x-posted from faboo mama
As The Commenter Formerly Known as NCSteve over at TPM said:
Damn, are they running out of money again?
h/t to TPM on this one..that’s right…the Clinton’s hate you so much they begged for another debate. The Obama campaign, not be outdone said, “I see your Pennsylvania and raise you North Carolina.”
Two more debates.
22 debates total.
That’s ear-bleeding, zombie-turning dullness right there. If Clinton hijacks the debate with her healthcare plan again, I hope someone gongs her ass.
Okay, the only thing that can make this sadder is that the Pennsylvania debate will be brought to us by:
And the CBS debates will be moderated by…are you sitting down?
That’s right,”never trust a fake tan and a smile” is going moderate.
Can you say, “shoot me now” boys and girls? I knew you could.
OMG! My ears are bleeding just from the thought of “50-wannabe-going-on-15” Couric moderating anything…remember her hatchet job on the Edwards’ when Elizabeth’s cancer came back?
And now I’ll be singing that at my teenage boys for the next 3 days… 🙂
Actually she reminds me of Tour Guide Barbie from Toy Story 2, especially at the end. “Can I stop smiling now? Oh, my cheeks are killing me!”
That picture is just screaming “WARNING: Gratuitous Beaver Shot Ahead!” The worst part about it is that with CBS’s news ratings stuck in the cellar it’s not that far-fetched – if Disney will put Tinkerbell on a corner…
Ugh. Katie Couric. No problem (or bias) there. < puking sounds >
Hogging the debate to discuss healthcare worked in Ohio, even if it annoyed most of us. Wish Obama would point out that no health care plan will be enacted by presidential fiat, but will take negotiations with a Congress, composition unknown at this time.
That either moderator will no allow Clinton to “hijack a thread” and go into healthcare. No matter the question, she always goes back to her plan.
I’ve given up hope on the moderators. Even the ones who’ve tried to redirect her have been steamrollered.
Exactly, the details of the candidates’ health care plans are not as important as their commitment to get Universal coverage and their abilities to negotiate with congressional leaders. No matter how brilliant either of their plans, they are unlikely to get them through congress unchanged.