Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
yep. Thus the need for the blogosphere. It used to be our media masters totally controlled the process. Now they only partially control it. Ask George Allen. Or Conrad Burns.
And the more the blogosphere and its readers reach out to normal people and talk with them about the truth, the more irrelevant the mainstream media will become.
The story was on the teevee news last night and this morning.
It’s a made for teevee story – because it has pictures!
I liked the CBS report best where the guy from Politico said it shows that a lot of her so-called experience exists only in her imagination. That’s a clip just made for another youtube composite story.
You want to see candidate damage? It’s not the Reverend Wright flap that’s supposedly “destroyed” Obama; that’ll be forgotten in a matter of weeks. It’s this. This is a direct and permanent mar on Clinton’s credibility. Not only does it defeat her main strength – her supposed experience – but it tars her with the brush of “Clinton lies”, reminding people of her husband’s worst moments. Clinton has made herself un-electable. As I said over a month ago: there is no path for her to the White House. She cannot win. She can only prevent Obama from winning.
Four people have come into my office this morning to say that they saw it on teevee and that they think this really hurts her. None of them read blogs but I had sent them the youtube yesterday.
Of course none of them like Hillary to begin with, even the Democrats. But one of the Republicans, who last week was on a big Rev. Wright binge asking how Obama could have stayed at a church with such a man in charge, today said this was far worse. I asked why and he said because of course everyone understood that Obama, for political reasons, couldn’t have left his church. He would have had no future in Chicago politics if he’d walked out of a church that was a base of the black community. But this, THIS, was just political stupidity on the part of Hillary. That’s why it was worse.
I found it very amusing on one hand (since I don’t take Republicans very seriously on the subject of the Democratic primary) but I also thought it was telling that his Hillary hatred and her untruths pushed him into admitting the whole Wright situation was nonsense.
And then we all stood around and imagined her on the stage with John McCain trying to push her experience. After this. The Republican was delighted at the idea. We Dems – not so much.
that won’t slow her. She continues to lie, distort, in a state of denial.
now that CBS showed footage of her calmly walking the tarmac with Chelsea, being greeted by dignits and a child, she only mis-spoke.
Hopeful, Obama’s campaign may have caught the CBS Monday clip.
here’s where I get pissed at party elders, super-delegates who hide behind that “neutral wall” made of straw. 150 of uncommitted and committed need to step forward to put a stop to this talk:
HRC: “I just don’t think this is over yet, and I don’t think that it is smart for us to take a position that might disadvantage us in November. And also remember that pledged delegates in most states are not pledged. You know, there is no requirement that anybody vote for anybody. They’re just like superdelegates.”
Carpetbagger observes:
The point, though, is that it feeds the perception of “stealing” votes — voters participated in primaries and caucuses, chose delegates to represent their preference, and now one campaign might try to undo the primary and caucus results by targeting pledged delegates. If this is the strategy, Clinton is, in effect, saying she wants the delegates from the states she won and the delegates from the states she lost. If you’re a Clinton backer, you might like this fighting spirit. If not, it seems like an underhanded way of sowing division and undermining the party.
As Isaac Chotiner recently noted:
“The strategy here seems completely mystifying. It’s simply impossible to imagine that Clinton will get elected delegates to switch to her (the outcry would be enormous, obviously), and yet her campaign is intent on pushing the idea (Harold Ickes said something similar last week). All this ensures is that the media will run a lot stories about a dirty campaign intent on stealing the election. Given that the Clintonites are going to need some good will in July (if in fact they want to garner a delegate majority through superdelegates), the logic of this ploy eludes me.”
For all I know, this is just a coincidence. Clinton and Ickes weren’t hinting, and the fact that this keeps coming up is not indicative of an actual strategy at all. For that matter, it’s equally possible that the Clinton campaign is simply trying to create more uncertainty about the process (in other words, “Note to superdelegates: don’t commit now; anything can still happen”) and won’t follow through.[.]
(my emphasis)
A few weeks ago I read (Matt Ambinder Ben Smith) HRC stays in the race as long as the uncertainity remains. The super-Ds could end this by stepping forward. Read the polls. McCain is the beneficiary.
I wonder… Have we hit the real reason why Clinton’s staying in? After all, she’s said that she thinks McCain would be a better President than Obama. (Says a lot about her much-vaunted “positions” and “plans” right there!) Several of her high-level campaign staff (notably Mark Penn) are employed by companies that have also hired out campaign staff to McCain. Is it possible that she’s not trying to get the Democratic nomination, but merely acting as a spoiler for McCain in exchange for promised positions of power under his Presidency?
I wouldn’t be surprised if Hillary joined Lieberman out the door. She’s no Democrat, has yet to show me she’s willing to set aside her self interests for the party’s unity.
for the definition of “sniperfire” is…lol. What a waste of money. She is as bad as Bill. I never cared that he got a bj, I just cared that he lied about “it”.
Last week, an important Clinton adviser told Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen (also of Politico) that Clinton had no more than a 10 percent chance of getting the nomination. Now, she’s probably down to a 5 percent chance.
Five percent.
Let’s take a look at what she’s going to put her party through for the sake of that 5 percent chance: The Democratic Party is probably going to have to endure another three months of daily sniping. For another three months, we’ll have the Carvilles likening the Obamaites to Judas and former generals accusing Clintonites of McCarthyism. For three months, we’ll have the daily round of résumé padding and sulfurous conference calls. We’ll have campaign aides blurting “blue dress” and only-because-he’s-black references as they let slip their private contempt.
For three more months, Clinton is likely to hurt Obama even more against McCain, without hurting him against herself. And all this is happening so she can preserve that 5 percent chance.
When you step back and think about it, she is amazing. She possesses the audacity of hopelessness.
Why does she go on like this? Does Clinton privately believe that Obama is so incompetent that only she can deliver the policies they both support? Is she simply selfish, and willing to put her party through agony for the sake of her slender chance? Are leading Democrats so narcissistic that they would create bitter stagnation even if they were granted one-party rule?
Why does she go on? Because she’s a delusional, divisive liar whose whole reason for being would finally be in turmoil. We have endured seven long years of spoiled-brat entitlement. Enough. Please God, enough.
I can just hear comments from the McCain camp about her credibility as CiC when she lied about being in harms way when we have 160K in harms way in Iraq alone. Meanwhile, McCain was actually shot down and is a decorated was hero who never brags about it.
So she lies once.
She wasn’t the first Clinton to go there
There was no sniper threat
There is video evidence to the contrary and she gets called on it.
She repeats the lie about running to the cars
She thinks a slow big ass C17 was used because of its ability to evade incoming fire.
And I’m still not finding any mention of this in the Star Ledger, or my usual MSM RSS feeds.
yep. Thus the need for the blogosphere. It used to be our media masters totally controlled the process. Now they only partially control it. Ask George Allen. Or Conrad Burns.
And the more the blogosphere and its readers reach out to normal people and talk with them about the truth, the more irrelevant the mainstream media will become.
The story was on the teevee news last night and this morning.
It’s a made for teevee story – because it has pictures!
I liked the CBS report best where the guy from Politico said it shows that a lot of her so-called experience exists only in her imagination. That’s a clip just made for another youtube composite story.
I saw it on the teevee this morning too, but with the 4-Pinocchio rating mentioned.
You want to see candidate damage? It’s not the Reverend Wright flap that’s supposedly “destroyed” Obama; that’ll be forgotten in a matter of weeks. It’s this. This is a direct and permanent mar on Clinton’s credibility. Not only does it defeat her main strength – her supposed experience – but it tars her with the brush of “Clinton lies”, reminding people of her husband’s worst moments. Clinton has made herself un-electable. As I said over a month ago: there is no path for her to the White House. She cannot win. She can only prevent Obama from winning.
Four people have come into my office this morning to say that they saw it on teevee and that they think this really hurts her. None of them read blogs but I had sent them the youtube yesterday.
Of course none of them like Hillary to begin with, even the Democrats. But one of the Republicans, who last week was on a big Rev. Wright binge asking how Obama could have stayed at a church with such a man in charge, today said this was far worse. I asked why and he said because of course everyone understood that Obama, for political reasons, couldn’t have left his church. He would have had no future in Chicago politics if he’d walked out of a church that was a base of the black community. But this, THIS, was just political stupidity on the part of Hillary. That’s why it was worse.
I found it very amusing on one hand (since I don’t take Republicans very seriously on the subject of the Democratic primary) but I also thought it was telling that his Hillary hatred and her untruths pushed him into admitting the whole Wright situation was nonsense.
And then we all stood around and imagined her on the stage with John McCain trying to push her experience. After this. The Republican was delighted at the idea. We Dems – not so much.
This isn’t her first lie. It’s just one more in a pattern of lies.
I mean, really. Who would have stayed married to Bill Clinton unless they had a high tolerance for lies?
She thinks a slow big ass C17 was used because of its ability to evade incoming fire.
Rethugs would use this as still more proof that she’s not ready to be CiC…all those years in the WH, and she doesn’t know this? Seriously, they would.
We’ve all heard worse, with less.
If it makes you feel any better, it made the news tonight in Taiwan. I don’t know what they said about it, but it was about a 1-2 minute segment.
that won’t slow her. She continues to lie, distort, in a state of denial.
now that CBS showed footage of her calmly walking the tarmac with Chelsea, being greeted by dignits and a child, she only mis-spoke.
Hopeful, Obama’s campaign may have caught the CBS Monday clip.
here’s where I get pissed at party elders, super-delegates who hide behind that “neutral wall” made of straw. 150 of uncommitted and committed need to step forward to put a stop to this talk:
A few weeks ago I read (Matt Ambinder Ben Smith) HRC stays in the race as long as the uncertainity remains. The super-Ds could end this by stepping forward. Read the polls. McCain is the beneficiary.
I wonder… Have we hit the real reason why Clinton’s staying in? After all, she’s said that she thinks McCain would be a better President than Obama. (Says a lot about her much-vaunted “positions” and “plans” right there!) Several of her high-level campaign staff (notably Mark Penn) are employed by companies that have also hired out campaign staff to McCain. Is it possible that she’s not trying to get the Democratic nomination, but merely acting as a spoiler for McCain in exchange for promised positions of power under his Presidency?
I wouldn’t be surprised if Hillary joined Lieberman out the door. She’s no Democrat, has yet to show me she’s willing to set aside her self interests for the party’s unity.
Jed Report is at it again. Clinton ‘mis-spoke’ the same way also in February. See video:
for the definition of “sniperfire” is…lol. What a waste of money. She is as bad as Bill. I never cared that he got a bj, I just cared that he lied about “it”.
…or is David Brooks actually making sense?
I mean, consider the source and all, but still:
Why does she go on? Because she’s a delusional, divisive liar whose whole reason for being would finally be in turmoil. We have endured seven long years of spoiled-brat entitlement. Enough. Please God, enough.
I can just hear comments from the McCain camp about her credibility as CiC when she lied about being in harms way when we have 160K in harms way in Iraq alone. Meanwhile, McCain was actually shot down and is a decorated was hero who never brags about it.
Swiftboats will seem mild.