Would you vote for a president who rewarded lawbreakers?

Then why would you vote for Hillary Clinton?

She wants to seat the delegates of two states that broke the law.

She’s so insistent, of course, because she can’t even have a tiny chance of winning without them.

But since when should her personal gain trump the law?

What laws would she break as president if it suited her interests? What about when she’s up for re-election. She protests FISA now, but would she look the other way if the FBI started dropping political intelligence against her re-election competition on her desk? From what we see now, it’s a fair assumption she’d use that intelligence, no matter how it was obtained.

And that’s obscene.

And that’s yet another reason why she’d be a horrible president.

The end doesn’t justify the means. The means are the end. Obama gets that. That’s why he’s running a high-minded campaign.

Clinton thinks all’s fair in love and war, and considers politics a hybrid of both (she loves the nasty parts. She said this is the “fun” – tearing down your opponent.)

Tonight, I saw her claiming that the Michigan delegates should be seated since they had a fair election.

What is fair about having only one candidate on the ballot? How is that an election at all?

Clinton’s self-serving attitude is not just bizarre, however. It’s frightening. Because it’s working.

Talk to her supporters, and they parrot back like drones a list of her talking points. She talks and they echo. It’s like watching mass mind control at work.

She says Obama is the one injecting race into this, even though there’s no evidence Obama or anyone on his campaign has EVER injected race. They have responded to racial slurs, intended or unintended. If you hit a pedestrian with your car, it doesn’t matter so much whether you hit him by mistake or not. There are serious consequences.

How is it that the oh-so-bright Hillary doesn’t get this?

Of course, she does. But she’s learned the technique of the big lie. Say something hugely wrong, bold. Keep repeating it. People will actually start to believe it, no matter how outrageous the lie. And as Mark Twain told us, a lie gets halfway around the world while the truth is getting its boots on.

No wonder Clinton rewards lawbreakers. She can relate to them. They’re far closer to herself than those pesky, high-minded Obama supporters.