A new Gallup poll came out this morning showing that if Hillary Clinton does not get the nomination for the Democratic party, nearly 30% of them, (28%) say they will vote for John Mc.Cain this November. The poll also suggests that only 60% of Clinton supporters will vote for Obama this fall.
On the other hand, 19% of Obama supporters say that if Clinton is the nominee, they will vote for Mc.Cain in the fall. also 72% of Obama supporters will vote for Clinton this November.
What this tells me that there are a lot more Clinton supporters that will ultimately be pissed off enough to vote Mc.Cain if Obama gets the nomination. Now I know a good portion of these people will come back to the Democrats this November, but enough of them could tip the balance over to Mc.Cain.
Now, I have no wish to see Mc.Cain as president, but I also have no wish to see Obama as president either. But just think, if only half of those Clinton supporters carry through with their threat to vote for Mc.Cain, combined with other factors like Nader, and people so disgusted with politics, just staying home, and not voting Obama, you could very easily see John Mc.Geezer as president.
< Gasp! > Now I’ll have to go and withdraw my endorsement for Senator Obama. I hate when that happens.
one solution..both Obama and Clinton pledge their delegates to John Edwards and they promise to get along.
That’s what I’m hoping for. A compromise that puts Edwards as the candidate.
yup, and I weigh what I did when I graduated from high school.
don’t do anything rash just yet b2. rumour, anecdotal evidence, and informal polling has it that 92%…MOE ±8%…of lieberman supporters will vote for mccain over anyone.
proof of just how low and divisive her campaign is and has been…which is as good a descriptor of the clinton’s as any: has beens.
Ecm, old buddy! Where ya been?
CB, I’ve been around. I laid off politics for a while, but the 2008 election is coming, so it’s time to rattle the cages again.
Because the parties have very different ideas of what constitutes a massive problem.
So 30% of Clinton supporters are dumber than catshit.
But I thought we had to support Her Majesty if she became the nominee? We have to preserve Roe, right?
How ironic that the fear-mongering, hate-mongering and many, many temper tantrums of groups like N.O.W. and Planned Parenthood might result in defeat of what I always understood to be the most important issue to them.
Powerful stupid.
So now you give me another plus on the Obama side. There must be something wrong with Clinton if her supporters think well of McCain.
I react very poorly to arm twisting.
Well, Hillary has spent an awful lot of time talking up McCain as better qualified than Obama. Maybe her supporters believe her.
That’s the shorter version.
What is the fucking point of diaries like this?
The leader of a party is one person. You vote for the leader because you support the party. The leader is not the party – that is called a cult of personality. The leader is considered an important figure, but the Party is the component you vote for. We need to remember this.
The Democratic Party stands for my political views. Thus, I will vote for the Democrat. Mr. Obama is the better leader.
Two comments. (I just re-watched Cold Mountain the other day and have a crush on Renee Zellweger)