Big Pharma broke down the Democratic Party’s front door and started buying up Democratic Congresspersons just in time to keep its American profits safe — from you.
In the year since they took over on Capitol Hill, Democratic leaders have been unable to pass either a bill allowing reimportation of drugs from Canada or a measure requiring negotiation of drug prices under Medicare. Neither is likely to reach the president’s desk this year. Lawmakers on both sides of these issues say the primary reason is the influence, now redirected, of the drug lobby.
Drug companies have gone on a hiring binge, retaining Democratic lobbyists in dozens of major firms. This strategy, which K Streeters call “clogging the system,” prevents adversaries from hiring anyone from those consultancies. […]
The Democratic takeover of Congress means “we just have more friends than we used to have,” said PhRMA President W.J. “Billy” Tauzin, a former Republican congressman from Louisiana. “We’re trying to find more.”
And guess who’s also a big friend to Big Pharma? Go on, I’ll give you three chances. Give up? Ok, here’s the answer in a NY Times article published in 2006:
As she runs for re-election to the Senate from New York [in 2006] and lays the groundwork for a possible presidential bid in 2008, Mrs. Clinton is receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from doctors, hospitals, drug manufacturers and insurers. Nationwide, she is the No. 2 recipient of donations from the industry, trailing only Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, a member of the Republican leadership. […]
Senator Clinton has received $150,600 in contributions from insurance and pharmaceutical companies, which she accused in 1993 of “price gouging” and “unconscionable profiteering.” […]
Separate analyses by the Center for Responsive Politics, an independent group that tracks campaign finance, and by The New York Times show that Senator Clinton has received $854,462 from the health care industry in 2005-6, a larger amount than any candidate except Senator Santorum, with $977,354.
But that was years ago, you say. How true. So, is she still taking Big Pharma’s money for her presidential campaign this year? Why yes — yes, she is:
The pharmaceutical industry has increased campaign contributions to Democratic candidates in the current election cycle, a change from recent years, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. In the current election cycle, Democratic candidates have received 51% of campaign contributions from the pharmaceutical industry, and Republicans have received 49%, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Among presidential candidates, Clinton ranks first in campaign contributions from the pharmaceutical industry, and McCain ranks fifth.
I guess we know who the Pharmaceutical industry was betting on winning the Presidential race. But rest assured, if Obama gets the nomination, I’m sure they’ll make up for their past failures in this department. It’s not like he has turned down their money in the past, after all. Because the more politicians promise change, the more they do the same old thing. America, the best democracy money can buy!
i’m broadcasting.
Don’t miss Keth Olbermann tonight.
Huffpost alerts he’ll have a special comment directed at Hillary Clinton.
“The Democratic takeover of Congress means “we just have more friends than we used to have,” said PhRMA President W.J. “Billy” Tauzin, a former Republican congressman from Louisiana. “We’re trying to find more.”
I stopped reading here. Let me guess. The new friend is Hillary. Right?
And Hillary is just not getting it. The American people are behind her adversary, Obama, just because he has forsaken loggyist money as a way to gain and retain political office. People are just tired of government by the corporations, for the corporations, and of the corporations. Hillary is just not getting it. Nor Bill, for that matter.
They get it, they simply reject it.
I’d be upset. Fortunately, I’m a Socialist. I could post this comment to just about every thread on just about every website. Thanks for indulging me, once again.
Somehow this hasta fit into this discussion…
Newly elected Rep Foster (R-IL) sworn in Monday, cast a deciding vote today on the ethics panel bill.
Gee, does this mean we’ll get a better deal with her health plan?
That makes me ill. These people don’t care that they’re talking about people’s lives. They’re just trying to make money.
Hey, it’s a beautiful day at the country club. Why worry about peoples’ lives? I almost made par on hole 16.
From 2008 Presidential contributions by industry:
Hillary Clinton (D) $408,396
Mitt Romney (R) $399,786
Barack Obama (D) $395,923
Oh, that’s depressing. I knew that there was a reason to go with Alan Keyes.
in every country I know, during election cycles corporations hedge their bets…. They give money to ALL parties and as the horses near the finish line they give more.
Obama has been telling his supporters they own his movement. We’ll see if the corporations will tell us “No, You Don’t.”
One of the things John Edwards was good for was his professed, visceral loathing for and antagonistic attitude towards big Pharma. I’m hopeful he may still have some input in the future concerning regulatory policy.
And Hillary? why am I not surprised.
You’re right. That huge $12,473 edge she has on Obama contributions from Big Pharma is a lot scarier.
Actually, its the amount that’s come her way since 2005 that’s scarier. Add it up. Well over a million dollars from Big Pharma and the health care insurance companies. In 2005-2006 only Man on Dog Santorum got more money, and only by about $100,000. Since then she’s added at least another $400,000. And they were funding her that early because they expected her to be the Dem nominee. And I have no delusions about Obama. If he wins the nomination, they’ll turn off the tap to her and open it to him.
Hillary-Healthcare = Fascist payout to the villians of Sicko. End of story. Repeat, ad gloriam.
She already fucked up the healthcare debate for almost 20 years, kicking the can so far down the road it’s basically too late and real reform marginalized (shoulda voted Kucinich, guys).
Now she’s salting the Democrat’s chances in the Presidential Election. She’s the ultimate false-flag operation. An ‘opponent’ crowned by the Repugs precisely because she works to the same ends.