Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing

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I know, another “anti-Hillary” strip. And yes, I am prepared for the onslaught of emails proclaiming I “have gone too far.”

How is Barack lacking in experience? Surely the sum total of the man’s work is more than one speech? Obama has more than eleven years of legislative experience under his belt with most of it in arguably one of the roughest political state arenas – Illinois. Hillary has about eight years.

And no, being First Lady of the United States doesn’t count as “experience” to be president. Exactly who would claim Laura Bush has legislative experience? How about Barbara Bush? Nancy Reagan perhaps?

Also, being the First Lady of Arkansas is even less of reason to claim the mantle of experience. I can just see the McCain ad now – “Whitewater – A Resume of Experience.”

Hillary does have eight years of experience in government and while there she has been incredibly damaging to the issues I care about. Let’s just start with Iraq – bad. Her support of Bush’s Iran sanctions, in light of how bad Iraq was, was even worse. No, I require someone with a tad more discernment skills than Hillary has exhibited.

Trade policies? Hillary sure does love to vote for trade policies, to the detriment of the country. That is bad.

Health care in this nation is an out-of-control mess. Hillary’s 1992 health plan, while not magic, would have been better than the HMO mess we have now. However, now she has a hard time depositing all the money her health care lobbyists give her.  They insist all is well in our emergency rooms, doctor offices and pharmacies nationwide. It is a health care utopia according to her lobbyist friends, pals and donors. For “we the people,” not so much. Actually, it is a nightmare.

Just because one is experienced, doesn’t mean it is quality experience.

John McCain is an experienced pilot, just not a very good pilot.

I believe Obama is more than a man with a speech, he has managed to accomplish what NO OTHER POLITICIAN in American history has been able to do, bridge the racial divide in America – unite us together and inspire individuals who have become disenchanted with the American political landscape to participate in the process.

Obama’s Iowa victory speech concluded with “we are ready to believe again” and his whole speech reminded me of Bobby Kennedy. His Brother John gave one of the most memorable speeches a President has ever given – “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

However, “I never had sex with that woman” just doesn’t do it for me.