Here’s a fascinating tidbit from the Las Vegas Review Journal.
While Democrats across the country are anguished about the bitter fight for their presidential nomination, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid doesn’t appear to be losing any sleep over it.
Asked about it last week, Reid said he remains convinced the nominee will be decided well before the August national convention. He wore a serene and mysterious smile.
But Reid isn’t one for lengthy explanations. The conversation went like this:
Question: Do you still think the Democratic race can be resolved before the convention?
Reid: Easy.
Q: How is that?
Reid: It will be done.
Q: It just will?
Reid: Yep.
Q: Magically?
Reid: No, it will be done. I had a conversation with Governor Dean (Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean) today. Things are being done.
That’s all the Nevada Democrat would say about it.
[Hat tip to Hope08]
I’d like to see a little more evidence that something is being done, but it’s encouraging to see Sen. Reid join Speaker Pelosi and Governor Richardson in suggesting we wrap this slugfest up.
So the Clintons have successfully held the party hostage and are dealing to end it.
I wonder what buy out they’ll receive in exchange for ‘only’ beating the party up to the point that McCain has drawn ahead, instead of totally destroying it?
Golden Shithead Awards? UN Ambassadorships? Committee Chair? VP? Supreme Court for BOTH?
Reid’s son is a Hillary promoter…so Reid’s smile doesn’t give me any comfort. Pelosi’s thumb is on the scale weighing in Obama’s favor. I can only hope Howard Dean’s pinky is with Pelosi’s thumb since his state went Obama.
Just saying, since it’s likely the MI and FL delegates being seated and or resolution of their vote will go to the rules committee; – from what I’ve read, the committee is dominated by persons from Clinton’s Administration.
Given how many times Reid has screwed us all, I take no comfort in this either. Remember the FISA gfight, and his non-honoring of Dodd’s hold? His allowing the immunity bill to come to the floor? The Gang of Fourteen and Alito? Shall I go on?
And I’ve picked up on this via Ben Smith on the idea of a plan being floated for a super-delegate mini-convention
Plan for superdelegate ‘mini-convention’ seeks to end Democrats’ internal warfare
Yes, Reid’s son Rory Reid was actually chairman of Hillary’s campaign in Nevada.
On the other hand, as the link points out, this put Reid in an awkward position, so he had to be very diplomatic.
I don’t trust Reid any further than I can throw him, but it’s not clear to me what to make of his hint …
As Cabin Girl and others point out, this isn’t necessarily encouraging.
reid hasn’t been a progressive’s ally, and I see no reason why he wouldn’t be workign behind the scenes in support of clintoon.
On the other hand, if they simply end the process and declare Clinton the winner, they’ll have lost the election in November. That might be fine for Clinton (she’s almost certainly made a deal with McCain for advantageous treatment in exchange for tearing down Obama), but the Democrats stand to lose a lot of Senate seats without Obama on the ticket. So what we’re really asking here is not whether Reid’s an ally to progressives, but how stupid he is. Is he smart enough to realize where his self-interest lies or is he, like most Clinton supporters, blinded by personal loyalty and dreams of the “good old days”, when Bill was doing his best to hand the Republicans as much power as he could?
The only encouraging thing about Reid at this point is that he wants to continue to be Majority Leader.
If he wants to continue being ML, then he must be encouraged to act in his own self-interest.
It is one thing to be a Clinton supporter, and quite another to insist that the party give her the nomination given her current standing. I know a lot of the hard-core inner circle are living in the alternate universe where such a thing is possible, but I would venture a guess that most folks out there aren’t.
could be election fatique.
Sullivan leads us here:
You Know It’s bad for Clinton…when even Taylor Marsh says she blew it.
I’m sure the folks at no quarter are still hanging tough though… đŸ˜‰
The Hill reports the Clinton camp is in lockdown mode over the Bosnia flap
has to be embarrassing.
it’s rather telling that hillary has developed, what can be kindly called, an honesty gap. from a recent gallop poll:
click to enlarge
and bs like this certainly don’t help:
after 7+ years of lies and more lies from BushCo™; a lackluster…another kindness… preformance by the demoRAT’s in congress since the midterms, discounting the house’s recently discovered vestige of a spine re: FISA…l think people in general, and voters in specific, are not predisposed to take any more of it…regardess the source.
Hillary wanted to block Nixon impeachment!
Oh that Goldwater girl she is sumthin!
Well, all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing, and at least he is speaking up now.
It appears that she could have given Cheney lessons in non-transparency with the way she moved those files out of public view.
We might also see some of how she forged her aspirations of dynasty with the Kennedy association.
The Senator is a major part of the problem! The man has squandered just about any goodwill I was willing to extend to him.
I don’t care who wins…Obama, Clinton or maybe Gore. (Hear that distant rumbling? It’s the giant Senator’s ego and belly beginning to make waves.)
For whom the fix tolls?
It tolls for the winner.
Bet on it.
The will of the people?
Give me a BREAK!!!
If “the people” were to be told the ongoing truth of the matter, NONE ‘a these motherfuckers would win and there would be political lynchings going on up and down Pennsylvania Avenue.
Can’t have THAT, right?
Who’d close the deals?
The fix?
It’s what”s for dinner.
Wake the fuck up.
He’s from LAS VEGAS, fer chrissake!!!
Where the fix is legal.
He cannot possibly be straight and still have succeeded in Nevada. Las Vegas is still owned by the mob. They have just cleaned up their act and hired some PR people. It was most certainly owned by it in the ’60s and ’70s when Reid came up. i worked in Vegas then and saw it from the inside. Rotten through and through. And so is he.
Bet on it.
That “serene and mysterious smile?”
I got yer serene and mysterious smile.
Right HERE!!!
Carmine DeSapio. Possibly one of the greatest fixers of all time, the last head of NYC’s Tammany Hall.
The smile of a cheating winner.
Someone who knows that however things turn out it will be the way that he wants them to turn out.
Bet on it.