VIA the always-excellent O’Reilly Radar (*): Wattzon
Wattzon is a detailed, engineering/scientific-style examination of global warming. Over the course of 192 slides in two parallel streams (text-heavy and graphics-heavy), Saul Griffith examines the causes and consequences of global warming. Not only does he provide a big-picture view of the entire system, he provides a detailed view of how our individual actions contribute to the problem. Using this, he approaches global warming as an engineering problem: how can we engineer society to minimize, and even eventually reverse, the effects of global warming? What choices do we have to make?
(*) – O’Reilly here refers to O’Reilly Media, a small but respected, profitable, and environmentally-conscious computer book publisher.
Everyone, and I do mean everyone, should read this article and put their own life under the harsh lens of its analysis. What changes can you make, and how can you make them? Can you change your life to be better despite a lower carbon footprint? Can you do your part, and help Saul make his numbers more solid? Me? I’ve just finished a masters’ program and will hopefully be moving into a new apartment soon (and potentially across the continent) and starting at a job. You can bet I’m going to be paying very careful attention to my carbon footprint and reducing it as much as possible.
What are you waiting for? Go read those slides!
Thank God it wasn’t that other O’Reilly.