Sub Title “You Go Girl!” And THAT brought me to tears [as you’ll see why further down].
This is a follow up on a diary I wrote a couple of days ago, “I’m There, I See The Truth. Hillary, You Had Me At Solutions!” where I talked about seeing through the enemies of Hillary’s distorting and lying about of who and what Hillary is. Corporate Media, well, I can’t even say anymore all but pushing her opponent at any means, because we have seen exactly that. Keith Olbermann has decided to use his show as a propaganda outlet to say anything against Hillary, as apparently his means to make Senator Obama look better. Even lastnight he took up with the hinting that maybe the Clinton’s actually had something to do with Obama’s passport information breach (does he even get embarrassed by his own actions?). Of course we find out today that Mrs. Clinton’s passport information was breached as far back as last year, but we only learned of this today. Anyhow, I have learned that it isn’t just me, but it is many other bloggers across the country sharing (thank you for all the great comments you shared) in the realization of who the true Hillary is and what she has accomplished. And we can only delight in knowing what she WILL accomplish as President of the United States.
But now it seems the rest of the country and voters are also in tune with that song (yet to be written) as reported from Hillary’s visit yesterday in Indiana.
TERRE HAUTE — According to her enemies and much of the national news media, Hillary Rodham Clinton is cold, robotic, calculating, vindictive and about as personable as surgical steel.
Tell that to Josephine Sullivan.
It’s catching on!
Among a cluster of wheelchair-bound residents sitting outside Meadows Manor East to watch Clinton’s motorcade pass by on Poplar Street yesterday, Sullivan could not have experienced a more warm or personal touch from the presidential candidate.
The fleet of SUVs braked to a halt for several minutes so Clinton could get out of her vehicle, walk over to the seniors, shake hands, pat backs, then lead the small crowd — which included Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh and a phalanx of Secret Service agents — in singing “Happy Birthday” to the 99-year-old Sullivan. Delighted, Sullivan beamed but never dropped her hand-lettered sign that said, “You go, girl.”
…here is your virtual TISSUE.
According to this story though, it wasn’t even faith that Hillary would personally meet with them or stop, but just to get a glance of the woman they’ve learned is awesome and will be a great President, the first Woman President. (We’ve had 43 Men Presidents, I think it’s time for a Woman). But they too were surprised.
try running the cold-robot characterization by 17-year-old South High School senior Hillary Newton.
With her father Chris, she was among about 120 Hauteans to line the tarmac fence at Hulman Field just to watch Clinton’s ATA charter Boeing 737 touch down after a flight from Washington, D.C.
Politely advised by a national campaign aide that they would not get close enough to the New York senator for a good look — “She’ll be landing way out there. You have a much better chance to see her at the Saratoga diner …” — Newton and the other folks chose to stand in the chill morning air anyway “to be a part of history.” Their patience was rewarded.
After Clinton deplaned via a stairway gangplank, she eschewed her waiting Chevy Suburban and walked with Bayh to the 12-foot-high chainlink fence. Smiling, laughing, looking people straight in the eyes, she worked her way down the line, signing photos, T-shirts, blank pieces of notebook paper and a 1986 poster of the Arkansas State House that had been signed by her husband when he was governor.
I can feel the excitement they were all experiencing in these words written.
And the day only got more exciting.
All along Clinton’s campaign trail in Terre Haute, it was hard to find anyone who was buying her negative national image – certainly not Jackie Bishop, who joined a crowd of at least 1,000 in the parking lot behind the Saratoga with hopes of grabbing just a glimpse of the woman who wants to be commander in chief.
Sporting a homemade sign that proclaimed, “I GOT A CRUSH ON HILLARY,” Bishop said she had taken the day off from her job as a cashier at Wal-Mart to come downtown. Her sign featured 11 photos of Clinton.
“Bill is supposed to be in these two,” Bishop said, pointing to a pair of pictures, “but I cut him out. Not because I’m mad at him, just because it’s her sign.”
Like the women and men at Hulman Field, Bishop’s perseverance paid off. After an hour-long session with local residents inside the Saratoga and a media Q&A with Bayh outside, the two senators climbed upon a small, portable stage and addressed the sun-dappled audience in the parking lot.
With a vigor and enthusiasm that made it all sound brand-new for new sets of ears, Clinton repeated many of the things she had talked about inside the restaurant. When she asked the crowd, “Who would you hire … to do the toughest job in the world?” the people shouted back, “YOU!!!”
One last hope for company in the Hillary Haters club might have been expected from local news media. After all, journalists everywhere usually can be counted on to hike their cynical legs and pee on almost any politician. Alas, not in Terre Haute.
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews has opined of the Clinton campaign, “I think her press relations are lousy.” But, like so many aspects of American life, perspective from inside the Washington Beltway is often worlds apart from that of the rest of the country.
Good to their word, the Clinton people provided one-on-one interviews for every Hoosier TV and print reporter who had reserved a slot. Nobody with a notebook or camera was shoved, shouted at or made to feel like inconsequential scum.
Time and again, Clinton focused her blue eyes — made more blue by the deep sapphire-colored pantsuit she wore — on the reporter at her side. She listened to questions, thought about answers and engaged in a way that belies the astronomical number of times she has been queried and grilled about every element of her existence.
Over and over, local journalists remarked on her “surprising” warmth, natural manner and graciousness.
But, hey, what do we know? We don’t hang out on Capitol Hill, dine with presidential aides or call members of Congress by their nicknames. We’re just everyday people who live in “fly-over country,” Terre Haute, Indiana, one of a zillion stops on the long, grueling campaign trail of Hillary Clinton.
Is it possible that the Corporate Media might be catching up to the rest of the country?
…stay tuned.
I would like to post the full link to the story that Ms. Salter wrote, it indeed is an excellent piece.
STEPHANIE SALTER: Stop the presses — Hillary is a real human being
By Stephanie Salter
The Tribune-Star
Step 8: It’s Over
Obama wants to push to Pennsylvania, why, who knows, then he’ll be out, because then it only goes down hill fro there, West Virginia, Indiana, etc
Then he’ll reach his final step.
I’m bi-racial. I went to school at one of Pennsylvania’ finest universities. I participated in a sociology experiment so I understand. I do not expect Obama to take the lead there. Given time, he will close the gap. In politics, 4 weeks is eternal.
Beyond PA, the only other state HRC will win outright is
The State of Denial
you too, environmentally blue. Get over it.
LOL Really, and who’s name. And what other operatives, from the Obama campaign?
Good try. They actually try to claim Obama can get the delegates and he has no chance.
you’re absolutely welcome to advocate on behalf of Clinton here without being disrespected. But you have to put forth good faith arguments.
Your diary is fine because you talk about real enthusiasm for Clinton. But this comment is content and fact-free.
…and fact-free.
Not entirely – it aptly illustrates the fact that delusion has become entrenched in parts of the Clinton camp.
You are so funny…please keep posting, it’s good for a laugh, and we all could use one.
Regarding the passport information breach – does anyone else find it a little bit odd that TODAY we find out that Clinton’s and McCain’s were also supposedly breached? Seems a tad bit convenient to me.
If you wanted to cover your tracks, woudn’t you look at them all too?
Hillary as “scrappy underdog”, dissed by the media that pushed har inevitability for at least a year.
Who’d have thunk it?