Happy Sunday!

I’m quickly squeezing this post in before we head out to celebrate CBtY’s 13th birthday today, but I’ll be back later with some more goodies for you in the comments…
I’ve been a very bad girl…last week, I taught my mom and her friend Judy’s magic cast on so they could  knit toe-up socks too…naturally, I had to use my spare ball of sock yarn and demonstrate how to do it, right?  (Can you guess where this is going?)

Well, after I showed them with one sock, I just had to cast on the second one…and before I knew it, I was flying along with a pair of socks for myself.  Here they are as of last Sunday (click pics for larger images):

Of course, I had to keep knitting on them because they were looking so cool (kind of like an Easter egg pattern in the yarn)…and with the election returns last Tuesday, I now have just a few rows of ribbing left at the top and to cast off.  I’ll probably post a picture of the finished socks tonight.

And I also worked on my sweater, although it was abandoned in favor of the socks this week.  I did a provisional cast on (for the non-knitters, this means I used scrap yarn to start my knitting so that I could pull out the first row of stitches and pick the stitches with my sweater yarn up and knit them together to make a hem along the bottom. Can I just say, 198 stitches makes for a very long row?

I’m almost to the end of the hem, and then progress will move more quickly.  Here’s a close up to show you how I’m knitting the hem together.  I have the top and bottom of my knitting on separate needles (on the left), and as I knit them together with my right needle, I’m taking one stitch from the top left needle and one from the bottom left needle and combining them in one stitch (this folds the hem up as I go).

So, what’s needling you this week?