Bill Clinton on the state of the campaign for the Democratic nomination:
” . . . If a politician doesn’t wanna get beat up, he shouldn’t run for office. If a football player doesn’t want to get tackled or want the risk of an a occasional clip he shouldn’t put the pads on.”
Clinton also had a word to say about all the surrogates of both his wife’s and Sen. Barack Obama’s campaigns whom had been ejected, including former Obama campaign adviser Samantha Power, and former Clinton campaign finance committee member Geraldine Ferraro.
“I don’t think any of these people oughta be asked to resign,” said the former president. “All these guys that say bad things about any other campaign, they say should they resign? My answer is no, they’re repeating the party line. They oughta stay right where they are.
“Let’s just saddle up and have an argument,” he continued. “What’s the matter with that? That’s what America’s about, right?
“All this moaning and groaning — none of these politicians are gonna have anything like the tough time half the people in this audience have already had for the last seven years. This is about you. Don’t you let anybody take this election away from you.”
Shorter Big Dog: Get ready for 4 more months of mudslinging, smears and slime because that’s the way Hillary can win.
Update [2008-3-26 17:11:16 by BooMan]: Sign the petition.
Since we know Bill’s a personal and political whore, can he tell us how often he’s pimped his connections to dictators for cash? How much of it has been pumped into your wife’s desperate race for your 3rd term?
Hope Bill’s suited up…
Oooh oooh Mr. The Big Dog Sir, why are your wife’s major donors blackmailing Nancy Pelosi to support Hillary or else?
Scorched Earth for the loss.
Maybe we need a new party.
no, we just have to take our party back from the fools that have been running it?
We could just follow Gravelmania to the Libertarian Party.
After all, a party without Gravelmania is a party not worth having.
The funny thing? I bet that if Obama put his network to work for other candidates, they’d outraise the total contributions of these loons several times over. Anyone who bows to this kind of pressure is clearly a fool.
UPDATE 5:31 PM: This statement was issued by the Obama campaign:
“This letter is inappropriate and we hope the Clinton campaign will reject the insinuation contained in it. Regardless of the outcome of the nomination fight, Senator Obama will continue to urge his supporters to assist Speaker Pelosi in her efforts to maintain and build a working majority in the House of Representatives,” said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton.
Speaks for itself.
Didn’t Nancy Pelosi spank Jane Harman for trying to strong arm her?
Hillary better watch out.
I get a little perturbed when I see ‘fake outrage arguments’ — for lack of a better term. Let me explain; the usual technique is to express outrage at a statement that hasn’t been made. In this sense, it’s a strawman technique, and it’s often accompanied by considerable posturing to embellish the performance.
Pelosi’s statement regarding surperdelegates overturning the election results, reflected by the pledged delegates, is a comment on fairness. Pelosi isn’t telling superdelegates how to vote. Therefore, there isn’t anything particularly controversial about Pelosi’s statement.
So what exactly are these supporters upset about? The comment about “independent” actions — and thus the implication that Pelosi has somehow suggested that they aren’t independent — reveals the key term. The Clinton campaign has tried to sell us on the electability claim, and needs to create a logical foundation for a scenario in which superdelegates would be acting in a legitimate fashion by giving their votes to Clinton.
The problem — of course — is that nobody really believes that it would be legitimate for the superdelegates to overturn the election results. Moreover, the posturing about independence is an attempt to create the impression that the superdelegates’ actions would justified.
Arguments of this type aren’t particularly persuasive. Delegates aren’t bound, and we know that. It’s quite another matter to suggest to delegates that they should be ignoring their pledge. The “good conscience” rule, which applies to pledged delegates, stipulates the expectations placed on delegates. Superdelegates aren’t obligated in any way, but there are still expectations regarding their actions. Although free to act, they carry with them the responsibility to exercise wise judgment. Ignoring the election results would generally be considered poor judgment.
One added comment — what’s remarkable about the arguments coming from the Clinton campaign is how often they’ve directed the charge of “un-democratic” at democratic institutions, only to suggest in turn that delegates should behave in an undemocratic fashion.
Time really stopped in the 1990’s for this shithead, didn’t it? The pre-Rove GOP shredded him while he was president, a popular president no less. What the heck does he think is going to happen if his not-very-well-liked wife, as a mere candidate, goes up against the GOP media machine?
Hillary likes to claim she’s been through the worst they can dish out — kind of like her bogus landing under fire in Bosnia — but the truth is that the GOP really didn’t focus much fire on her during Bill’s presidency. After the health care debacle, Hillary was a sideshow at best, largely untouchable later on as the wronged wife.
There’s a reason that the GOP is salivating over another Clinton candidacy, and Rush Limbaugh is urging his minions to cross the aisle to support Hillary in the primaries. It’s because the Clintons are a cornucopia of dirt and self-inflicted injuries. They are clowns next to whom a doddering old nutjob like John McCain will look good.
They are not going to voluntarily go away, no one will talk them into it. The one thing coming out of her mouth I do believe is that she will stick with it through the summer. Supers could flock to him, to the point of reaching the magic number before the convention and they’ll still be trying to flip them.
Dealt another blow
Federal judge: Michigan’s presidential primary law unconstitutional
leave the Clintons in the cesspool where they’ve sunk.
it’s desperation time.
this will back fire.
count on it.
since last summer I’ve been writing: Hillary’s campaign will implode and if by fluke she gets the nomination, she will not win the general election.
The Clintons must be defeated.
The trouble is I think she wants Obama to lose the general.
So she can run against McCain in 2012?
You bet your ass.
I used to think that… But after reading about the “theology” of her “prayer group”/cult/revolutionary theocratic conspiracy, I’m starting to wonder if she’s just trying to hang in long enough for the “Jesus magic” to kick in and boost her up into the position of power she believes God has ordained for her. It seems to match the pattern of past power grabs by the Family, where their network of connections has been sufficient to get them whatever they want. Unfortunately, Obama’s out-networked them. Very sad.
BTW STeven D, Chris Bowers has endorsed Obama.
The Karma gods and time charts are against Hillary. Obama will be president.
throwing the kitchen sink was not effective. throwing the cess poop won’t do it either for them. It’ll back fire.
“That the Clinton family would dignify the American Spectator, of all publications, is astonishing to anyone who was alive in the 1990s.” – James Fallows, The Atlantic. Fallows now lives 12 time zones away, in China.
Great idea—let’s get into a squirting contest with a skunk.
Samantha Powers goes on the offense:
“What I was saying is that you have to take into account what the generals on the ground are telling you,” Power told the room of several hundred undergraduate and graduate students. “Take for example that 3 am phone call [from Clinton’s campaign commercial]… She is not going to answer the phone and play a voicemail she recorded in 2007. That is crazy. She is going to judge the situation in 2009. Of course she is going to take into account what the generals have to say about the Iraq situation and what they are saying on the ground.”
THe complete article with a hint at her return is on
Shut up, Bill.
A reader of Josh Marshall made this observation about the Clinton’s and their distorted sense of priorities as Democrats. Well, supposed Democrats. I found it interesting.
And with this revolting development this week—
Can an big bear hug embrace of this guy be far behind?

What’s wrong with that?
What’s wrong with that is that Obama signed up for an argument, but they just want to bury him in abuse. Fortunately, they more they try to slime him, the better his judgment and credibility looks than hers. If it were only about continued debates and late primary voters getting a chance to pull the lever, it wouldn’t be an issue. The problem is the Clinton’s deathmatch style may damage the party and alienate key voting groups in the long run.
hey Boo i think you left out the kicker.
The Big Firehhydrant Hunter said: “The only thing that matters is, what happens to you?” said Mr. Clinton. “That’s all that matters. If a politician doesn’t wanna get beat up, he shouldn’t run for office. If a football player doesn’t want to get tackled or want the risk of an a occasional clip he shouldn’t put the pads on.”
get that? ethical principle Clinton style: what happens to me is the only concern….me ….me …me.