Would you vote for a president who rewarded lawbreakers?
Then why would you vote for Hillary Clinton?
She wants to seat the delegates of two states that broke the law.
She’s so insistent, of course, because she can’t even have a tiny chance of winning without them.
But since when should her personal gain trump the law?
What laws would she break as president if it suited her interests? What about when she’s up for re-election. She protests FISA now, but would she look the other way if the FBI started dropping political intelligence against her re-election competition on her desk? From what we see now, it’s a fair assumption she’d use that intelligence, no matter how it was obtained.
And that’s obscene.
And that’s yet another reason why she’d be a horrible president.
The end doesn’t justify the means. The means are the end. Obama gets that. That’s why he’s running a high-minded campaign.
Clinton thinks all’s fair in love and war, and considers politics a hybrid of both (she loves the nasty parts. She said this is the “fun” – tearing down your opponent.)
Tonight, I saw her claiming that the Michigan delegates should be seated since they had a fair election.
What is fair about having only one candidate on the ballot? How is that an election at all?
Clinton’s self-serving attitude is not just bizarre, however. It’s frightening. Because it’s working.
Talk to her supporters, and they parrot back like drones a list of her talking points. She talks and they echo. It’s like watching mass mind control at work.
She says Obama is the one injecting race into this, even though there’s no evidence Obama or anyone on his campaign has EVER injected race. They have responded to racial slurs, intended or unintended. If you hit a pedestrian with your car, it doesn’t matter so much whether you hit him by mistake or not. There are serious consequences.
How is it that the oh-so-bright Hillary doesn’t get this?
Of course, she does. But she’s learned the technique of the big lie. Say something hugely wrong, bold. Keep repeating it. People will actually start to believe it, no matter how outrageous the lie. And as Mark Twain told us, a lie gets halfway around the world while the truth is getting its boots on.
No wonder Clinton rewards lawbreakers. She can relate to them. They’re far closer to herself than those pesky, high-minded Obama supporters.
Unavoidable, I heard Clinton being interviewed on Morning Edition, NPR yesterday, – aired this morning. It soiled my day.
She was insistent on the MI FL delegates being seated.
Interviewer in disbelief: Is it alright that yours was the only name was on the ballot?
Clinton: “Well, that was the choice they made. Take MI, Obama had a campaign going to vote “uncommitted” I won 55% of the vote.
No mention she signed a pledge, broke the rules.
Clinton was strident and dismissive of the 30 states won by Obama, AK, ND, etc. She refused to answer whether or not it was OK for super-delegates to reverse the voters’ choice.
cut to the chase, she’s going to June.
the whole interview left me expecting:
Next question: Is that a pant suit you’re wearing?
Clinton: Well, it depends.
I’m reminded why I so dislike and distrust her.
Obama will be interviewed and I hope the same audience keeps tuned because they’ll be compelled to conclude this woman is worst than Bush. The very worst human being you’d want to invite into your living room.
on her way out, she’ll take your furniture.
Olbermann is right. Hillary Clinton is awash in filth.
That is such BS. That wasn’t a campaign – that was a few supporters wanting others to consider voting for uncommitted over Hillary. It wasn’t a campaign by any stretch the imagination.
What a liar. What a disaster she would be as a president.
I saw that bit about the “fair elections” in Michigan too, and was wondering why no one called her on her name being the only one on the ballot.
I guess the folks who support Hillary because she’s got no problem fighting down and dirty are delighted with the level of discourse she’s brought to the table (erm, ditch?)…because the last 8 years have been so great with what Rovian-style politics has brought us.
A bit over the top, don’t you think? Michigan and Florida broke party rules, not laws.
This is at least the second time you’ve posted something factually inaccurate about Hillary Clinton, Lisa. As someone who greatly respects the work you’ve done and read with great interest a lot of your pre-primary work, it pains me to read you write stuff like this.
Party laws. The news media have used the same language – and called their votes “illegal”.
To me, laws are laws, whether they are part of the Democratic party or the US Code.
And we have never, NEVER known the news media to be sensationalist.
I don’t see any difference in breaking a party agreement that was made to IN ADVANCE by all parties, and breaking the law. Maybe you do.
A contract is a contract. An agreement is an agreement. I find it shocking her supporters aren’t disturbed by this.
Now what else did I say that you claim was untrue, re Hillary?
I do see a big difference, but I guess we’ll have to disagree on that.
Here is the other one. link I still stand by what I said in response in that context, though in light of what is going on with regard to Michigan and Florida I will cede the point that she is, in fact, trying to break party rules.
Except ejmw:
Ambinder: Would Bush’s Justice Department Have To OK New Florida, Michigan Mail Primaries?
I give difference to Obama’s inner circle lawyers, headed by the most capable Greg Craig. Yes, the same Greg Craig who headed Bill Clinton’s Impeachment defense team.
Oh the irony, huh.
Well, Ambinder did not have to wait for the Clintons:
Preclearing Michigan and Florida
Hmm. “60 days to approve”
we may have primary season extended to August and the Democratic Party convention will be held in November. Oh wait. The GE vote is scheduled for November 4.
Stay tuned.
It’ll be a messy party.
Thanks for the links. That’s an interesting side of this that I hadn’t read before.
Very messy.
My feeling – they blew it, now they have to suffer the consequences. It’s not fair to the voters in those states, but that’s not the candidates’ fault. And nothing new would be equally fair to both candidates that would be legal, that I’ve read.
via Ben Smith, Politico
A compromise on FL and MI?
There are plans, counterplans, and dire warnings flying all over the place today.
Halperin has the details of one he says is likely to be up to Obama to accept or reject. It involves splitting Michigan 50-50 and allowing that:
Florida’s existing delegates would be seated at the Denver convention — but with half a vote each. That would give Clinton a net gain of about 19 elected delegates.
One upside to Obama: A plan like that would also deprive Clinton of science experiments in those two states — chances to prove that Obama can’t win.”
and TPM,
Fla. presidential primary re-do unlikely
“The chairwoman of Florida’s Democratic Party has said the proposed presidential primary do-over is unlikely to go forward because of concerns about the combined mail-in/in-person election.”
A law is an agreement between the governors and the governed – a pact that they agree leads to negative consequences if broken.
How can you defend her actions in this?
Look, I live in Michigan and I want more than anything for Obama to be President in 2008. I am NOT defending her actions. I find them incredibly dishonest and, as someone who didn’t vote in the Michigan primary because my candidate was not on the ballot, infuriating.
But conflating breaking party rules with breaking statutes passed by a legislative body and signed by an executive is patently ridiculous. It is propaganda.
Okay. Thanks for the clarification.
I share your frustration. I know other Obama supporters in Michigan who want their votes to count.
I don’t think either state should be counted. I think we need to send a signal not just to our party, but to the nation, that we are a people who respect laws and agreements, who don’t change the rules midgame. I think doing anything else is disaster for our party.
I now sense Pelosi have had it up to here with Hillary.
Pelosi again rules out joint ticket
Yeah – that was pretty strong indeed. She stopped just short of telling Hillary to quit, I felt. Wow.
There’s a person you want to listen to regarding leadership. Pelosi has done a fabulous job against Bush and his buddies.
Hasn’t she?
And what’s Obama scared of in MI and FL? No caucuses? Somebody needs to tell him there won’t be any caucuses on November 4th.
Obama said he’ll abide by whatever plan is worked out by the DNC. It was their rules that were broken by Hillary and the states. There are several ideas being floated:
I posted earlier with links in other threads:
Michigan: – do a 50/50 split
Florida: – seat the delegates and give each a half vote, or do mail-in/in person vote. Likely in trouble.
And Obama’s lawyers led by Greg Craig notes; under Federal Law, all these do-overs need pre-approval of the DOJ…that process takes 2-6 months.