If you were wondering what the crazed wingnut faction of the talk show universe was saying about Obama even before the speech, then wonder no more. Here’s Michael Savage (via Media Matters) to tell you:
SAVAGE: And I’m warning you that Barack Obama’s pastor is the soul of Barack Obama’s movement. And if you want a man who says not “God bless America,” but “God damn America,” if you want a man who takes the side of the imperial Japanese army, an army that killed not only hundreds of thousands in the Bataan Death March, but hundreds of thousand of Koreans, an army that operated on people while they were alive in Manchuria, a man who takes the side, in essence, of the Japanese Nazis of World War II, if you want a man who takes the side, in essence, of the Hitlers of the world, then you’ve got it in Barack Obama’s pastor, Jeremiah Wright, of the Trinity United Church of Christ.
And I’m warning you here — I am sitting here and warning you that Barack Obama himself — I don’t know whether he’s good, bad or indifferent — I think he’s just an ordinary apparatchik of the Democrat machine in Chicago, personally. I don’t think he’s particularly smart; I don’t think he’s particularly stupid. I think he was hand-picked by some very powerful forces both within and outside the United States of America to drag this country into a hell that it has not seen since the Civil War of the middle of the 19th century.
And I warn you, ladies and gentlemen, what I’m playing for you is not edited speech, it is not corrected speech, it is not invented speech, it is unadulterated speech of the lowest order, and it’s not coming from a conservative — it’s coming from a liberal, like yourself. And so, in case you missed it, I’m gonna play it all day. I suggest you call a few of your friends. If you’re in a synagogue, give a call to your rabbi who has a Barack Obama on his lawn. Let us say you’re a church-goer and a white person, and you think, “Hey, the Messiah has arrived! Obama’s gonna lead us and save us!” I want you to call a few members of your church to listen to where he’s gonna lead you and what he’s gonna say, because this man, by the way, has not been disconnected from Obama. Why, he makes Louis Farrakhan sound like a nice man.
Powerful forces? Handpicked to create the climate for another civil war? I’ll bet Mike’s chomping at the bit to “get it on” with all those Commie Islamofascist Godless Nazi Stalinist Liberal Pukes like you and me.
By the way, Talk Radio Network, which syndicates Savage’s show, claims he is heard by 8 million people each week. But don’t worry, I’m sure they are tuning in only for the comedic genius that Michael “Savage” Weiner provides each and every weeknight, and not because they are, like racist or white supremacists or anything so ugly as that. Because if this doesn’t make you laugh . . .
for a minute when he refers to all you people with barack obamas on your front lawn i thought he meant lawn jockeys, then i realized he meant b o signs.
I think the lawn jockeys are likely on the lawns of Savage’s listeners.
You think Savage has anything to say about Rev Rod Parsley ministries? Revefend Parsley is McCain’s spirtual adviser.
Take your pick from
The Rod Parsley videos
Will the IRS target his ministries considering the political ads?
So what of Rev. Wright?
(H/T Jack and Jill Politics)
Funny? Hate-mongering motherfuckers like Weiner helped bring the Nazis to power in Germany in 1933. What the fuck do you think is funny about him?
I was being sarcastic. Rush Limbaugh once infamously described his brand of hate talk radio as simply the work of a comedian.
Sorry, but “I was being sarcastic” is the excuse that people like Limbaugh and Coulter fall back on. And what does something that Limbaugh once said have to do with what Weiner said, or what you wrote?
Not to get all rancorous, but if all you have is sarcasm, you can make the world a better place by merely shutting up.
I guess you’d rather bash an ally then see the point I was trying to make. Too bad. Sarcasm and satire and snark are all legitimate means of mocking people for their bigotry.
I’m sorry you consider criticism to be “bashing.”
Most people, I think, would have just gone “oh, fair enough” and gone on to be cordial.
You’re certainly coming off as bashing to me. Perhaps you didn’t intend that, but there you are.
npr seems to have a serious deficiency in ‘getting it’.
I’ve made sarcasm into a lifestyle.
He read Interface and thought it was based on a true story.
Because come nightfall, his Georgia station ups the power and blasts out everything to Miami! This is a man who should be arrested.
Over at RCP, Dick Morris writes:
Wright’s Rantings Won’t Sink Obama
March 19, 2008
Btw, I heard NPR Morning Edition do an interview of the Trinity church members – from all walks of society. Many are professionals, lawyers, doctors, politicians graduates of ivy league schools,
Interesting that Morris is now an Obama fan, at least in the racehorse sense of the word. Personally I think his animus toward the Clinton’s likely affects his analysis much as I would prefer to believe him. I also don’t think Clinton can overome Obama’s pledged delegate lead, but I don’t think the race is over until Clinton concedes and I don’t see her doing that without a floor fight at the convention.
Glad to see ya Steven D. Hope all is improving. Be well.
until Clinton concedes.
Oiy, that’ll be a happy day.
Imho, The DNC will need all the bulldozers and backhoes manufactured by Volvo and Caterpillar to take Bill and HRC out of the convention hall.
I’d settle for four horses traveling in mutually-orthogonal directions, tied to the Clintons’ extremities, of course…
It’s people like Savage who tempt me to get medieval on their behind with a broomstick (or a microphone)…
Savage, as far as I’m concerned, is the most nakedly vile, most reprehensible, most dangerous of all the Right talk-maggots of whom I am personally aware. He makes Limbaugh look almost human on a good day. The white supremacist angle (which he really seems to relish) is profoundly disturbing. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of the FBI raiding him or anything, but he seems fairly keen to step over the line one day and say something that’s going to end up getting someone seriously hurt, or worse.
I honestly believe, and I have for some time now, that the right wing noise machine is trying to goad somebody into making an attack on Barack Obama.
Wright will be their cover when the attack comes. It will be his “rhetoric of hatred” that will be blamed for the attack, not assholes like Savage.
Check out these two videos. One of a white pastor who attends Obama’s church, and the other of his new minister. Real scary folks, huh?
While I expect little from Savage, that’s beyond bad even by his standards. That’s tin foil hat looney, not just nut job looney.
Had more drive time today so I had a chance to catch both Hannity and Rush.
Rush selectively pulled quotes from Obama on Imus’ nappy ho comments where in response to a question about whether he should be fired he said, “The choice is not mine, but he would not be working for a station I owned”.
Fair enough, but admitting he would run a radio station differently is far different than condeming a pastor for less than his total body of work.
On Hannity it was about all the meeting Obama has with folks like Sharton. The fearful question was who would he turn to for consultation in a time of crisis? Sharpton? Wright? Obama is WAY too scary to trust as president. (Were have we heard this before?)
On XM NPR they interviewed Diane Dickenson of Princeton who also attended Trinity while teaching at UofC. Her much more elequent point, which Rush and Sean fail to touch, is Obama’s strength/appeal has always been that he can have a productive conversation with a person he disagrees with.
He does it by not making it personal. By making it about ideas, thoughts and behaviors, not identity and personality.
As a person who coaches and develops leadership among top business executives I can say those are the traits of high performing, highly effective leaders. It doesn’t always make for near-term tactical/political success, but it is the only successful path for sustained success of all types.
XM NPR also had on Frank Schaeffer who had this to say: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/frank-schaeffer/obamas-minister-committe_b_91774.html
Bataan Death March – hundreds of thousands killed by the Japanese soldiers. Different historians do not agree on even close to an exact number, but it is between 8,000 and 12,000 U.S. soldiers that died on the Bataan Death March and certainly not hundreds of thousands.
If he cannot fact check this simple item then what else is he making up?
I guess Savage is saving the Protocols of Zion for another broadcast. Stay tuned.