Are you aware of any pundit that has appeared on your teevee to discuss Iraq in the last couple of months who actually opposed the war before it began?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
well, at least I see that Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island will be Face the Nation tomorrow to discuss Iraq. That makes one.
I was surprised the other morning when Joe Scarborough actually had Mica’s dad Zbigniew Brzezinski on the show, specifically to talk about him being absolutely right about Iraq from the start, quoting his predictions on the eve of the war. He got it all 100% right about what would likely happen. Joe and guest Tucker Carlson were just amazed, like he was the ONLY person who saw all of this coming because, in their minds, just about “everyone” in the country agreed with Bush at the time.
I don’t know if I’d call him a “pundit” though. Just a very wise man.
BTW, he also was asked about Hillary’s foreign policy “experience.” He laughed and said, essentially, that yes, she’s been on “trips” to 80 countries. By comparison, his travel agent has been on “trips” to over 150 countries, so who’s got more “experience?” A good laugh was had by all.
Good to know they’re all laughing at Clinton’s claims of experience. She’s no more or less experienced at foriegn policy than either Obama or McCain, which is about…zero. Unless you count voting for authorization (Clinton and McCain) or the continued funding (Clinton,McCain,Obama) of the American genocide against the Iraqis.
None of them has a leg to stand on when trying to claim some moral high ground. They all have blood on their hands.
What a fukken joke.
Oh wait,
I forgot to mention the bonafides they all share, with the possible exception of Obama, of flying into Baghdad on a military helicopter, wearing flak jackets and combat helmets and being whisked to the green zone unannounced to shake their bopny little American political fingers at the Iraqi “government” while dressing them down for not taking the lead in restoring their country’s financial, social, and global viability.
Yes, I’m doubled over in laughter!
Yeah, but Obama is pretending to have 35 years of “experience”. Hillary is.
Obama isn’t the one pretending to have foreign policy experience.
Clinton is essentially lying about hers.
In answer to your question, nope.
But I have to lift my jaw back into place. Lou Dobbs was saying we have an opportunity now and we should be talking about race. To some awful woman commentator who was saying “I wish we could go back to being colorblind” (when she clearly wasn’t herself) Dobbs said – it’s not just that, it’s about economic opportunity, other issues. He ended his show with this:
Not bad! If that’s the legacy of Obama’s speech – if enough commentators get that, maybe there is hope yet.
Lou Dobbs’ notion of “all of us” is pretty narrow. So, it’s/he’s/they’re pretty bad.
Oh my god. CNN is doing a show on “The Mystery of Jesus.” That is not news! This is some other channel’s material. Ugh!
It’s just a shame that Bill Richardson betrayed….
um. wait…. what?
betrayed as in Judas!
what does that make Bill?
never mind, he does have a cross to bear.
I answer:
I couldn’t agree more. (link)
has been “John Adams”.
He featured the documentary, “Body of War,” and has it pretty well covered on his front page. The documentary is the story of Tomas Young, a severely injured Iraq vet. Phil Donahue co-directed and his passion was reassuring.
Nothing shockingly new in the documentary for those who have Paid Attention since the drumbeats for war in Iraq were first sounded.
But it does highlight the fiction that everyone was for the war at the time. Nice focus on Byrd’s denouncement of the war vote and some other Congressional folks too. (The program replayed Hillary’s support but didn’t include any state by Obama.)
“The Tudors” is back on Showtime as well. Really good stuff.
I haven’t had a television since January 1, 1991. I was watching General Schwarzkopf (remember him?) lay down the law at a press conference when my television clonked out. What a way to start the new year!
It should be appropriate to mention Amy Goodman & Juan on Democracy Now.
requesting other news orgs not to imitate FOX. I was disappointed that it didn’t have individual comments. I was ready to slam the media for not even letting BBC lead the way. They have had several good pieces that you won’t see here. One was the tent city in CA and another was recently about Iraq. And there have been others of note as well. We have Bill Moyers and that is about the sum total of honest broadcasters. Forget Tweety, forget Timmeh.. KO is great but he has not done a great deal of digging, but he will use what WE dig up occasionally.