As Howard Cosell once said, “Down goes Frazier, down goes Frazier.” Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico has endorsed the O-Man, calling him a “once-in-a-lifetime leader that can bring our nation together and restore America’s moral leadership in the world.” This is a brutal blow to the Clintons.
In a sign that Obama really does have a 50-state mentality, the announcement will not be made in Pittsburgh, PA, but in Portland, Oregon.
That analogy is great one. That’s a knockout. Stop the fight and the blood letting. It’s Over.
Obama’s speech closed the deal
ends the week on a high mark.
What great News!!!!
Okay. So isn’t time to do the Veep diary all over again?
This is great news, and I must salute Richardson for having the guts to do it instead of remaining a loyal soldier for the Clintons.
And an aside: I must say I dig the beard on Peyote Bill.
i have been waiting on some “leaders” in the party to step forward and speak out.
I think this took guts on Bill’s part….and i agree with Drew, he should keep the beard…even when he is Vice Prwsident!
now, the next one who should step up is John Edwards to slam the nail in the coffin of the old politics!
Yep. I have to think Edwards liked what he heard in Obama’s big speech on race earlier this week:
I’m disappointed in Edwards. I don’t expect him to endorse either of them – and that’s fine. Neither of them has taken on the issues of poverty in the way that he wanted.
But you don’t have to endorse a candidate to defend them from right wing attacks.
Good point. I really don’t understand the complete media silence by Edwards.
Maybe he figured any statement he made would just be summarily ignored by the media, like his campaign was.
No, I believe it is time for John Edwards to take a stand and endorse a candidate, hopefully Obama. The longer he stays silent the more it lessens the impact of his endorsement and the priority of his fight against poverty. If Edwards endorses Obama it would go a long way in helping Obama in Pennsylvania.
But if Obama hasn’t met whatever requirement Edwards has for an endorsement, then there is no reason for him to do so. How much we want him to do it, or how much it would help Obama, really isn’t (and shouldn’t be) a factor.
I don’t think Bill Richardson had any requirements for his endorsement. If John Edwards has requirements for his endorsement, than I feel stupid to have supported John Edwards before he dropped out of the race. I think it is clear Obama will do more for those issues that JE cares about than Hillary.
Of course both of them have requirements. Everyone has requirements. Why else would you endorse somebody? If you don’t have any requirements there would be no point in picking one over the other. It doesn’t mean that you’re saying “Hey, I’ll endorse you if you give me an ambassadorship”, it just means that the person has to have made enough of a commitment towards the causes you’re vested in.
As someone who was an Edwards supporter until he dropped out, and who still likes and admires him, I simply cannot fathom why one would be willing to trust his judgment enough to want him to be President but refuse to trust his judgment in endorsing someone in this already-over ridiculous horse race. It boggles my mind.
All, I’m saying is a person remembers people who help them out when their in jam/or need help. Like, Obama in Pennsylvania, think JE’s clout and influence in an Obama Administration would go much farther if JE would make an endorsement sooner than later.
I agree. I’m glad it pushed Richardson into taking action.
I’d like to see he and Chris Dodd campaign among the Pennsylvania Latino voters. But more importantly I’m glad to see Richardson respond to Obama’s speech by characterizing it as the opportunity to open a dialog on an important issue. The silence among the rest of the Democratic Party elite to respond to that invitation has been deafening.
Based on this alone I could see him as VP. (And truthfully I’m usually not too impressed by Richardson.)
Actually Down Goes Frazier out to be saved for a Gore or other top Democrat endorsement of Obama. Richardson is nice, but he’s not a knockout punch.
Here is the full email:
If one is to appreciate the tacticians within the Obama campaign, and their very clear crystal ball in predicting as far back as last summer which states Obama would win and with the margins (remember Tim R holding up the Obama analysis on MTP?) then the article the LAT is writing that Obama plans to be rolling out more endorsements running up to PA makes alot of sense
With his 3 speeches this week, the OR excitment at his stops there, complete with Richardson, the sheer #’s of new voters registering in PA and the prospect of more wise old party leaders endorsing, he’s demonstrating tactical genius that is jawdropping.