I see the stupid Clinton-supporting writer’s strike at Daily Kos is being covered on MSNBC. My question is: when are one of you diarists going to throw a fit on this site so big that the cable news channels decide to cover it? C’mon…I know you can do it.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Blog Writers Union Local BMT just isn’t as strong.
This is the most amusing thing that’s happened at dKos in months.
What great news for kos – they start a boycott; his page hits go up.
What great news for Jerome – the boycotters all make MyDD their new home; his page hits go up.
Gosh, you don’t think Markos and Jerome maybe …. nah. 😉
Can’s we have a sex scandal instead?
The sex scandal that just keeps on giving
Andrew Longman,
that surname is familiar.
Is that you bro?
I just think it is a cool name. 😉
Is this part of Peter Daou’s wah-wah-wah “war on Clinton” week?
Gotta admit, he’s doing a better job of getting his team to post identical (or nearly so) stories about Hillary in the past few days.
I notice a few things that may be indicators that the End is Nigh for Hillary. Not only have her Daily Kos shills run off to seek shelter, but her campaign is threatening to sue the Democratic Party in Texas for their conduct of the caucus down there, and some of her big funders in Florida are saying that they will stop supporting the Party if they don’t get a re-do primary election in that state.
So what I’m seeing from the Hillary side is a lot of the old “If I can’t get my way I’ll take my football and go home” syndrome. This will not play well in the eyes of the voters. Whining is never welcome.
I figure Dean should either (1) tell them “Thank you for your contributions, which are neither tax-deductible nor refundable,” or (2) give it back to them and tell them to go pound sand, now and forever. I’m not sure which approach I’d like better.
From NYT:
Something tells me that Cejas as another ambassadorship in the wings if Clinton wins.
And a nice long retirement when she doesn’t.
I was thinking that some of the Big Boys of the Rep & Hillary campaigns just might be feeling a little BS (Bear Sterns) pinching lately, oh my, would that mean that the candidate with all the little people and the little states might have a healthier outlook now?
I wonder if the strikers realize that shutting up is exactly what everyone else has been hoping they’d do?
Maybe the strategy will catch on, and my creditors will threaten to stop billing me if I don’t pay more attention to them.
I can make a scene in DC wearing my BooTrib shirt, if you’d like 😉
If that’s all you’re wearing, it sure will be a scene!
btw, I love your sig line.
…as to this old lady, I think E has it going in my book….[shirt or not] I have seen him with all of his cloths on and !!!!wwheeee… :o)
Excellent idea!
Maybe he can post pictures here at the site …
I don’t like to see myself nekkid so…
Bleh. I went on strike for a month or two and nobody noticed.
Of course I didn’t make a big boo-hah diary about it either.
Yeah…. when I don’t get around to blogging for two months it’s a strike. I’m a freelance web designer so full of outrage at not getting work that I stopped blogging about usability. The world wept.
Have we all seen Kos’ Response to the “Strike?” It’s a good smackdown of Clinton.
Unvarnished smackdown.
Formal declaration of civil war that “Clinton doesn’t care about”
thanks for that. it’s the best thing kos has written in a very long time…and spot on.
l might add, with some pride in the community, that BT and boo have been ahead of that curve for a long time.
ruh roh…BushCo’s™ fisa quest just took another big hit:
INCREDI-LINK: um…yessir, mr. robot, sir…
gee…l’ll bet nobody expected this:
when’s reid going to strip this asshat of his committee chairmanships and memberships? it’s way past due. yo connecticut!…recall time?
I can’t think of any reason to strike…Let me think…
[drums fingers]
There’s no 35 year old super hot women of color named fabooj on the front page. I demand that you front page a 35 year old super hot women of color named fabooj RIGHT NOW! Or I’m going on strike!
That’s it.
I’m mad. Yeah. That’s right. Mad. M-A-D. So mad, I had to spell it out. I’m striking. I’m on strike and all of us pro-35 year old super hot women of color named fabooj bloggers are going to start up another blog. The American Federation of Concerned 35 Year Old Super Hot Women of Color Named Fabooj Bloggers (AFC3YOSHWCNFB for short).
You’re so oppressive with the “Oh my name is on the blog, so it’s my blog.” Well, la-di-dah capitalist pig! Norah O’Donnell will be here tomorrow to cover my Very Important cause.
It’s going to be hard to fit AFC3YOSHWCNFB on the placards we wear as we march the picket line. Just sayin …
Since I’m a upright (ha!) citizen
They’ll just be really tall signs.
Ah, a tall people strike. For once, I’m in luck.
Really this is serious. First of all, I think Obama’s view on FL and MI is untenable, and it breaks my heart to see a site that has contributed to much to the voting rights and election integrity movement fail to see that Obama’s view of FL and MI is unjust. Either there has to be a redo or the delegations need to be seated, you cannot disenfranchise two entire states.
If Clinton has a case against the Texas process, then she should make it, just because you don’t like her doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a case.
Chasing Clinton supporters off a web site does not help us in the fall. So far as I know, that has not happened at the pond, or any place other than the Orange Frat House.
The ill will in blogosphere is pouring into the field.
Maybe it is time to take a second look, not necessarily of your candidate, but of the Obama campaign. Is it really well advised, is he looking toward the general election.
Very true.
He didn’t chase them off. They left. In a huff. Thinking, I guess, that their boycott was going to harm him and the site. But instead, they’ve managed to get him even more attention and new readers as the “strike” is covered.
And his response could have been worse. Far worse. He could have said that the failure to predict this result might have been avoided if they had majored in business instead of women’s studies. And then offered them pie. 😉
FWIW, I just posted this over at skippy’s place in response to a thread about the “strike”…
Amazing that only this Big Orange kerfuffle manages to be newsworthy–how many others have there been?
Is fighting on teh interwebs! OH NOES!
It also is rather ironic that Alegre and her supporters did this out of a desire for the Great and Powerful Kos to “feel the hurt” by their not contributing to his page hits and ad revenue. What happens? This gets major news coverage, someone at ABC news actually interviews Markos–I’m not seeing the downside for him.
But I guess it’s newsworthy because it’s a “big trouble for the Democrats” story.
We need better monkeys in charge of the news reporting.
March 17, 2008 Hector Nieto (512) 478-9800
Party Will Not Alter Rules to Effectively Disqualify Delegates
Below is a statement by Texas Democratic Chairman Boyd Richie regarding the Delegate Selection Process:
The Texas Democratic Party and local Democratic Party organizations around our state are working to turn the enormous opportunity created by the record Democratic turnout experienced on March 4th into a positive outcome for Texas Democrats this fall and in 2010. We are proud of both our Presidential candidates who helped create that turnout. We ask now that the campaigns work with us rather than become an impediment to this extraordinary opportunity to build our party.
On March 4th, our Democratic precinct conventions experienced record turnout of roughly one million precinct convention attendees, a ten-fold increase from the previous high attendance mark. As expected in any record turnout involving hundreds of thousands of people, there were reports of problems caused by long lines and crowded facilities. These problems are not unique to Texas. Similar problems, in proportionately similar numbers, occurred in pure caucus states like Iowa and Nevada.
The overwhelming majority of problems reported in Texas do not affect the legitimacy of delegate allocation. It is important to remember that the precinct conventions are just the first of three steps where delegates and alternates are selected. “Final results” will not be determined until June 6-7 at the Texas Democratic State convention. And at each convention step, Texas Democratic Party rules provide a credentials process to address problems and provide an avenue to register complaints and make formal challenges
For that reason, the Texas Democratic Party will not do as suggested by one campaign and circumvent Party rules to set up an unnecessary, ad hoc “verification” process that could effectively disqualify delegates selected at their precinct conventions after the fact. The Party has never stated any intention to set up a verification process of this nature because Party rules already provide for “verification” through our credentials process. Candidates who wish to disqualify delegates must pursue formal challenges based on evidence filed appropriately in accordance with our party’s rules.
The Texas Democratic Party plans to conduct our district and county conventions on March 29 and our June State Convention in accordance with procedures set forth in Texas law and party rules. Both campaigns have the opportunity and responsibility to do their jobs by documenting evidence, filing challenges if warranted, and turning out their delegates in a system that rewards such an effort when final delegate results are determined at the State Convention in June.