Look, I’m a lazy shitty lurker who doesn’t contribute much beyond a few trite observations when it comes to the political discussions here. As far as the candidates go, I donate money when I can but that’s about it. I like it this way. You Obama-oheimianite-izans have been doing a kick ass job of keeping the Hillanator down. I’ve been loving it, it’s all been so easy! And I hope you keep it up, because if Hillary Clinton ends up being the nominee, I’m gonna end up having to work my ass off to make sure she’s elected.
I’m a lazy son-of-a-bitch and I am aghast at how this woman has campaigned, but that doesn’t change the goddamned stakes people! Lately I’ve been reading bullshit here for far too long about not working for the nominee.
I’ve got three words to close this mini-rant with, they are magically connected to much more important words than I am capable of producing, so here they are: Department of Justice.
So get to it Obama, win this damned thing. Everyone I know likes you, mother-effing everyone! With Clinton, not so much. Reactions range from general dislike to fatigue, not enough to bring out my friends who never vote, and not enough to make my more conservative-leaning family members to crossover for, hell I think a few of the liberals like my mom would probably jump ship with her. Luckily, I do have faith in my abilities to bring people around, one way will be mentioning shit like the mess that the DoJ is in. The point of this diary is that I DON’T WANT TO! All of the people I’m referring to are really pulling for Obama, many can’t wait for the chance to vote for the first time and have it be historical AND uplifting. Trust me, nothing’s going to feel shittier than pulling the lever and realizing your making history for a real shitheel. But we gotta.
As for my vulgar language, I’m going a different route with this diary. No one reads the fucking things anyways, so I figure what’s the harm in typing as the shit comes to my mind. Maybe that will actually work to spark a little more conversation and a little less… ahh fuck it.
Don’t kid yourselves people. Allowing the republicans a third term means nothing less than surrendering the founders vision of democracy. Bush was just the first two outs, McRainDownBombsOnIran is the relief pitcher here to send all us freedom-haters back to the minor leagues for good.
Hey, I read it, I rec’d it and I like your diary. I agree.
and I’m totally with you. I’ll hold my nose in November if I have to, but she would have to be at least marginally better than McCain.
If Obama wins the nomination (or if they actually decide to do a primary that counts here in MI) I’m going to try to convince my wife to allow an Obama sign in the yard. As a cradle repub, I’m not sure that’s going to fly – but it says an awful lot that I fully expect her to vote for her first dem pres come November.
Stay with it, and keep jumping into the pond from time to time. I’ll be reading from my vantage point on shore….
for Obama until the very end. The only way Billary can win the nomination now is through cheating and/or the do over (which is cheating because they didn’t follow the GD rules). If by some form of cheating Billary wins the nomination it won’t matter one GD bit whether I vote for her or not because she will just be business as usual and nothing in this putrid government will be any different than McBush would be.
Vulgar language? Please, try The Rude One‘s smack-down of Ms. Ferraro…