I don’t really care where Hillary was while Monica Lewinsky was going down on her husband in the Oval Office. It takes a total lack of professionalism for ABC News to report on this. But, as I said way, way back before the primaries even began, I do not want eight more years of discussing the Clintons’ sex life. They exhausted me and the Democratic Party back in the 1990’s. If you thought the media was going to hold themselves to a higher standard in this decade, you were smoking the pipe.
But the more important point is that Clinton cannot win the nomination at this point and she is only being destructive to Obama’s chances out of some kind of sense of denial/entitlement/spite/plan for 2012. And I’ve had enough of it. I am barely even able to muster outrage on her behalf over this reporting.
Hillary Clinton spent the night in the White House on the day her husband had oral sex with Monica Lewinsky, and may have actually been in the White House when it happened, according to records of her schedule released today by the National Archives.
I hope Brian Ross is proud of himself.
Hillary’s allies will rally around her and foes will say we don’t want to revisit the Clinton years, that a good reason for standing against the Clintons’ restoration project.
Brian Ross should focus on real issues. The MSM is part of the problem – why polity is diminished.
I’m sure they’re all feverishly digging today to find their spotted and stained copies of the Ken Starr report which they rapaciously devoured while sitting on their respective crappers and wanking till they were writhing in pain.
They all have shit for brains. Our media is a joke.
Wow, Hillary was somewhere on Planet Earth while Bill and Monica did their business. It’s Pulitzer time.
Jesus!! And how fucking long do you think it will be before they drag Monica back out to reprise her role before Barbara Walters or some other celebrijourno-hack like Larry King. The prospect of a continuation of the titillation will be irresistible to our sophisticated, professional media types.
Jack Cafferty had it about right.
Amazing, Jack? Only an idiot or a moron would be amazed. It is exactly what I would expect from our corporate stenographers.
The media is sticking to what it does best: Sex.
I was just telling Demetrius about an e-mail I got from someone in my parish, who forwards articles by former Bishop John Shelby Spong. In it, Spong described the sort of sexist crap that has been spouted by the media talking heads when discussing the Clinton campaign. He noted, rightly, that no male candidate would be on the receiving end of such commentary.
Some of these examples I wasn’t even aware of. If I had seen a diary by a pro-Hillary blogger asking us to rebuke the media for some of the more egregious sexist commentary, I certainly would have been supportive. But apparently it’s more important to do this kind of whining. So, yeah, it’s hard to feel sorry for her.
And by the way, the one thing that really struck me about Hillary’s “crying” episode before the N.H. primary, is that her actual message boiled down to, “This is personal to me because I care so much. I love this country too much to let it be saddled with a president like Barack Obama when I would be soooo much better!”
If I see someone crying, I am usually inclined to feel sympathetic. But if I ask why the person is crying, and the response is, “I’m crying because of how badly you suck!” …well, that makes me feel somewhat less than sympathetic.
This makes perfect sense. After the home run that Obama hit yesterday with his speech that essentially removes discussion of race off of the table, what else is there to keep the story going and give Hillary a fighting chance to stretch this thing out to
sweeps weekthe Convention? Dig up a bunch of junk that will force people to defend Hillary, and hope that someone tangentially related to the Obama campaign says something that can be construed as insensitive and we have a new, raging controversy that can be used tosell more adsfurther enlighten the public regarding the candidates’ positions.Will somebody please ask Hillary what her price is – short of the VP spot – to drop out and endorse Barack? Then let’s pay it and move on to fixing our country.
Amen. It would be great if she would bow out before PA. She should have stepped out after Ohio and Texas. Claim victory and depart the field, always good advice.
Re Obama – I had to fire this off in response to someone else’s limerick – had to share.
There once was a man named Barack
Whose rise was so fast none could clock
When YouTube showed Wright
Campaigners took fright
But the man got himself out of hock
He spoke of our racial divisions
His words made insightful incisions
He challenged denial
And put us on trial
And forced folks to make some decisions.
His words, well, they made a sensation
And brought about thunderous ovation
I trust that come June
We’ll be singing in tune
So Hope can accept nomination!
Lovely limericks! 🙂
I’m glad that others are using the medium, since they are tenacious once they get into the brain.
I’ve spent all day cross-referencing dates with Clinton’s recent made up claims about her “experience” and had planned on doing a post on it tonight–though it looks like The Guardian has a bigger staff. But in all the pages and pages of documents I searched, it never occured to me to look up the Lewinsky stuff.
Of course, I’m probably the only person on the planet who was around at the time, that has no idea what actually happened. I managed to not pay attention to any of that. So my sum total knowledge is: I did not have sex with that woman, something about a cigar (don’t tell me details…really), a blue dress, Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky. I have no details of how these people relate and don’t care. I’ve managed to live this long and through it without caring.
So, why would I look up Hillary Clinton’s whereabouts? That’s skankalicious and utterly disgusting. I get that the press thinks that the Lewinsky thing was their finest hour–at least that was the last time they actually did any investigative reporting if the sheer volume of articles about it is any indication, but actually reporting this is real, real low.
It actually surrprised me this afternoon when I read the Guardian article this afternoon to see that in the last line. I was really focused on her claims of experience and whether they matched up with records of reality, which apparently they did not.
And instead, the big story is about a blowjob someone got, what, 13 years ago?
Just can’t pass on the comment that Boo is tired of the Clinton’s sex life.
Boo, you and I clashed mightily in the 90s because I tired of their sex then. I was offended that Bill took a BJ under his desk while discussing on the phone sending soldiers to die in Kosovo. And I recoiled on so many levels for America’s pride at public documents that describe how Mr. Bill had to finish off Monica’s work by wacking off in a sink.
The discussion of Hillary’s candidacy over the last 8+ years has exhausted and frightened me. Great leaders don’t do that.
I have no other point really other than I got there first. 🙂
Well, first of all I think your chronology is off because Kosovo happened after l’affaire Lewinsky, but I take your point.
You were morally outraged at the president at wanted him to step down at a minimum. I was morally outraged at the way the bogus Whitewater investigation and a meritless sexual harassment suit had morphed into a ten-penny drug store soft-porn Starr Report on the inability of two adults to commit more than one successful act of fellatio.
They could not be allowed to take down a president over such trifles. It cheapened impeachment, did it not?
Now we have illegal invasions, warrantless wiretapping, officially sanctioned torture, and an executive power grab. Who was right?
In any case, impeaching and electing a president are two different things with two different standards. I thought Clinton ruined his legacy, but I didn’t think he deserved to be removed from office.
Makes you want to bang your head on the table. Who the hell cares? But if we can coarsen the public dialogue, why not. And the thought of 8 more years hearing about the Clintons and sex or financial scandal is bleak.
“Mrs. Clinton’s advisers said they had spent recent days making the case to wavering superdelegates that Mr. Obama’s association with Pastor Wright would doom their party in the general election.”
What a shame to see my Senator reduced to that sort of campaign strategy. The superdelegates need to put Hillary out of her misery, soon.
So, tell me, honestly, where were you at the moment when all this happened and where did you spend the night?
Was she in the room when it happened?
Have we finally reached the point where the value of television is equivalent to a traveling carnival sideshow.
Just when I think we can’t go any lower…..
Isn’t it sad that with everything that is going on in this country and the world-ABC considers this the height of journalistic endeavor? Pitiful. And an insult to the viewers.