If you have any faith in polls, of course.
Which I do as a general marker of what is up. What is up in the PermaGov, especially.
Especially especially from CNN.
Poll: McCain, Obama, Clinton in dead heat in election matchup
By Alexander Mooney
CNN Washington Bureau(CNN) — Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton would both statistically tie Republican John McCain in a general election matchup, a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll indicates.
According to the poll released Tuesday morning, both Obama and Clinton are locked in a dead heat with the Arizona senator.
If Obama were to win the nomination, he would get 47 percent of the vote compared to 46 percent for McCain — a statistical tie given the poll’s 3 percentage point margin of error. Should Clinton win the nomination, the poll suggests she would get 49 percent compared to McCain’s 47 percent — another statistical tie.
While Clinton and Obama match up equally with McCain, CNN Polling Director Keating Holland notes the two Democrats appear to be drawing support from different groups of voters.
“Clinton appears to do a little bit better than Obama among older voters, women, and self-identified Democrats against McCain; Obama’s numbers may be slightly better among younger voters and those who describe themselves as Republicans and Independents,” Holland said.
Read on.
And where is the (hidden) beef in all of this?
While Clinton and Obama match up equally with McCain, CNN Polling Director Keating Holland notes the two Democrats appear to be drawing support from different groups of voters.
The “different groups of voters” part.
And here.
If Obama were to win the nomination, he would get 47 percent of the vote compared to 46 percent for McCain — a statistical tie given the poll’s 3 percentage point margin of error. Should Clinton win the nomination, the poll suggests she would get 49 percent compared to McCain’s 47 percent — another statistical tie.
The “statistical tie” part.
Do you really think that the PowerDems want even the remotest possibility of another 2000 or 2004-style squeaker? With a packed Supreme Court as the ultimate decider?
There’s an old saying in da Bronx — I know it’s in da Bronx, probably in Brooklyn too — that says, burn me once, shame on — shame on you. Burn me twice? OUCH!!! You can’t get burned again.
Or something like that. (Thank you, Preznit Butch. You WILL be remembered, if only as the greatest Prezdinet Malaprop of all time.)
There is only one sure win for the Dems.
Both of these people on the ticket.
And the real political story of the next several months is going to be how…and of course, if…the PermaDems are going to forge that ticket.
It should be interesting.
I predict that they have about a 3 to 5 chance of doing so.
Egos will have to be salved (OOOOHHH will egos need some salving!!!) and ironbound promises will have to be made, but this is the only sure bet, and great poker players…which is all that great pro pols really are, after all, poker players writ large…tend to put all of their money on the table when they absolutely, positively know that their hand is unbeatable.
I don’t know how it will be done…but the attempt WILL be made.
Bet on it.
And soon.
Before egos get too bruised for any salve to work.
And before McCain gets any stronger
P.S. Ego salve?
For these political animammals?
I recommend Bag Balm, myself.
Works for trumpet players…and their egos are the WORST!!!
Indications: For chapped conditions and superficial abrasions. After each milking apply thoroughly and allow coating to remain on surface. This protective ointment helps to keep superficial tissue moist and soft.
Directions: Massage thoroughly and allow ointment to remain for full softening effect. For pets, apply BAG BALM® liberally to the affected area. For use on cows, thoroughly wash treated teats and udder with separate towels before each milking. To avoid contamination after each milking, bathe the udder with plenty of hot water, strip milk out and dry skin. Apply BAG BALM® freely and massage gently with this proven ointment twice daily. This product contains no alcohol.
Lissen up, Howard!!!
You’re from Vermont.
Where they make all ‘a that cheese and ice cream and stuff?
YOU know what to do…
Before it’s too late.
that the SubPrime Court will decide this one. too?
Sure about that, are you?
Be careful what you wish for.
You might get it.