New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, the nation’s only Hispanic governor, is endorsing Sen. Barack Obama for president, calling him a “once-in-a- lifetime leader” who can unite the nation and restore America’s international leadership.
Guess watching that SuperBowl game with the Big Dog wasn’t enough to get an endorsement…
Right after Richardson dropped out, It’s been in the press, the Clintons worked this guy, and as you note CG, took him to Super Bowl. Clinton twisted his arm, reminded him how many cabinet posts he had in Bill’s administration.
But ya know I think that in the end, Bill Richardson could not be persuaded against Obama. Richardson related how in one of the debates Obama came to his aid …that Obama could have thrown him under the bus…he (Richardson) was not paying attention to the topic had been asked a question – went blank and Obama whispered in his ear…saving his hide.
Add the speech. Imho, the speech closed the deal.
At least Richardson stepped up to the plate. I’ve been wondering why party elders have been mum…leaving it to Mike Huckabee and John McCain to defend Obama and Wright.
Or is it just that the uber wealthy have no idea this is happening, and so someone needs to tell them?
In Seattle, sales at a long-established hardware store, Pacific Supply, are suddenly dipping. In Oklahoma City, couples planning their weddings are demonstrating uncustomary thrift, forgoing Dungeness crab and special linens. And in many cities, the registers at department stores like Nordstrom on the higher end and J. C. Penney in the middle are ringing less often.
With Wall Street caught in a credit crisis that has captured headlines, the forces assailing the economy are now spreading beyond areas hit hardest by the boom-turned-bust in real estate like California, Florida and Nevada. Now, the downturn is seeping into new parts of the country, to communities that seemed insulated only months ago.
Uh, NYT editors: we started noticing the emptiness of the mall parking lot on Friday nights weeks ago. Have you seen the number of big SUV parked with “For Sale” signs on them, with no on wanting to buy them? Or how about the McMansions with “For Rent” signs?
What signs of an economic pinch are you seeing around you?
THIMPU (Reuters) -The tiny and deeply traditional Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan takes a slightly nervous step into the modern world on Monday when it holds the first parliamentary elections in its history.
Its northern neighbour Tibet may be writhing in protest under Chinese rule, but Buddhist Bhutan, a nation of just 600,000 people, is making a different kind of history .
Bhutan’s fourth King, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, not only surrendered power without a struggle, he actually imposed democracy against the will of many of his subjects, before abdicating in favour of his Oxford-educated son in 2006.
“At first people were pleading with the king not to do this,” said Kinley Dorji, managing director of the state-owned newspaper Kuensel. “People were looking around at what is happening in South Asia and saying ‘no thank you’.”
“But His Majesty said you can’t leave such a small, vulnerable country in the hands of only one man, who was chosen by birth and not by merit.”
And, if you read on:
True, there are only two political parties, with almost identical manifestoes based on the present government’s latest five-year plan and what people call “His Majesty’s vision”.
Both promote Gross National Happiness (GNH), the king’s idea that traditions and the environment should not be sacrificed in the ruthless pursuit of economic growth.
The success of the US “surge” strategy in Iraq may be under threat as Sunni militia employed by the US to fight al-Qaida are warning of a national strike because they are not being paid regularly.
Leading members of the 80,000-strong Sahwa, or awakening, councils have said they will stop fighting unless payment of their $10 a day (£5) wage is resumed. The fighters are accusing the US military of using them to clear al-Qaida militants from dangerous areas and then abandoning them.
Improved security in Iraq in recent months has been attributed to a combination of the surge, the truce observed by Moqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi army, and the effectiveness and commitment of the councils, which are drawn from Sunni Arabs and probably the most significant factor, according to most analysts.
In his speech marking the fifth anniversary of the war George Bush highlighted the significance of what he called “the first large-scale Arab uprising against Osama bin Laden”. Iraq, he said, “has become the place where Arabs joined with Americans to drive al-Qaida out.”
But dozens of phone calls to Sahwa leaders reveal bitterness and anger. “We know the Americans are using us to do their dirty work and kill off the resistance for them and then we get nothing for it,” said Abu Abdul-Aziz, the head of the council in Abu Ghraib, where 500 men have already quit.
“The Americans got what they wanted. We purged al-Qaida for them and now people are saying why should we have any more deaths for the Americans. They have given us nothing.”
As the board of election in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, where Cleveland is located, launches an investigation into illegal crossover voting in the state’s 2008 presidential primary, a big open question remains unanswered: Will county officials go after the ringleaders of apparently illegal electioneering where thousands of Republican voters swore — under penalty of law — allegiance to the Democratic Party in order to vote for Hillary Clinton?
In case you missed it, Rush Limbaugh, the nation’s top-rated talk radio host, was urging Republicans in Texas and Ohio to skip their party’s primary on March 4 and instead cast a vote for Hillary Clinton in order to prolong the fight between her and Barack Obama. And that Tuesday, as media in both states reported, thousands of Republicans did just what Limbaugh and others had suggested — they changed parties to vote for Clinton.[.]
“I helped give Mrs. Clinton the biggest and happiest moment and night of the campaign season so far, maybe her life, and she tells me, “Be careful what you wish for, Rush”? Why, that sounds like a threat, does it not? I’ve got a Democrat presidential candidate threatening your host. Why, I am stunned! After all I did …”
While this all makes for great talk radio and sounds like fun, there is one catch: What Limbaugh encouraged Republican voters to do in Ohio was a fifth-degree felony in that state, punishable with a $2,500 fine and six to 12 months in jail. That is because in order to change party affiliation in Ohio, voters have to fill out a form swearing allegiance to that party’s principles “under penalty of election falsification.”
Limbaugh was complicity if he made no disclaimer to tell voters to be careful, to abide state and local laws.
a few months in the rebar hotel – just in time for the election cycle -( I vote ten months)- may help Rush snort sort out his head.
Thats really good news. When I read Steven D’s diary yesterday I was really discouraged. If I’m going to be given my marching orders from Rush Limbaugh then I’m going third party in November. We may be entering into an extended struggle in the Democratic party. Our nominees have been a forgone conclusion for a lot of years. But if this years elections signal a renewed importance in the primary system then changes must be made. This vote in either primary crap, or last minute switching crap has got to end. It s way too important for those kind of loopholes.
This isn’t confined to Republicans, wasn’t there a crossover Romney thing in Michigan earlier this year?
The exploitation of those living in shadow continues unabated
No problems so far, the immigration agent told the American citizen and his 22-year-old Colombian wife at her green card interview in December. After he stapled one of their wedding photos to her application for legal permanent residency, he had just one more question: What was her cell phone number?
The calls from the agent started three days later. He hinted, she said, at his power to derail her life and deport her relatives, alluding to a brush she had with the law before her marriage. He summoned her to a private meeting. And at noon on Dec. 21, in a parked car on Queens Boulevard, he named his price — not realizing that she was recording everything on the cell phone in her purse.
“I want sex,” he said on the recording. “One or two times. That’s all. You get your green card. You won’t have to see me anymore.” – linkage
Fox News’ very own anchors are speaking out — and walking off — over what they perceive to be “Obama-bashing” on their network.
This morning on “Fox and Friends,” Brian Kilmeade walked off the set after a dispute with his co-hosts Gretchen Carlson (she who celebrates deadly floods) and Steve Doocy over Obama’s comment that his grandmother is a “typical white person.” Kilmeade argued that the remark needed to be taken in context and eventually got so fed up with his co-hosts that he walked off set.
Later, “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace came on the show and railed against “Fox and Friends” for what he called “Obama-bashing.”
from the obscure headlines desk in our new, high tec urban office: click to enlarge
1. lets start with the tsa…keeping amerika safe…from what, l don’t know. but the intrepid folks watching over us in airports are a bit slow on the uptake when it comes to technology:
MacBook Air stumps TSA agents, owner misses flight
The suspiciously thin, port-free laptop sends airport security into a tizzy, until cooler heads prevail. Maybe it’s time for some tech briefings at the TSA, no?
On his blog, programmer Michael Nygard (by way of the Unofficial Apple Weblog) writes that during a recent trip through the airport, his solid-state MacBook Air stopped TSA agents–puzzled by its lack of rear-facing ports or a standard hard drive–in their tracks.
Nygard said the agents put him and his suspicious “device” in a holding cubicle as security staffers huddled nearby, looking at X-ray printouts of the sinister-looking Air and scratching their heads.
A younger TSA agent–who, apparently, was aware of Apple’s newest laptop–tried explaining to the group that the Air uses solid-state memory in place of a traditional hard drive. The senior staffer, however, was still reluctant to let it go: “New products on the market? They haven’t been TSA approved. Probably shouldn’t be permitted,” Nygard writes.
Finally, after booting up the Air and running a program, the agents let Nygard go, he said–but only after he’d missed his flight.
unofficially, something like; “Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these courageous couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds“…but don’t be messin’ with their junk mail:
Efforts to Block Junk Mail Slowed Postal Service Argues Against Registries to State Lawmakers
Chris Pearson, a state legislator in Vermont, had a sense that the people were with him when he proposed a bill last November to allow residents to block junk mail.
He got media attention, radio interview requests and e-mails from constituents eager to stop the credit card offers, furniture catalogues and store fliers that increasingly clog their mailboxes.
Then came the pushback from the postmasters, who told Pearson and other lawmakers that “standard” mail, the post office’s name for junk mail, has become the lifeblood of the U.S. Postal Service and that jobs depend on it.
“The post office and the business groups are pretty well-organized,” said Pearson, whose bill remains in a committee and has not been scheduled for a vote.
Barred by law from lobbying, the Postal Service is nonetheless trying to make its case before a growing number of state legislatures that are weighing bills to create Do Not Mail registries, which are similar to the popular National Do Not Call Registry.
. wapo
talk about misplaced priorities…ah well, at least you can still go HERE and do it yourself.
3.for all the stargazers out there, there’s some new [?] sites that’ll let you direct their telescopes to your favorite nebula and help you out:
Online Telescopes Serve the Stars to Interstellar Paparazzi
Urban astro-nerds, rejoice! The smog and lights of the city will obscure your view of the heavens no more. And your star photography will twinkle. Now you can go online to access high-quality scopes at dark-sky sites worldwide and order them to take photos for you — cheaply or for free, and at decent resolution. It may take some preparation, but even if the results aren’t exactly Hubble-icious, there’s something out-of-this-world about playing astronomer for a night.
endorses Obama: AP
Guess watching that SuperBowl game with the Big Dog wasn’t enough to get an endorsement…
Clintons lost a biggie.
Right after Richardson dropped out, It’s been in the press, the Clintons worked this guy, and as you note CG, took him to Super Bowl. Clinton twisted his arm, reminded him how many cabinet posts he had in Bill’s administration.
But ya know I think that in the end, Bill Richardson could not be persuaded against Obama. Richardson related how in one of the debates Obama came to his aid …that Obama could have thrown him under the bus…he (Richardson) was not paying attention to the topic had been asked a question – went blank and Obama whispered in his ear…saving his hide.
Add the speech. Imho, the speech closed the deal.
At least Richardson stepped up to the plate. I’ve been wondering why party elders have been mum…leaving it to Mike Huckabee and John McCain to defend Obama and Wright.
Obama ends the week on a high note.
Best news I heard in a long time.
thinks this is news? NYT
Or is it just that the uber wealthy have no idea this is happening, and so someone needs to tell them?
Uh, NYT editors: we started noticing the emptiness of the mall parking lot on Friday nights weeks ago. Have you seen the number of big SUV parked with “For Sale” signs on them, with no on wanting to buy them? Or how about the McMansions with “For Rent” signs?
What signs of an economic pinch are you seeing around you?
An uplifting story this morning:
King drags Bhutan into democracy and first elections
And, if you read on:
I like the idea of governing by principles that support GNH instead of GDP…
Sunni militia strike could derail US strategy against al-Qaida
Love It!!!
Will Rush Limbaugh Be Indicted for Voter Fraud?
Limbaugh was complicity if he made no disclaimer to tell voters to be careful, to abide state and local laws.
a few months in the rebar hotel – just in time for the election cycle -( I vote ten months)- may help Rush
snortsort out his head.Thats really good news. When I read Steven D’s diary yesterday I was really discouraged. If I’m going to be given my marching orders from Rush Limbaugh then I’m going third party in November. We may be entering into an extended struggle in the Democratic party. Our nominees have been a forgone conclusion for a lot of years. But if this years elections signal a renewed importance in the primary system then changes must be made. This vote in either primary crap, or last minute switching crap has got to end. It s way too important for those kind of loopholes.
This isn’t confined to Republicans, wasn’t there a crossover Romney thing in Michigan earlier this year?
The exploitation of those living in shadow continues unabated
nice to see someone got a picture of that sexual Predator.
seems the celestial choirs has sung, the heavens have opened up, end times is nigh.
Mayhem At Fox News: Anchor Walks Off Set, Wallace Rails Network For Obama-Bashing
with video
I call that a mutiny. About time.
I tried. Had to stop watching when the guy defending his behavior said “We’ve actually watched the complete sound bite three times.” Good for Brian.
This morning I was wondering what do Brian Williams, Brian Ross, Brian Lamb, and now Brian Kilmeade have in common?
It’s showbiz…. Let’s hope this signals a return of brains and integrity to broadcasting.
Everybody on TV should remember Jon Stewart saying “I’m not your monkey.”
click to enlarge
1. lets start with the tsa…keeping amerika safe…from what, l don’t know. but the intrepid folks watching over us in airports are a bit slow on the uptake when it comes to technology:
l feel better already, don’t you.
2. what’s the usps motto?
unofficially, something like; “Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these courageous couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds“…but don’t be messin’ with their junk mail:
talk about misplaced priorities…ah well, at least you can still go HERE and do it yourself.
3.for all the stargazers out there, there’s some new [?] sites that’ll let you direct their telescopes to your favorite nebula and help you out:
your basic blackhole time sink.
Nice dump.
Now I`m going to space out on your link.
Being a mac person, the first story cracks me up. I just love those TSA idiots.