability to unite Chalabi with our money.
See, all this time we thought uniting was a people thing.
He’s full of himself – this damn war has got to stop. Three trillion dollars – it has been a modern disaster for all involved except for big oil interests
to st john…great lukovich cartoon from a couple days ago:
click to enlarge
couldn’t happen to a more deserving fellow…we’ll find out who’s paying attention, eh.