About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Terry McAwful on Bill Maher’s show Friday night. He doesn’t want to answer the final question and VERY abruptly ends the interview…
OMG what a smackdown
And well-deserved.
Bill Maher’s show ALONE makes HBO worth the 8 bucks or whatever that you pay for it each month. And so many of the other original shows could justify it as well. By the way, the rest of the show this week was just as great. You can find most of it in clips on YouTube. Search for “Real Time” and sort by date, you should find most of it. Sometimes it isn’t such a great show, though, like last week… Christopher Hitchens was on and he was OBVIOUSLY so DRUNK that it was almost embarrassing to watch. Arguing without comprehending what he’s talking about… Not good.
And only Hillary can save us! Bill was a weenie that shouldn’t have been President, but the God-like powers of Hillary saved America!
The cockles of my heart, every single one of them, is warmed through and through by that quote.
Yes, as we used to say when we were kids, my heart bleeds great big globs of chunky peanut butter for them.
Is a hateful, shriveled dicked* troll of a humanoid. What a sleaze.
*I wonder if anyone would say my comment is sexist?
In other news, a team of Japanese scientists have isolated the gene that causes Muslims.
Hereditary? Come on, that’s the silliest argument I’ve ever heard.
I love self-grammar-policing.
Somebody needs ask ol’ Stevie if it hurts to be so stupid.
McCain’s history coming back in a big way
Shouldn’t Representative King’s last name be a clarion call to everyone that the Tory Party is already dancing in the streets of America? The return of a monarchy to the United States (nee Lesser Britain) can’t be far behind. Be vigilant for people wearing red blazers as they march two abreast through the streets and town centers of the Middle America. Libertarians need to align against a return of the tea tax! Fundamentalists need to witness against the revival of the Anglican faith as our centerpiece religion! And Neo-cons should revise the GWOT to now include the suburbs of Des Moines.
I’ll know we’re goners when King condenses his thought processes to say “Objective opinion is the hereditary precursor of subjectively applied defeat at the hands of subliminal middle names which convince innocent people to change their religious beliefs (25% of the time) based of the perception and presumption of predetermined defeat as the result of disagreement with oneself” – or something like that.