Anyone have suggestions for dealing with election fatigue?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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How about humor.
Read some classic fiction? Learn a foreign language? Take up art? Become a mad scientist and chortle with deranged glee as the fruits of your depraved research rampage unstoppably across the country, leaving naught but destruction and desolation in their wake? Become a notorious international detective, solving impossible mysteries and bringing murderous masterminds to justice? Put on a suit of bulletproof spandex and take to the rooftops to fight crime?
Heh heh . . . I bought myself a T-shirt at the science fiction convention I went to last weekend that says, in big dripping green letters on a black background,
It should go well with my other mad scientist accoutrements.
Love it!
Read “Blood Meridian.”
and staff and keep plugging away. At least that is what I am doing in Texas. LOL
I’m planning to go to Chicago for the weekend and shop. No time for tv or radio … or even blogs (gasp).
Maybe by the end of the weekend I’ll be weaned from election news. mmmmmmmmmm nah.
You should try it. You seem like a shopping kind of guy lolol!
Or I could keep reading about our Alabama senate candidate and our candidate for AL-02 endorsing the 40-year cycle of Godly action.
god works in mysterious ways … but I don’t think the Call will cure election fatigue.
+ 161,000 wow
great idea. 🙂
Don’t laugh, go rent DVD Paul McCartney in Red Square.
Even Putin shows up for the show
Bush and Easter Bunny
Maybe this news report from today will perk you up. Not as dramatic as the Jed Report’s trailer, but well done.
Pound on the
waroccupation!Not any suggestions that would be legal. YET.
here’s the right link
I just spent the last 4 days completely changing my blog and just about everything is working right. I was messing around with my etsy store, but figured that now that I kind of got a tiny toehold on this php nonsense and I’m understanding what goes where, I could probably rebuild my jewelry website without tears this time around. Maybe.
Wish me luck.
Treat your friends like shit. That works for everything else, right?
Let’s not bring Hillary into this.
Just to amend:
That was a (not as private as it one might hope) joke that I hope Marty understands. It was stupid of me to try to make it, especially since it’s not particularly funny in the ha ha sense. My various worlds are colliding and I’m feeling stupid. I’m too tired to remember how to delete my comments here, otherwise I would. Whatever. Just a bit of meta for the freaks to read too much in to.
>>I’m too tired to remember how to delete my comments here, otherwise I would.
Ah, fatherhood!
Play the banjo. Like Steve Martin says, no one can be unhappy if they’re playing the banjo!
If only I could, Omir. A dozen or so years ago I came down with repetitive stress in both of my hands (from sorting and delivering mail, not from too much guitar-playing). Playing guitar and writing songs were the things that could lift me out of mess of work, union politics, marital disputes and even politics. There is something about the relationship between fingers and wood that frees the mind and heart from the shackles of the world.
Since then I’ve been trying to make a reconnection with making music that’s easy on the fingers and heavy on the meditation I used to get from playing.
Guinness and Marlboro Menthols usually work for me. And Louis Black stand-up.
Baseball season is getting close…
Actually I forgot – The Red Sox and the A’s are playing in Japan this morning.
Not if you’re a Giants fan.
Call your doctor immediately. Oh wait, nevermind. I thought you said eRECtion fatigue.
Do they have something for Reptile Disfunction?
That has something to do with the GOP, right?
I worked up the garden last weekend. It had dried out just enough from the heavy rains here last week to turn things over. Planted onion sets and garlic. Will be getting a variety of greens in soon. Also beans and peas should be in the ground before long. Then on to tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers after the last frost.
Still waiting for the asparagus to peek out. Warmer days will take care of that real soon. Fresh picked asparagus, it gets no better than that.
Like my 93 year old grandma says, “Gardening tills my soul”.
All I need now is some warmer evenings to sit out on the porch and play the guitar. My election fatigue therapy will then be complete.
Go hiking for a couple days. Take a travel flask if need be.
Rototill the garden
Hit the tennis court and smash some balls
Go for a hike
Caulk the bathtub
Break out the kayak
Make chocolate cake
Take a bike ride
sounds like a honey-do list to me. 😉
In no particular order:
10.ESPN. God, I love ESPN. Escapist fare done intelligently.
Oh, you said election. My bad…