(Crossposted at My Left Wing)

So Senator Obama Denounces Pastor’s Inflammatory Remarks.

Strongly Rejects Remarks By Former Pastor,

Who is, of course, No Longer Serving on Campaign.

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Obama’s continuing successful tapdance around the barriers of inconvenient truths is yet one more reason to consider him the rightful successor to Bill “The Parser” Clinton.

Maybe the good Reverend and Geraldine Ferraro can set up housekeeping together under their respective busses.

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                    Look!!! She LIKES him. She’s waving!!!

I think that they would actually make an admirable couple. After all…neither one of them said anything but the flat out, inconvenient, (politically) unacceptable truth of the matter.

Read on for more.
Do NOT deify this Obama fella, people. He is a big-time pol, and if someone who is involved with him utters an inconvenient truth (or two or three or four, as has the good Reverend Wright) he will throw him or her under the bus just as fast as he can grab hold of the seat of their pants, all the while standing straight and slim and tall in front of the cameras taking those good pictures that have literally MADE him a national candidate.

Bet on it.

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The camera just LOVES this motherfucker. I do not think that he is capable of taking a bad picture.

While we are speaking of  being thrown under busses…his wife Michelle better watch HER mouth, too. Too much lip and she will disappear as fast as Small K kerry’s lady when she began to get…impolitic.

Remember her?

Bet on that as well.

Financial…shall we say “improprieties”? Goes with the territory.

How to handle them?


Whitewater redux.


Here goes. From The Chicago tribune

Obama opens up on Rezko, and it’s almost believable

John Kass
    March 16, 2008

Barack Obama looked me straight in the eye. I heard him speak. Yet unlike some other pundits, I felt no thrill going up my leg.

I did feel a twinge of Rezko, though, and figured Obama could feel it, too, like when the bottom of your foot cramps up inside your shoe and you can’t dance.

That’s “hardball” the Chicago way, as Barack visited the Tribune on Friday to discuss his old friend, fundraiser and real estate fairy, indicted political fixer Tony Rezko. Rezko himself was quite busy, in federal custody, preparing for this week’s testimony in his corruption trial.


Later, when the people from other floors weren’t hanging in the halls like Bono groupies at a U2 concert, I was left alone with a problem: Obama asks us to believe he can swim in the sewers of Illinois politics without catching a cold. He tells us that Rezko helped him scope out his dream house, yet Obama never thought he’d get a call from Tony saying his back was itchy.

“No,” Obama said. “Because I had known him for a long time, and so I would have assumed I would have seen a pattern [of Rezko asking for favors] over the course of 15 years.”

I’m too old to believe in fairy tales.

At issue is the purchase of the Obama dream house on the South Side in 2005. The Rezkos bought the lot next door from the same owners on the same day, even as Tony was leprous with federal subpoenas. The Obamas paid $300,000 less than the asking price. The Rezkos paid the full list for the lot. Everybody was happy until Tony got indicted.

Was it a favor, with a bigger payout intended for later?

“No,” Obama said again, reiterating that I was wrong for writing that he needed Rezko’s help to buy his home.

Obama said he asked Rezko about the federal investigations, if Rezko had any problems, and Tony said no, and Barack believed it.

What will he say when Vladimir Putin of Russia asks President Obama to believe him? President Bush has already looked into Putin’s eyes, thought he saw a soul in there, and was greatly mistaken.

So I left half-satisfied, thinking Obama more naive than crooked, wondering what the Daleys of Chicago and the Kennedys of Massachusetts will do to him.


I disagree with his policies, but I like the man. And I almost liked his answers. Almost.

Pure Whitewater.

Pure Bill.

Gotta love him.

To the point of believing him?


All’s he needs…again, jes’ like The Big Dog…is a 2% edge.

Will he get it?

Looks like maybe.

The real differences between Hillary Clinton (Who is running the same political game as did Bill…it’s her game, really…minus his people power advantages) and Barack Obama?

He’s younger than she is; he’s better looking; he speaks better and connects better with audiences; he is male and he is (conveniently, given the changing demographics of electoral America) of mixed race.

Are his race and/or relative youth going to be  deal-closers or deal-breakers?

We shall soon see.

He may be a tad early.

Four years, eight years from now… as the Greying of America becomes the Dying of the Baby Boomers and as people of color become a numerical majority?  

Deal-closers. For SURE.


It’s going to be close.

Stay tuned.

And don’t worry.

Be happy.

You’ve been born(e) into interesting times.



P.S. Speaking of Small K kerry…I remember a warning column much like the one above (Nastier…but then, that’s Boston…)  by the big time Boston Herald columnist Howie Carr…about how the locals saw him. I heard similar things on Boston radio a number of times during the same period as I drove through the Boston area.

Here it is.

ONE of the surest ways to get the phones ringing on any Massachusetts talk-radio show is to ask people to call in and tell their John Kerry stories. The phone lines are soon filled, and most of the stories have a common theme: our junior senator pulling rank on one of his constituents, breaking in line, demanding to pay less (or nothing) or ducking out before the bill arrives.

The tales often have one other common thread. Most end with Sen. Kerry inquiring of the lesser mortal: “Do you know who I am?”

And now he’s running for president as a populist. His first wife came from a Philadelphia Main Line family worth $300 million. His second wife is a pickle-and-ketchup heiress. …

Kerry is, in fact, a Brahmin – his mother was a Forbes, from one of Massachusetts’ oldest WASP families. The ancestor who wed Ralph Waldo Emerson’s daughter was marrying down.

At the risk of engaging in ethnic stereotyping, Yankees have a reputation for, shall we say, frugality. And Kerry tosses around quarters like they were manhole covers. In 1993, for instance, living on a senator’s salary of about $100,000, he managed to give a total of $135 to charity.

Yet that same year, he was somehow able to scrape together $8,600 for a brand-new, imported Italian motorcycle, a Ducati Paso 907 IE. He kept it for years, until he decided to run for president, at which time he traded it in for a Harley-Davidson like the one he rode onto “The Tonight Show” set a couple of months ago as Jay Leno applauded his fellow Bay Stater. …

In the Senate, his record of his constituent services has been lackluster, and most of his colleagues, despite their public support, are hard-pressed to list an accomplishment. Just last fall, a Boston TV reporter ambushed three congressmen with the question, name something John Kerry has accomplished in Congress. After a few nervous giggles, two could think of nothing, and a third mentioned a baseball field, and then misidentified Kerry as “Sen. Kennedy.”

Many of his constituents see him in person only when he is cutting them in line – at an airport, a clam shack or the Registry of Motor Vehicles. One talk-show caller a few weeks back recalled standing behind a police barricade in 2002 as the Rolling Stones played the Orpheum Theater, a short limousine ride from Kerry’s Louisburg Square mansion.

The caller, Jay, said he began heckling Kerry and his wife as they attempted to enter the theater. Finally, he said, the senator turned to him and asked him the eternal question.

“Do you know who I am?”

“Yeah,” said Jay. “You’re a gold-digger.”

John Kerry. First he looks at the purse.


You’ve been warned.

Obama may lose to McCain on merit.

Merit and history.

Maybe he is Small K kerry v. 2 rather than the next Big Dog.

Only time will tell.

But whatever you do…


He’s just another talented pol.

How talented?

Time will tell.

And we shall soon see.

Bet on it.