Plug In America Needs Your Help. You Are Invited!

Plug in America Press Conference and Rally

Date: Wednesday – March 26, 2008
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Where: California EPA Building
……….1001 I Street
……….Sacramento, Ca

Electric Car Drivers: Bring Your EVs!

We want zero emission electric cars on the road, and we want them NOW! Help PIA inspire Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and CARB Chair Mary Nichols to do the right thing by clicking here.

And get ready for a rousing Rally and Press Conference near the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Headquarters at the corner of I and 10th Streets in Sacramento on March 26th.

Now is your chance to join the action before CARB votes on a proposal that could keep zero emission electric cars out of consumers’ hands for decades. Raise your voice at the March 26 rally alongside Plug in America, Tesla Motors, former CIA Director James Woolsey, Rainforest Action Network and others. Please join us at 10:30 a.m. and bring your friends. No RSVP required.

Tell both the Governor and Chair Nichols to support production of electric vehicles – the automotive technology that could work NOW to help clean our air and cut CO2 emissions. Click here and don’t forget to forward this message far and wide to family, friends, interest groups and social networks like MySpace. If you can think of a way to spread the word, do it!

As gasoline prices lurch toward the $4.00 per gallon mark, let’s all work together to hasten the day when we can dump the pump and start driving clean, efficient electric cars.

Hope to see you in Sacramento on the 26th!

Chelsea Sexton
Plug in America

Again, Click here to send a message to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160

Click here to send a message to CARB Chair Mary Nichols.

Please check our website often for campaign updates and send this Action Gram to everyone you know!

Chelsea Sexton
Plug In America

Chelsea Sexton

Chelsea Sexton is the Executive Director of Plug In America and is known for her experience in the auto industry, most notably on the General Motors EV1 electric vehicle program. She continues to advocate for clean transportation and energy, leading in the creation of the Automotive X PRIZE in 2005, and founding her non-profit organization, Lightning Rod. Chelsea is one of the key individuals featured in the 2006 film, “Who Killed the Electric Car?” by Sony Pictures Classics, in the Sundance Channel Series, “Big Ideas for a Small Planet,” and in several books dealing with alternative fuel transportation.