If you were wondering what the crazed wingnut faction of the talk show universe was saying about Obama even before the speech, then wonder no more. Here’s Michael Savage (via Media Matters) to tell you:

SAVAGE: And I’m warning you that Barack Obama’s pastor is the soul of Barack Obama’s movement. And if you want a man who says not “God bless America,” but “God damn America,” if you want a man who takes the side of the imperial Japanese army, an army that killed not only hundreds of thousands in the Bataan Death March, but hundreds of thousand of Koreans, an army that operated on people while they were alive in Manchuria, a man who takes the side, in essence, of the Japanese Nazis of World War II, if you want a man who takes the side, in essence, of the Hitlers of the world, then you’ve got it in Barack Obama’s pastor, Jeremiah Wright, of the Trinity United Church of Christ.

And I’m warning you here — I am sitting here and warning you that Barack Obama himself — I don’t know whether he’s good, bad or indifferent — I think he’s just an ordinary apparatchik of the Democrat machine in Chicago, personally. I don’t think he’s particularly smart; I don’t think he’s particularly stupid. I think he was hand-picked by some very powerful forces both within and outside the United States of America to drag this country into a hell that it has not seen since the Civil War of the middle of the 19th century.

And I warn you, ladies and gentlemen, what I’m playing for you is not edited speech, it is not corrected speech, it is not invented speech, it is unadulterated speech of the lowest order, and it’s not coming from a conservative — it’s coming from a liberal, like yourself. And so, in case you missed it, I’m gonna play it all day. I suggest you call a few of your friends. If you’re in a synagogue, give a call to your rabbi who has a Barack Obama on his lawn. Let us say you’re a church-goer and a white person, and you think, “Hey, the Messiah has arrived! Obama’s gonna lead us and save us!” I want you to call a few members of your church to listen to where he’s gonna lead you and what he’s gonna say, because this man, by the way, has not been disconnected from Obama. Why, he makes Louis Farrakhan sound like a nice man.

Powerful forces? Handpicked to create the climate for another civil war? I’ll bet Mike’s chomping at the bit to “get it on” with all those Commie Islamofascist Godless Nazi Stalinist Liberal Pukes like you and me.

By the way, Talk Radio Network, which syndicates Savage’s show, claims he is heard by 8 million people each week. But don’t worry, I’m sure they are tuning in only for the comedic genius that Michael “Savage” Weiner provides each and every weeknight, and not because they are, like racist or white supremacists or anything so ugly as that. Because if this doesn’t make you laugh . . .