It looks like rain is going to greet Barack Obama here in Philadelphia this morning. He is giving a speech on issues of race right now at the Constitution Center. It seems the right-wing and the mainstream media have discovered that Sen. Obama is an actual bona fide black man who belongs to an urban black church with urban blacks pastors. This is apparently such an alarming revelation that it could conceivably render Obama as ‘unelectable’.

His friend and pastor is now defined as a ‘hate-preacher’ and openly compared to David Duke and Louis Farrakhan. The 527 groups are salivating at the chance to link the Great Hope from Illinois to the ‘God Damn America’ ghetto-victim rhetoric of the drug wars. ‘Did that black man just say on 9/11, we had it coming? Someone grab my noose!! We gots to have another hi-tech lynching.’

So, Obama has to address this shit, now, before it metastasizes into some kind of Swift-Boater’s for Truth inoperable brain tumor. Yes, he does. And he’s here, in the Constitution Center on Independence Mall to explain to the ‘straight’ community a thing or two about being a brother in America. And the straight community flat does not want to hear it…any of it. They want to hear that Obama ain’t like those other brothers that feel they got a raw deal…a shit hand from a stacked deck. They want some kind of explanation for why a nice Ivy-educated ‘articulate’ man like Barack would be slummin’ with those other brothers in a no good church no how.

It seems like an impossible task. How can Obama make the white people understand when they think the man that baptized his children is a sub-human subversive treasonous kook? And don’t lecture the white man about he jess don understand the nigra culture. Nothing pisses the straight man off more than to be told he can’t dance.

So…I’m here, and I’m waiting to see what Obama is going to feed the suits. Once that is done, maybe I’ll know what the suits are going to feed Jack and Jill Six-Pack. Whatever that is, it is going to be vomit inducing. But, I’ll tell you what…

I went into this campaign season wanting Russ Feingold…wanting him because I want that fight. Now they’re telling me it’s no good to be black. I’ll take that fight too. I’m ready for that fight. This is the year we can beat all the odds.