Just a quick note to ask folks on this site to think of my daughter today as we go to court to get a restraining order, things ratcheted up again last night, my daughter is an emotional wreck and it’s effecting me as well, we need any good thoughts sent our way.
To CG and Tampopo, we just got back from court, plans are changed, on our way to another place and I will write more later…Everything is ok right now.
Thanks for thoughts, both of you and anyone else, I think they worked, we are both feeling better.
I’m keeping the link, thanks.
Probably not. Yesterday, Jim said it was mostly gone, except on the north facing slopes and the high today is supposed to be 53. So I guess it would be more accurate that I’m such a homebody I even miss seeing the snow melt. 🙂
Good morning you two! Snowdrops are in bloom around town. Winter’s almost over. I’m glad to hear CBtY’s feeling better. We have a trainer coming to the office today from our new software provider. We’ll be shmoozing her with cheesecake for tech support priority for when things go bad.
Must go to work, but before I do, did I mention how much I HATE MITCH DANIELS and his stupid DST?
Look, I’m awake and semi-coherent and CBtY caught the bus on time…second day in a row!
I might even get my work project off to the client before 8:30. Which would be good because I am woefully unprepared for this weekend. Partly because one child didn’t want to come (But, my girlfriend! and the mall! how will they live without me?) and the other wanted to go to Florida for the week with a friend (that has fallen apart, since the relative they were visiting is having surgery instead).
I have become superfluous in their lives, with the exception of my car-driving abilities.
It occurred to me that I should have planned the weekend for when they were at their dad’s house, but that would have defeated the purpose of taking them to Monticello etc, where they might actually (gasp) learn something through osmosis.
I don’t think the mud will be any worse because the snow melted slowly — however, that just means the mud will be really awful instead of really, really awful.
It is good to see them grow up, but I wish they would spend a little more time with me.
Yesterday, CBtE and I had to go to an appointment that gave us 2 hours in the car together, and it was nice to get to talk to him for a while. And he came up to me last night and mentioned how nice it was too.
I think I’m just unnerved by the fact that the ‘baby’ is 13 now…
It looks like a great day for a walk. I think I’m going to squeeze one in between getting ready to go away too, since I’ve sent my work project out already today.
Because I was at the “office”, I actually spent very locked in meeting rooms. Instead I had this rather nice view of the pond and the (barely visible) marsh behind it (and took my 2nd usable cell phone shot).
Howdy ask. Next week is spring break at Jim’s school so I always take the time off. We aren’t going anywhere because we’re going to spend some money on the house this year (new kitchen counters, probably new windows, maybe a new exterior paint job).
Good morning ask and andi. We’re contemplating similar projects. As much as I’d love to pull out our old cabinets, we may just do the doors and countertops.
Sorry you were up all night but glad at least you got something productive out of it — when I don’t sleep, I mostly just lie in bed and think about how much sleep I would get if I would fall asleep right away.
That’s the worst thing you can do for trying to get to sleep. Back before I retired, I would count down the number of hours and minutes before I had to show up for work. Of course that just made falling asleep that much harder.
I’ve been very productive in the middle of the night. I found out how to replace a belt on my vacuum cleaner and while digging through some cabinets in the kitchen I found a carving set that FMom said she had been looking for, for over a year.
Nope the migraines are taking a back seat to my leg and foot at the moment. My GP had an arterial sonogram (I think that’s what it was called) done and now I have an appointment with a surgeon later this month. So I’ve pretty much have been keeping my leg/foot elevated and trying to stay off it as much as possible. However, the house was getting to be such a mess that last night I decided it has to be done, one way or another.
Well wet and foggly is what we have. In fact, I see the forecast for my vacation week isn’t really very good — looks like we won’t have any trouble finding two days with yucky weather to go see our respective moms.
I think it’s going to be pretty nice today too, and the sunshine is a surprise (it was supposed to be 50-60% chance of rain). And it feels funny to be outside without a coat. 🙂
We’re having a nice weekend in an undisclosed location. If I can find a camera cord around here, we can play guessing games later (Andi, you’ll have to be a spectator on that).
Good morning all you insomniacs! I’m up this early on Sat. to go train a new batch of local office candidates. They need to know what their duties & responsibilities will be if, by some stretch of the imagination, they actually are elected;-)
There are a couple of school board spots open. I can give you a list of candidates later on if you’re curious. Gotta go teach right now. Hope today is a happier day for you and Jim.
Working on a Saturday? What a dedicated professional. You should solve this problem by making a video and telling them to watch it, while you dozed away in some corner. 😉
Hey Ask even the most slackerly have to move around from time to time. Actually I’ve let the house go for so long that I couldn’t stand it anymore. Something had to be done. 🙁
I’m just sitting here at 10 something in the evening on Saturday and enjoying a glass of wine. Something I don’t do too often these days. Just seemed a good night for it. And that got me to thinking of all of you and how much I have enjoyed our interactions of these years. Nice to have such a great bunch of comrades spread out all over the country.
I am drinking a Shiraz-Merlot. . .an interesting combination. Really. . .you can taste the Shiraz and you can also taste the Merlot. . .pretty good stuff.
I have a new favorite, Sangiovese from Tuscany. Really a very nice and inexpensive wine (about $10 a bottle).
We aren’t even doing the work this week — we’re just not spending money because of it. I was hoping to get the kitchen counters done over vacation but — good news I guess — the guy who is going to do it had too much work to get to us yet.
Pretty good and I hope you are. I see you are getting ready for a soggy vacation. LOL I am sure the down time will still be nice. I will be heading out soon to volunteer at Obama Headquarters for most of today to try and get ready for our county conventions. LOL
Have I mentioned how awful DST is for me?
Still struggling (I overslept today)?
Is CBtY back on his feet?
I checked on CBtY this morning, saw that he was still a mess, and went back to bed, DST or no.
Hopefully he’ll feel better this afternoon. I was so sure that the jello and crackers would do the trick yesterday. 😉
I feel like I have jet lag. I’m ready to go back to the old time. Is CBTY okay?
I think the government did this just to torture me…jet lag is a good description…my internal clock is freaking out.
CBtY just has a flu-ey thing, sick stomach and slight fever, but it’s sticking around.
Just a quick note to ask folks on this site to think of my daughter today as we go to court to get a restraining order, things ratcheted up again last night, my daughter is an emotional wreck and it’s effecting me as well, we need any good thoughts sent our way.
I’m sending you both lots of positive thoughts.
Make sure you both remember to eat something healthy and try to relax. I hope all the kids are okay.
diane – here is a link to Women’s Shelters in CA – find a safe place – good thoughts in abundance being sent your way
To CG and Tampopo, we just got back from court, plans are changed, on our way to another place and I will write more later…Everything is ok right now.
Thanks for thoughts, both of you and anyone else, I think they worked, we are both feeling better.
I’m keeping the link, thanks.
Sending good thoughts your way sprinkled with wishes for peace & serenity.
Fuck these Losers
by Billary Redux
1 comment (1 new)
by which I mean the title and user name, not the diary itself.
Diary link is no good.
I even miss the snow.
click for larger image
Will there still be snow when you get home?
Probably not. Yesterday, Jim said it was mostly gone, except on the north facing slopes and the high today is supposed to be 53. So I guess it would be more accurate that I’m such a homebody I even miss seeing the snow melt. 🙂
You’ve been traveling a lot in the last few weeks…are you home for a while after this one?
On a happy note, CBtY is going back to school this morning. Too bad it’s only a half day, but at least he’s feeling better.
No travels plans until at least April and maybe not then. Next week, I’m on vacation. We’re not going anywhere but I’m still looking forward to it.
I’m glad that CBtY is feeling better.
Good morning you two! Snowdrops are in bloom around town. Winter’s almost over. I’m glad to hear CBtY’s feeling better. We have a trainer coming to the office today from our new software provider. We’ll be shmoozing her with cheesecake for tech support priority for when things go bad.
Must go to work, but before I do, did I mention how much I HATE MITCH DANIELS and his stupid DST?
I hope everyone has a pleasant day!
Ditch Mitch! Down with DST (unless we go on Central time and then I’m okay with it)!
And one more time, just because it’s feels so good: DITCH MITCH!
Mmm…snowdrops and cheesecake.
So Mitch Daniels was responsible for my misery this week? Grrr.
mmmmm cheeeeeeesecake
Mmm, that looks yummy!
Our tech support lady had 2 slices at work today. Bribe successfully executed! (See upthread)
Om Nom Nom Nom 😀
(hit refresh, they are hilarious)
Good morning all. I’m hearing that it will be 50 today. Woohoo!
It does feel like spring is on its way. Even with the @#$*& DST.
It’s like having prolonged jet lag.
Well I didn’t miss all the snow. There’s still some in shady spots. Stubborn cuss.
But the forecast shows 40s and 50s so I choose to believe that spring is on its way.
Good morning!
Look, I’m awake and semi-coherent and CBtY caught the bus on time…second day in a row!
I might even get my work project off to the client before 8:30. Which would be good because I am woefully unprepared for this weekend. Partly because one child didn’t want to come (But, my girlfriend! and the mall! how will they live without me?) and the other wanted to go to Florida for the week with a friend (that has fallen apart, since the relative they were visiting is having surgery instead).
I have become superfluous in their lives, with the exception of my car-driving abilities.
Well soon you will have a kid who can drive and you will be completely superfluous to the kids (well, except to really big kid).
Waaaahhh! The planned obsolescence of parents…
It occurred to me that I should have planned the weekend for when they were at their dad’s house, but that would have defeated the purpose of taking them to Monticello etc, where they might actually (gasp) learn something through osmosis.
Silly me.
According to my mother, the whole point of being a parent is to get to be a grandparent (yes Mom, I know I failed you yet again).
Your mother doesn’t consider Sniff and Giddy and Hopeful to be her grandchildren?
I have no idea — I know I certainly don’t. Anyway, she has 8 grandkids and 9 great-grandkids, so I’m not exactly overwhelmed with guilt.
Good morning, Andi!
It feels great to sleep till 6.40!
Remaining snow => more mud?
I don’t think the mud will be any worse because the snow melted slowly — however, that just means the mud will be really awful instead of really, really awful.
Hi ask!
How is it up your way?
Hi CG,
Beautiful morning here, time for a walk.
Yup, the kids are scarcer and scarcer – but it is good to see their independence grow.
It is good to see them grow up, but I wish they would spend a little more time with me.
Yesterday, CBtE and I had to go to an appointment that gave us 2 hours in the car together, and it was nice to get to talk to him for a while. And he came up to me last night and mentioned how nice it was too.
I think I’m just unnerved by the fact that the ‘baby’ is 13 now…
It looks like a great day for a walk. I think I’m going to squeeze one in between getting ready to go away too, since I’ve sent my work project out already today.
Good morning CG, andi and ask. I’m enjoying the time with b2boy, I know that soon enough he won’t want anything to do with me/us.
Well, that’s not true. Soon he’ll need you to buy him a car and pay for his auto insurance. 😉
Actually I’d rather help him with a car than see him buy a dangerous wreck like my first one. I came close to getting killed in that thing.
Yep, that’s why my cool son drives a purple volvo wagon. That thing is a tank! Of course, then he got a job and bought a f*^&ing motorcycle. Grrrr.
It happens pretty quickly, I’m afraid.
Offered without comment.
OMG. It took 2 years to think maybe something was wrong?
What’s the matter with Kansas? 😉
That’s one of the strangest things I’ve ever heard!
Because I was at the “office”, I actually spent very locked in meeting rooms. Instead I had this rather nice view of the pond and the (barely visible) marsh behind it (and took my 2nd usable cell phone shot).
Walden Pond? I just got a new phone, but haven’t figured out how to get the photos out yet.
Don’t I wish. 🙂 It’s just a little pond created by damming part of the marsh. But the combination of the pond and the marsh are rather pretty.
My phone has a USB connection so that makes it really easy to transfer photos.
and that I’m off work next week (not going anywhere but doing nothing has its pleasures).
Click for larger image
Good morning, Andi!
So, what’s going on next week. A whole week off?
Good for you.
Howdy ask. Next week is spring break at Jim’s school so I always take the time off. We aren’t going anywhere because we’re going to spend some money on the house this year (new kitchen counters, probably new windows, maybe a new exterior paint job).
Hm, spring break before an early Easter.
It seems you have some interesting projects coming up.
Good morning ask and andi. We’re contemplating similar projects. As much as I’d love to pull out our old cabinets, we may just do the doors and countertops.
I think we’ve hit that point in the cycle of the life of a house where everything seems to need to be re-done (we built our place in 1979).
A late good morning to all!
Server Error all morning, good to see that Martin has it fixed.
It’s a go-back-to-bed kind of morning here — cool and a very dense fog.
Good morning Ask and Andi.
It’s definitely a go to bed morning here. I was up all night, but I did get a lot done around the house so it wasn’t a complete loss.
I was just watching where Atlanta got slammed by a tornado. The FSM must be pissed at its people. 🙁
Hi FM,
Hope you’ve recovered. No more sleep for the wicked – I have practice this morning.
Recovery is slow but sure thankfully.
Ask I can’t imagine you as wicked, so there’s always time for sleep. 😉
The big question is once you get to sleep, how long can you stay asleep. Naps are a good thing, but not in the middle of the night though.
Sorry you were up all night but glad at least you got something productive out of it — when I don’t sleep, I mostly just lie in bed and think about how much sleep I would get if I would fall asleep right away.
Hi Andi.
That’s the worst thing you can do for trying to get to sleep. Back before I retired, I would count down the number of hours and minutes before I had to show up for work. Of course that just made falling asleep that much harder.
I’ve been very productive in the middle of the night. I found out how to replace a belt on my vacuum cleaner and while digging through some cabinets in the kitchen I found a carving set that FMom said she had been looking for, for over a year.
So what big plans do you have for today?
Well I hope FMom is very appreciative of your stellar efforts. 🙂
I have big plans to have no plans.
That’s what I like to hear. No plans to have no plans. You are surely on the path to slackdom. 🙂
FMom will be appreciative even if I have to point out what I did. :~)
Well scratch that — we’re talking about going out to dinner. Then again, that is a way to avoid work, so don’t scratch that. 🙂
Your mind is just to fast for me Andi. But I did catch the words “No Work” so I like that. 😉
One of my boys is in Savannah for the big St. Patrick’s Day thingey. I wonder if the weather cut into his partying and drinking green beer?
How are you doing, FM? It’s been ages. I assumed you had a monster headache and hope you’re feeling better.
Morning SN.
Nope the migraines are taking a back seat to my leg and foot at the moment. My GP had an arterial sonogram (I think that’s what it was called) done and now I have an appointment with a surgeon later this month. So I’ve pretty much have been keeping my leg/foot elevated and trying to stay off it as much as possible. However, the house was getting to be such a mess that last night I decided it has to be done, one way or another.
How are things in Natureland?
Hi everybody!
We actually have some warm sunshine this morning. A nice change from wet and fugly weather.
Well wet and foggly is what we have. In fact, I see the forecast for my vacation week isn’t really very good — looks like we won’t have any trouble finding two days with yucky weather to go see our respective moms.
I hope that you get a surprise couple of nice days in there too.
Just hanging out at home for the week? Sounds nice.
It sounds like the end of the week might be a little better. But yeah, doing nothing has its charms.
Giddy says that I should go do something now so I guess I’ll take a wet, foggly walk. See ya.
(And thanks for the comments in T’day dog blogging)
Morning CG.
We’re supposed to get up to near 80 today. I think we’re just skipping spring and heading right into summer.
Any big plans this w/e?
I think it’s going to be pretty nice today too, and the sunshine is a surprise (it was supposed to be 50-60% chance of rain). And it feels funny to be outside without a coat. 🙂
We’re having a nice weekend in an undisclosed location. If I can find a camera cord around here, we can play guessing games later (Andi, you’ll have to be a spectator on that).
So we’ll play “Where in the world is Carmen CG?” 😉
Good morning all you insomniacs! I’m up this early on Sat. to go train a new batch of local office candidates. They need to know what their duties & responsibilities will be if, by some stretch of the imagination, they actually are elected;-)
Are there any non-primary elections in May?
There are a couple of school board spots open. I can give you a list of candidates later on if you’re curious. Gotta go teach right now. Hope today is a happier day for you and Jim.
Morning ID.
Working on a Saturday? What a dedicated professional. You should solve this problem by making a video and telling them to watch it, while you dozed away in some corner. 😉
I like your line of thinking – but it seems like a lot of work to set up and shoot a video. What a dilemma! Glad to hear you’re feeling better!
Well I’ve got to go and finish what I started. I’ve got the kitchen floor swept and vacuumed, now to the washing and waxing.
See ya’ll later and have a good w/e.
I’ve got the kitchen floor swept and vacuumed, now to the washing and waxing.
Says the chief slacker…
What’s the world coming to?
Hey Ask even the most slackerly have to move around from time to time. Actually I’ve let the house go for so long that I couldn’t stand it anymore. Something had to be done. 🙁
I’m just sitting here at 10 something in the evening on Saturday and enjoying a glass of wine. Something I don’t do too often these days. Just seemed a good night for it. And that got me to thinking of all of you and how much I have enjoyed our interactions of these years. Nice to have such a great bunch of comrades spread out all over the country.
I am drinking a Shiraz-Merlot. . .an interesting combination. Really. . .you can taste the Shiraz and you can also taste the Merlot. . .pretty good stuff.
I have a new favorite, Sangiovese from Tuscany. Really a very nice and inexpensive wine (about $10 a bottle).
Enjoy everyone!
’cause I don’t have to go to work next week.
Good morning and good for you!
Especially since your involvement in the works scheduled seems to be purely supervisory.
We aren’t even doing the work this week — we’re just not spending money because of it. I was hoping to get the kitchen counters done over vacation but — good news I guess — the guy who is going to do it had too much work to get to us yet.
Back at ya Miss Andi!!!
How ya doing?
Pretty good and I hope you are. I see you are getting ready for a soggy vacation. LOL I am sure the down time will still be nice. I will be heading out soon to volunteer at Obama Headquarters for most of today to try and get ready for our county conventions. LOL
Why am not surprised that while I have a big bunch ‘o nothing on my plate, yours is full of the good stuff. 🙂
Actually Giddy is insisting that I have do have one thing on my plate — so time to go walk.
See ya.
Enjoy your walk!!!!
hey there rf, glad to see you’re still in the thick of it. Go Obama! Our only real hope, as far as I see it.
Howdy!!! You folks have a great day. I am off to make do my part to make some History!!!!
Good evening all. I’m tired after a busy weekend. Just doing some FM-style slacking now.
I woke at at 5 a.m. and went back to sleep until almost 6.
Good morning!
Good for you, try to make it a habit this week.
I’ve finished my second cup already.
I hope I do. It was nice to just go back to sleep. Who knows maybe one day this week I’ll even sleep all the way to 7!
It’s just past 10 pm and we’re sitting here in our undies with the fan on low.
There have been so many bush fires the last few days, that the sky’s turned brown and the moon orange.
Not that this pademelon seemed to mind.
I was standing on our deck taking the above photo when this little guy hopped to about ten feet away. I used the flashlight to light him up.
Hope you all are safe.
That’s not good. How do you breathe in all that?